
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

A New Nakama


"Urouge, good job. You've already won the fight, you can go back and wait for me with the others" I said to him, he only smiled and proceeded to leave.

I changed my attention to Moria who was lying on the ground.

"What do you say?" I asked him seriously while pointing the tip of my sword at his neck.

"You want to take down Kaido?" He looked at me in outrage "That monster isn't someone who can be defeated by the likes of you-No he can't be defeated that guy…That guy-"

"Man shut up" I said glaring at him "He can't be defeated?...Who gets to say that?"

"It's because you haven't face him!...Huff…Huff" He shouted at me while panting heavily "Nobody can injure him, that monster has an indestructible body!"

"You're making me sick" I said looking down at him before my fist turned pitch black, and I proceeded to punch him in the face "Wake up to reality!".


"Aggghhh!!-" Blood started dripping from his broken nose and mouth "You…bas-tard!".

"Do you think Roger conquered this sea with that kind of mentality?!" I shouted at him while grabbing him from his collar, before I started raining him down with punches "Tell me…What do you really want?"

"…" He looked at me in hostility while clenching his teeth. He didn't utter a word.

"Do you really want to go back to Paradise?...You know deep down that it means giving up on your dreams and your revenge"


"No answerer huh? As I thought, this is a waste of time" I said in disappointment and then proceeded to turn back and walked away.


"Hmm?" I stopped when I heard his voice and slightly turned my head.

"You're right, What I really want is to take my revenge on Kaido!...After that, I want to find the One Piece!" He declared loudly while slowly trying to get on his feet "I still remember that day very clearly, the day Roger was executed"

"When I heard his final words, I never felt so excited like that in my life" He said before he looked at me with a determined face "I don't know how strong you are, but if you can show me that you have what it takes to beat him, then I'll be your nakama!"

"*Smile*…You can leave if you deem me unworthy" I said with a grin.

"Then show me Demon, if you're just a big talk or if you really mean it" he said while standing tall Infront of me, he was at least six meters, roughly the same height as Kaido.

When I turned my gaze from him and looked at the surrounding, I saw a lot of weapons, gunpowder and cannon balls 'This is the armory' I thought, as I looked around, before my eyes fell upon a majestic sword.

It has a black sheath, decorated with dark red circles split into even thirds.

"Shusui…I'll be taking this" I proceeded to unsheathe it and took a closer look at the black blade that has a distinct reddish-purple reverse wave hardening line 'Perfect!'.

"I went through a lot of trouble to get it. You can't just take it like that!"

"It's too small for you anyway, you can't use it" I proceeded to hang it on my belt, and looked around further until I saw a giant sword lying on the back "This must be yours?" I threw the sword to him "We will start by making you remember how to use that…let's refresh your memory"

"You…Don't underestimate me!" He said, then came charging at me and swung his sword downwards. I quickly unsheathed mine and blocked his attack.


We kept exchanging blows, I didn't use Haki nor my devil fruit power, it was pure physical clash.

"Good, you still remember how to use it correctly. But your attacks are so slow, your physique is holding you back" I said, while I easily disarmed him "You need to lose weight and start training your body"

"Damn it!..." He cursed out loud while he was looking at me in anger "You're toying with me"

"When you were sleeping, I was training" I stated, then proceeded to jump up to the ship's deck "I'll be waiting for you in the island" I informed him, after that I proceeded to go back to my ship.

"You're back" Calvin approached me "What are we going to do with him?"

"He's joining us" I stated.

"He's joining right after taking all that beating? It's sounds a little fishy to me" he said.

"Don't worry about that, I got him in check"

"If you say so" After we finished talking, we proceeded to move the ship near the island and landed. Everyone used their umbrellas to protect themselves from the lightning, except for Enel who didn't need one.

"Enel, can't you absorb the lightning or something?" Urouge asked him.

"I don't know, I never tried"

"It should be possible" I stated, he should be able to manipulate the lightning outside of his body to a certain extent like Crocodile did in the desert, he should also be able to mix his lightning with the natural one to have more control over it. Which is what he did when a lightning bolt struck near us.

"You guys go ahead. I'll catch up to you later" I ordered everyone to go search for a safe place in the island while I waited for Moria.

A few minutes later his ship started moving towards the island before it stopped near me.

"How the hell am I going to land here?!" He shouted at my direction while carefully standing his ship's deck.


"Come on don't be a pussy!"

"Do you want me to burn to death?!"

"Nah, don't worry" I said, while carrying my umbrella "It might help you burn some fat though"

"That Umbrella seem to be protecting you from the lightning, give it to me!" He said before a lightning bolt struck near him "Damn it! This is ridiculous!".

"This will be a good way to get those legs moving and train your agility" I informed him.

"What nonsense are you blabbering?"

"You're pretty durable so you won't die instantly" I stated before I used Soru and Geppo to fly behind him and kicked him out of the ship into the island "My crew is already deep inside the island, if you can catch up to them, you might be able to take cover and be safe!"

"You bastard what-AAAGGHHHHH!!!" The moment he started cursing me, a lightning bolt struck him, dealing a lot of damage while burning off his skin a little bit.

"Fucking deaf?!...RUN!!" I screamed at him as pulled out my gun and started shooting near his legs.

*GUNSHOT*-*GUNSHOT* He quickly got on his feet after that.

"I'll make you pay for this later!" He screamed at me in anger before he turned around and started running with all his might.

I proceeded to fly behind him from a distance where he couldn't notice me, while I used observation Haki to sense his life force so I could save him if his life was in danger.

This is the best way for him to start doing cardio and burn some fat, since he is so lazy, he needs a little bit of motivation. I have already thought of a workout routine for him to build muscles while losing his fat, and from now on I'll be monitoring his diet as well.

I also decided that we will be spending some time in this hellish island to train for a while, since this is one of the first islands of the New World, they will be countless ships visiting so we could plunder them for supplies like food.

I could also take the opportunity to make Moria steal some strong shadows and increase his zombies, while having the crew constantly fighting to increase their battle experience. But we can't stay here for a long time since the Marines can easily reach this place and we could get in trouble.

20 minutes later,

We finally cached up to the rest of the crew, Moria was looking in a deplorable condition. He was full of burns, his clothes were tattered, and he was barely able to walk, but he was still alive.

Calvin was waiting for us outside and proceeded to show us the way to a little cave they found where the lightning bolts can't reach.

"Huff…Huff…Y-You Demon…Huff" Moria immediately collapsed after that, he was mentally and physically exhausted from literally running for his life while also being injured.

"Welcome to the club" Diana said with a straight face.

"Forget about joining you…I'm leaving this island immediately" he said while trying to get on his feet.

"Nah, you're not going anywhere" I said while pointing my gun at his head "We still haven't even started" He looked at me in fear and regret when I said that.

"Should we treat his injuries?" Amber asked me, she was carrying a first aid kit with her.

"Save it for later, can't you see him? This motherfucker has two horns and a devil like face, he'll be up and running in two days" I said, then I put back my gun and informed everyone about my plan to stay here.

"How long are we going to stay?" Calvin asked me.

"As much as we can, I'm planning to train you all so don't think we will be lazing around" I said while grinning maniacally at them "Prepare yourselves…Because I'm going to make you wish you were in hell"