
One Piece: Beastmaster

This is a story of a guy who got transmigrated to the One Piece World, he has a system with too high requirements for operation. He was born in a small village of the One Piece world and does hardwork to improve so it's a slow pace story. The first beasts are Pokemon. Points about the story: 1 MC is not impulsive in making his name so he will build up slowly but steadily. 2. He won't become OP in 3 days because of the system but he will become good in some aspects. 3. He won't run after every one piece girl. Love interest hasn't been decided yet. *Disclaimer: I do not own one piece and its characters, it is own by oda-san* Lastly, English is not my first language, so I would request all to tolerate a little and please help me realise my mistakes by writing reviews. Thank you, Enjoy.

FT_Rhino · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Pirates and The Plot

East Blue

Berry Vine Village Harbour



Boom!! Boom!!

Earth shattering noise of cannon firing could be heard all around the harbour of the Berry Vine Village Island. Due to the loud noise birds could be seen flying in the sky restlessly.

It was chaotic, as Navy soldiers were running here and there; cannonballs were flying towards the Navy ship.

It was a sudden attack that no one expected, due to the Navy ship being anchored in the dock it became an easy target to the pirates initially but even so they could not do much damage, which lead the Marines in concluding that these pirates were newbie resulting in moral boast of the Marines as they started to reply to the pirates.

"Captain Rasa, we have conformed; it's Pirate Captain Yusa's crew along Pirate Yusa" a marine soldier reported infront of Captain Rasa.

"Yusa ha! What kind of joke is this? Even an unknown newbie pirate dares to attack a village where marines are stationed." Captain Rasa made his way to the deck of the ship.

Looking at the situation he realised that the only advantage the pirates had was when their anchor was not pulled, now with the anchor above sea it was almost seem like a foolish move from the pirates to fight longer; so looking at the ferocity of the pirates made him think whether they were fools or planed something.


Yusa Pirates Pov:

Pirate Captain Yusa was a tall man with a leaned body, purple hair and dark black eyes. He wore knuckles in his both hands.

Standing on the deck he was observing his crew, it would be wrong to say that he wasn't frustrated; loosing the chance to give the marines a severe damage while they were on the dock angered him a lot but he couldn't do anything as his crew was new and nobody had proper training in using cannons.

"Everybody, rise your morals and fire everything, we just need to hold them for a while and victory will be ours, the money will be ours, the fame will be ours; after today we will become a famous pirate crew who looted a village under the nose of marines" Pirate Captain Yusa gave his passionate speech to rise moral of his crew.

Hearing there Captain, giving such passionate speech the pirates shouted in union; "Yosh! Kill the Navy" "For Captain Yusa" "For the money" "For the fame" with a new wave in their moral every pirate started to give their best.

When all the pirates were shouting and engaging in their work, a pirate walked towards Captain Yusa and said in a worried tone;

"Captain Yusa, is it okay to trust the Black Cat Pirates, you know this Kuro may be a newbie like us but there were rumours that even his crewmates find it hard to trust him"

"Trust between pirates are as fragile as glass, don't worry too much. As your captain I know well enough how to judge people. If they show any kind of behaviour of betrayal or they are late even a second, I will let the Marines know about our plan" Captain Yusa said with ferocious grin.

"Captain, I hope they don't betray us, we are in the front line against Navy any kid of mishap will result in more of our loss" the pirate tried to explain to Yusa.

"Nobu, I am very much aware of the consequences, now get back to your position, currently we just need to hold for a couple of minutes" Yusa knew what Nobu said was actually true, but he thought that even if they could not defeat the Navy; the news of attack from the other side of the island will surely create panic among them; which will be there chance to escape or victory.


Black Cat Pirates Pov:

In the other side of the island a ship was slowly becoming visible; it was the pirate ship of the Black Cat Pirates, lead by Captain Kuro later known as Kuro of Hundred Plans.

Kuro was not till now a well-known and infamous pirate like in the later part of the story but he was as ambitious as always.

Kuro was currently in the front of the ship looking towards the island infront of him; to his right was Jango the Hypnotist.

"Drop the anchor we will move on boats, we don't want to alert the villagers with a large ship" Kuro said as he pushed his glasses with the palm of his right hand.

Jango, who was beside him, went to the crew and commanded; "Prepare the boats, we will move now."

"Jango, you will stay on the ship. When I give the signal move the ship towards the island but don't be too fast" Captain Kuro

"Didn't we agree to meet them on the harbour, why do I need to move the ship towards the island?" Jango

"Do you really think I will team-up with those to attack an island protected by Navy" Captain Kuro

"Honestly, I can never guess what you are thinking" Jango

"Hehe, let me tell you; the Navy Captain stationed in this island is Captain Rasa, he is one of the most ferocious Navy Captain even in the Headquarter, why do you think such a person would be in East Blue" Captain Kuro

"Maybe they found some kind of treasure" Jango

"It is normal to think so but Captain Rasa actually came to scout for a pirate" Captain Kuro

"Scout for a pirate who is it? Is it Don Krieg" Jango

"No it is Red Hair Pirate Shanks" Captain Kuro

"Red Hair Pirates isn't it the pirate who created chaos in the Grand Line a few months back, but didn't he left East Blue, so why are they till scouting him" Jango

"Obviously he left, what I want to tell you isn't about all this history but people like Captain Rasa has a major flaw when they see people like us who are not well-known pirates they tend to think as if everything is under their control" Captain Kuro

"How will that help us?" Jango

"Jango, sometimes I seriously question picking you up, it means that even if Yusa pirates gives our position away; Captain Rasa will still focus on eliminating them first which will give us time to loot and escape" Captain Kuro

"So, that's the reason why you were so calm" Jango

"Now, enough with the talk and prepare the boats we need to be quick" Captain Kuro said as he made his way to one of the boats.