
One Piece: Beastmaster

This is a story of a guy who got transmigrated to the One Piece World, he has a system with too high requirements for operation. He was born in a small village of the One Piece world and does hardwork to improve so it's a slow pace story. The first beasts are Pokemon. Points about the story: 1 MC is not impulsive in making his name so he will build up slowly but steadily. 2. He won't become OP in 3 days because of the system but he will become good in some aspects. 3. He won't run after every one piece girl. Love interest hasn't been decided yet. *Disclaimer: I do not own one piece and its characters, it is own by oda-san* Lastly, English is not my first language, so I would request all to tolerate a little and please help me realise my mistakes by writing reviews. Thank you, Enjoy.

FT_Rhino · Fantasy
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28 Chs

A Deal and Knowledge

"Squirtle, Squi..." after looking curiously around the new surrounding Squirtle, finally said something, Rudeus didn't know what it was really saying but felt like it was asking something like 'who are you'.

Rudeus looking at the situation tried his best to explain "Hi, I am Rudeus; you are in my home, as for the relation between us I will be your trainer."

Squirtle after hearing this showed dissatisfied expression as if someone was enjoying his vacation in Hawaii and suddenly now dumped in the slums. Rudeus was shocked to see that Squirtle understood whatever he said properly.

Now it was Rudeus turn to make up the things and he knew that if he didn't played his cards right it will be difficult for him to train Squirtle, so he looked Squirtle right into his eyes and said;

"You know Squirtle, I was brought to this world without my consent too" this line was able to attract Squirtle's attention so he continued "I may not look strong, or special but I have something that every Pokemon yearn for"

"Squir….Squirtle" (what is that?) Squirtle asked curiously.

"Evolution, I can help you evolve, and not only lead you to evolve to Wartortle, but till you become a Blastoise" hearing this Squirtle eyes almost lit up.

'It feels like I'm tempting a child with a candy to follow me' even though he thought so but he knew that whatever he said was actually possible.

When he looked towards Squirtle he saw Squirtle was in deep thought, after a while Squirtle looked at him and said;

"Squirtle, Squirtle" as if asking him for proof.

"I know, you don't have to believe me completely now but after we start training you will be able to judge on your own, so let's be partners for now, I will help you evolve and you will help me in battle"

"Squirtle" Squirtle agreed to the proposal.

Rudeus was going to say something as he felt another wave of incredible headache and he fainted.


It was already night when Rudeus woke up, he looked around but Squirtle was not around, he felt like he had too many drinks and now suffering from hangover.

"If this shit happens every time I summon, how the hell am I going to use them in battle" just as he was complaining 'Grrrr...' a sound came from his stomach, he realised that he hadn't eaten anything since afternoon. He got up and went to the kitchen to prepare something.

While cooking he was thinking how he will be able to solve the headache issue; he put all the thoughts in back of his mind and started to eat.

Just as he was about to go to bed he recalled that he still hasn't completely checked the items in the Gift Box. He went though the items only to realise that there were some books, one of which was; 'Training Guide for Summoners: Rookie Edition'

Rudeus took out the book and thought 'It can't be the thing I am looking for right' only to find that it was exactly the book he was looking for.

He got excited and started to browse through the book, just as he looked through the book's first few pages he became depress, it was not because it lacked information but the first chapter was;

101 Dumb Rookie Things to do:

1. Summoning beasts without any proper method, guide or training; resulting in tremendous headache and fainting during summoning and unsummoning.

2. Not being aware of time or duration the beast was summoned.

3. Not taking any advice from guide or being unaware of that guide even exists.



Looking through these made Rudeus more and more depress, he thanked god that no one was looking at him. He finally straightened up his face like nothing happened and started to look further in the book.

The more he was reading the more he realised how lacking he was in terms of knowledge of not only summoning but also about MP, how his previous speculations were all wrong and there was a different concept for MP which was out of his spectrum.

Putting the book down he took a deep breath and thought; 'I was really too innocent to think that I finally had enough MP, now that I have read this I realised that how much of a risk I took without knowing proper summoning techniques'

"If what this book said is correct, then I could have fried my brain while summoning" Rudeus shivered thinking about it, 'I would at least need a year so training before summon by beast unless it is too important'

Thinking about all the things Rudeus went to bed.


Next day, Rudeus got up in his usual time and completed his sword and archery training, he ate his breakfast and started to practice the mental exercises mention in the book which he looked through yesterday.

It was initially very hard for him as he did develop some bad habits according to the book when he was practicing on his own.

2 hours later.

Rudeus was lying down completely exhausted, he thought; 'It is tough and with all the new techniques it will take at least a few days before I get the hang of it'

Rudeus got up and decided to look though the other books present in his private space, this time he was determined to not make a fool out of himself. The one book that got his attention was; 'Standard Beast Trainer Training Guide'.

Reading the book for a while made Rudeus excited as this book contents were fascinating, it talked about how to develop a mental bond with the summon to understand better and to communicate mentally without talking, its contents were diverse, it had standard directions for double summon and triple summon too.

This again made him realise that there were so much to learn till he become a standard beast trainer according to system criteria. What calmed him down was when he saw the levelling of beast trainer according to the book;

Rookie Beast Trainer

Beginner Beast Trainer

Advance Beast Trainer

Elite Beast Trainer

Beast Master

Currently Rudeus was not even in the standard Rookie Beast Trainer category, he could hardly summon a beast.

During the past few years he had realised that even the system didn't tell him everything until and unless he made the question very specific, so he had concluded that system was also testing him of something or even till now he hasn't reached the standard for system acknowledgement yet.

Thinking about all the issues, he almost had another headache, so he decided to take a walk outside.