
One Piece: Bai Ye Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats

Bai Ye, hailing from the mystical Wudang Mountains, is a skilled cultivator. He finds himself in the world of One Piece through the power of an enigmatic book. This twist of fate intertwines his path with that of the charismatic Luffy, the aspiring Pirate King. With his unique cultivation techniques, Bai Ye becomes Luffy's trusted deputy captain. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, braving the seas to find the legendary treasure, One Piece.

PapaSmurf0700 · Anime & Comics
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187 Chs

Chapter 140 The Forbearing Blackbeard

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

In the tavern, the atmosphere was tense as Luffy, with a quiet dignity, adjusted his straw hat, signaling his readiness to leave. He opened the door, stepping into the fading light of the day, and announced simply, "Let's go." Zoro and Nami prepared to follow, but Zoro paused, looking back at Nami with a hint of suspicion, "Hey, what did you do back there?"

Nami, with a mischievous sparkle in her eye, replied playfully, "He he, did I do something? Did I?" She then cheekily stuck out her tongue at Zoro, swiftly tucking her weather stick back into her collar. With a light shrug, she added nonchalantly, "I didn't do anything," before quickly slipping through the door ahead of Zoro.

This woman... Zoro's mouth twitched slightly in amusement mixed with mild exasperation, yet he chose not to press the matter further. He shrugged and followed Nami out, leaving the tavern's chaos behind them.

Back inside, Sarquiss slowly regained consciousness, his vision clearing to the sight of Bellamy still on his knees in defeat. "Bellamy..." he whispered, his voice a mix of confusion and disbelief as if trying to piece together the reality of their encounter.

At that moment, another crew member, just coming to her senses, noticed the ominous gathering of thunderclouds above. "What is this?!!" she exclaimed in alarm, eyes wide with shock.

RUMBLE! Almost instantly, the tavern was illuminated as bolts of lightning struck down, indiscriminately zapping anyone in their path. Screams filled the air as both conscious and unconscious pirates jolted under the sudden electrical assault.

The tavern owner, who had been quietly observing everything from behind the bar, watched with a complex expression. Before her hasty departure, Nami had handed him a sizable bag of Bellys, mentioning it was for any damages. Initially, it seemed overly generous, a rare occurrence among pirates. Yet now, as he surveyed the damage around him, the owner tightly clutched the bag, realizing it might just cover the extensive repairs needed.

As the chaos settled and he pondered the extraordinary nature of the group that had just left, the owner murmured to himself, "Speaking of which, the news bird should be coming over soon. At that time, let's see if there's any information about those guys." His eyes glanced towards the door through which the Straw Hats had exited, a mix of respect and curiosity in his gaze.


After leaving the tavern, Luffy and his companions encountered Teach again, lounging casually on a barrel in the street. Next to him were a half-empty bottle of wine and an open box of cherry pies. It was clear he was aware of what had just transpired inside.

"You little brat, why do you look so down?" Teach called out with a chuckle, clearly amused by Luffy's sullen demeanor. He took a hearty bite of his cherry pie and added, "This time, you obviously won, kid. And, I believe now that you really have a bounty of 150 million."

Luffy remained silent, his thoughts drifting to Shanks and Ace, the true pirates he admired. Teach, noticing Luffy's reflective state, continued to indulge in his pie and wine, unfazed.

"The new era those guys talk about is nonsense!" Teach suddenly declared, slamming his bottle down with force. "They say, 'The era of pirates looking for dreams is over!' What a joke!" Teach's voice grew impassioned as he stood, spreading his arms wide as if embracing the world.

Passersby paused to watch the spectacle, some sneering at Teach's outburst.

"Man's dream! It will never end!!" Teach bellowed, looking directly at Luffy, waiting for a reaction.

Yet Luffy remained silent, prompting snickers from the crowd.

"Hey, what's with this guy getting all excited suddenly?" one bystander mocked.

"Yeah, what do you think dreams are, you fool?" laughed another.

Despite the mockery, Teach appeared undeterred. "It's not always pleasant to be ridiculed, but who cares!" he exclaimed, spreading his arms wide again.

The ridicule only intensified, but Teach turned back to Luffy, his expression serious. "If you want to stand at the top, you will face unreasonable challenges," he advised. "That's right, Straw Hat."

As Luffy and his crew confronted Teach, a familiar voice cut through the tension: "My captain is not on the same side as you, Teach." The crowd parted, revealing Bai Ye and his companions approaching with determined steps.

Teach couldn't hide his amusement, chuckling as he said, "Oh, I didn't expect someone to recognize me! Hahahaha!" He had spent a long time on Whitebeard's ship without ever having a bounty, and now here were strangers who knew him.

Nami waved enthusiastically at the newcomers, "Bai Ye! Everyone, you are here." Bai Ye nodded to the group and positioned himself beside Luffy, mentioning, "This guy is the one your brother Ace is looking for."

Luffy's demeanor shifted to one of discomfort. He scrutinized Teach, his voice laced with accusation, "Are you the guy Ace said killed his crewmate?" For Luffy, crewmates held a sacred importance, often surpassing even his own dreams. His disdain for Teach's actions was palpable as he declared, "The one who reaches the top is definitely not a guy like you!"

Teach, taken aback by the connection to Ace, laughed, "Captain Ace's younger brother? Hahahaha, it really is fate." He assumed Ace must have spoken of him to Bai Ye and the others. Unburdened by guilt over his actions, Teach asserted, "Only victory is absolute!"

As he enveloped himself in a cloud of black mist, showcasing his long-sought power, Teach taunted, "So, are you going to catch me for Captain Ace, Straw Hat Boy!!"

Luffy's crew prepared for confrontation: Zoro drew his swords, Sanji lit a cigarette, Robin poised herself, and Nami and Usopp armed themselves. Chopper readied his Rumble Ball, and even Merry appeared ready to join the fray.

Teach, observing their readiness, realized why Bai Ye had said they were different. Dismissing familial bonds like those of Whitebeard's crew, he sneered at the notion, believing only in power's supremacy.

Luffy, lowering his hat, firmly stated, "I won't." His gaze remained intense on Blackbeard but void of any intent to fight, "Ace is your opponent." He believed it was not his place to usurp his brother's battles.

With that, Luffy turned to leave, followed by his crew. Teach's laughter echoed behind them, "Ha ha ha ha! You've got a pretty crew, Straw Hat."

He mused to himself about using them to bolster his reputation but reconsidered, sensing their formidable aura. Teach had been patient on Whitebeard's ship; he could afford to wait longer. As they departed, he vowed, "Straw hat boy, next time we meet, I will definitely get your head! Ha ha ha ha!!"