
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

A Dangerous Opponent

We are currently at the operation base of Inaki Family in Yu Island. They are expecting this place to be the next target, so they brought their men here and started preparing for the next battle. As for me, my only concern is that guy Jason Wiley, he has a 400.000.000 million berries on his head, so he must be strong.

*BANG* someone slammed the door open, as he hastily entered the place.

"W-We are under attack!" He shouted his lung out, informing everyone.

"Finally! I was getting sick from waiting!" Diana said, as everyone got on their feet and started preparing to leave. Ian and Ayden were also going to fight, as well as the head of the family Kai.

"Let's get going!" I gave order and we all moved out "We'll go ahead first" I informed our allies.

"What do you mean?" Ayden was confused. I didn't answer him and proceeded to use Soru with Geppo to fly to the battlefield location, Diana and Calvin did the same.

*SWOOSH* We instantly disappeared, leaving everyone behind in shock.

It only took us about two minutes to arrive at the location.

*BOOOM-BOOOM* we could see explosions everywhere. It was far more devastating than I speculated, since I thought it would be more like a gang fight, but the two sides were actually using heavy weapons.

This part of town looked completely destroyed, as the place was filled with armed people. The two opposition were already clashing with other.

"There is a lot of them…" Calvin pointed out "How should we proceed?".

"*Smile*…you stay back for now, I'll take care of this" I told him, then I proceeded to land near our allies.

"Don't let them advance anymore! We need to buy time until reinforcement arrive!" A man carrying a rifle was standing among them and giving out orders.

"Hey you! Tell your men to get back!" I told him because didn't want to accidently hurt our allies.

"Huh?..." He looked at me for moment before he recognized me "Ah you're Ashen, young master Ayden informed us about you" He said, then added "How can I help?"

"I said tell your men to move back, I'll take care of this"

"…I'm sorry if we retreat any further, we could risk losing the entire block" He stated with a serious look in his face.

"I was sent by the old man Kai, are you still going to refuse my order?"

The man was a little bit doubtful of my order, but he proceeded to comply when I mentioned the patriarch's name, and he ordered everyone to get back.

"Shall we get started?" I was eager to test my new moves.


"They are running away! Quickly after Them!" The enemy started coming our direction.

"Not so fast!" When everyone retreated, I quickly used Geppo to raise my height then proceeded to cross both my arms in front of me and used both my hands to fire a torrent of deadly fire particles, spreading the attack across the whole battlefield "FIRE RAIN!"

"Shit! What's that?"

"I-I-It's raining fire!" everyone started panicking when they saw it.

"Hide yourself quick-*BAM*"




The attack was enough to wipe out most of them while causing a great destruction around the place. But that didn't make any more difference as the town was already in a subversive state.

"That was easier than I thought" I landed again when I saw our reinforcement arriving, Calvin and Diana also came after me.

"Did you really have to destroy half of the place just to kill a bunch of nobodies?" Calvin commented at my performance.

"HAHAHAHA! What did I always tell back in East Blue?"

Calvin looked at me with a smile "Life is short why not enjoy it the way you want, right?"

"Right" A few seconds later, the reinforcement finally arrived.

"W-What happened here?" The old man Kai looked at the scene in shock.

"Ah, I just took care of them, don't worry about it" He looked at me in disbelief when I said that.

"Hahaha…" he laughed nervously "I guess you weren't joking when you said you would make us win"

"But there is still a long way before that" Ayden stated, as he was gazing the incoming enemies from a distance.

"Captain, let me fight with you this time!...It's been a while since I kicked some ass" Diana brought out her rifle, looking excited. She immediately started loading her weapon with bullets in preparation.

"Do what you want"

When the enemy got close to us, we were able to see the one leading them.

He was a tall man of fair complexion, sporting jet-black hair that is slicked down his backside. His face is intricately woven, fetching distinct and overall keen features, such as a crisply pointed nose and intimately angled eyebrows. He has orange-colored eyes and an incredibly masculine physique, with broad shoulders and a thick neck.

"*Clap*-*Clap*-*Clap*-*Clap*…Superb! What a terrifying power you have there!" He said, with wide grin on his face while approaching us slowly. When I turned back to Ayden, he had a terrified look on his face.

"That's him…Jason Wiley" He was looking nervous while telling me that, when they head the name everyone else got on guard.

'So that's him' without wasting any time, I took a few steps forward before I stretched my arms in front of me while aiming my palms at his direction, and then I proceeded to created many small, glowing fireballs and sent them toward him "Hotarubi".

The greenish fireballs kept floating around him for a second.

"Huh?... Fireflies?" He was confused at first, but he soon realized what I was up to "Shit!"

Diana also took the chance and started shooting the people who were with him.


*BOOOM* The fireballs proceeded to explode at once, causing a massive smoke around the area and obscuring the vision for a few seconds.

"It's seems that you are not a fan of talking" When the smoke disappeared, Jason walked out unscathed "And you have a troublesome person in your crew" he looked around, to see the people who were with him lying dead on the ground, with bullet holes in their head.

*GUNSHOT- GUNSHOT* Diana tried to shoot him, but he easily tilted his head, and avoided the bullets smoothly.

'Observation Haki' was the first thing that came to my mind, and since he can use it, then there is a high chance he can use armament as well 'This is bad'.

"Son of a bitch" She was annoyed at him, but she backed down as she knew he wasn't going to be defeated that easily.

"Such scary women…Now it's my turn" Jason quickly lunged at me at high-speed throwing a right punch.

When I saw him coming, I clenched my fist and met his punch with my owns, with nothing but raw power. As our fists collided, I was pushed back a few meters.

"Haki?!" it was the only thing I could conclude since he was able to touch me with only his fist.

"That's surprising, not a lot of people know about Haki at this part of the world…" He stated, then added "It seems that you are a logia. It's most have been a long time since someone hit you" he said with a smirk.

I wasn't planning to have a conversation with him, so I quickly gathered flames around my fist, and shot it at his direction as dense column of fire "Hiken!"

Jason didn't flinch at my attack and easily leaped to the side and avoided it. I proceeded to dash at him throwing a high kick, aiming my heel at his head while imbuing it with fire.

He used his left arm to block it and once my leg collided with him, I released the fire from the bottom of my feet at him.

*BOOM* upon contact, Jason predicted my attack with his observation haki and managed to dodge it.

At this point I had to increase my speed so I could make it harder for him to avoid my attacks even if he could predict them, so I started using Soru while shooting flames from the back of my shoulders, elbows and heels at the same time, to further increase my speed.

*SWOOSH* I quickly jumped above him.

"Enkai!" then I amassed a large amount of flames around my body in preparation of my next attack.

"Hibashira!" I shot the collected flames straight downward, causing a massive explosion which almost blew everyone away and destroying the entire area around us.

After the flames went off and the smoke disappeared, an enormous figure with an animal characteristic was able to be seen in the middle of the battlefield. A face with a trunk and legs that resembles those of an elephant.

"What?!" I quickly moved back in shock when I saw him "A zone devil fruit user?!".

"That was pretty dangerous, I should get serious from now on"