
One Piece: Bai Ye Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats

Bai Ye, hailing from the mystical Wudang Mountains, is a skilled cultivator. He finds himself in the world of One Piece through the power of an enigmatic book. This twist of fate intertwines his path with that of the charismatic Luffy, the aspiring Pirate King. With his unique cultivation techniques, Bai Ye becomes Luffy's trusted deputy captain. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, braving the seas to find the legendary treasure, One Piece.

PapaSmurf0700 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

Chapter 137 Luffy and Teach's First Meeting, Bellamy Appears

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Luffy grimaced as he chewed on the cherry pie, declaring loudly, "This cherry pie is terrible!" Across from him, Teach had a completely opposite reaction, savoring each bite, "This cherry pie is to die for!" Both paused and locked eyes, cherry pie still in their mouths, their expressions turning to scrutiny and unmistakable dissatisfaction.

Without a word, each reached for their drinks, trying to wash down the pie. They clinked their cups on the table almost in unison, then voiced their opinions once again. Luffy, surprised, exclaimed, "Why is this drink so delicious!" Meanwhile, Teach grimaced, complaining, "Why is this drink so bad!"

The tension escalated as Teach squinted at Luffy, challenging him, "Is there something wrong with your tongue, brat?" Luffy, unfazed and staring right back, retorted firmly, "I think your brain is the problem." As they faced off, the bartender, uninterested in their debate, commented dryly from behind the counter, "Anyway, I'm not a chef, so it doesn't matter what you say."

Seemingly shifting the focus, Luffy, full of excitement, pushed the pie aside and announced to the bartender, "Uncle, I want to buy 50 servings of meat and give it to my crewmates as a gift." Teach, not to be outdone, grinned widely and countered, "Boss, pack me 51 cherry pies."

The banter turned competitive as Luffy immediately upped his order, "Wait a minute, my meat is going to be changed to 52 servings!" Teach smirked and replied, "Sorry, my pies need to be changed to 53 servings!" Back and forth they went, each increasing their order in a bid to outdo the other. "No, change the meat to 54 servings!" Luffy shouted, only to be met by Teach's "Pie 55 servings!" The numbers grew, "60 servings of meat!" from Luffy and "Pie 70 servings!" from Teach, escalating to "80!" and "100!"

Their competitive orders culminated in both standing, their anger palpable. Luffy stepped on a chair and leaned over the bar, his eyes wide with fury. Teach, mirroring him, rolled up his sleeves and leaned in closer. Together, they roared, their voices filled with challenge, "You are deliberately against me, aren't you!!" Their heated exchange drew the attention of everyone in the tavern.

As Luffy and Teach continued their escalating quarrel over cherry pies and meat servings, Zoro, who had been watching the entire spectacle unfold, finally voiced his exasperation. "Why are you two arguing?!" he groaned, feeling the absurdity of the situation weigh on him.

Nami, equally frustrated but more practical, chimed in, "Hey Luffy, even if Bai Ye allocated a lot of shopping funds for everyone, it's not for you to spend like this. Also, you're not Sanji; you don't need to buy so much!" Her voice carried a mix of reprimand and disbelief over Luffy's extravagant orders.

Amidst the chaos, Teach, spotting an opportunity, flashed a grin, his several missing teeth starkly evident, adding a touch of menace to his smile. He looked at Luffy and challenged him further, "Are you a pirate?"

Luffy, undeterred and straightforward as ever, responded without a hint of doubt, "Yes, that's right."

"How much is your bounty?" Teach probed, sensing the competitive tension escalating between them. The question seemed to charge the air with anticipation of a confrontation.

Proudly, Luffy couldn't suppress a grin, his eyes lighting up as he declared, "One hundred and fifty million!" To Luffy, his bounty wasn't just a number; it was a badge of his pirate identity, a testament to his adventures and strength.

Teach's reaction was one of disbelief and annoyance, "Ha?!! One hundred and fifty million? For YOU?" He clenched his fists, his face contorting in anger, "How could you have such a high bounty, liar!!"

The argument between the two had already drawn the attention of everyone in the tavern, but Luffy's claim about his bounty sparked a wave of mockery. Patrons laughed and jeered, "Hey, hey, I heard you right, this brat actually said that he has a bounty of 150 million!" The disbelief was palpable as another added, "Looking at the appearance of this kid, I'm afraid he's not mentally ill, hahahaha." Yet another patron compared him to a well-known pirate, "That's right, even for a person like Bellamy, the bounty is only 55 million Bellys!"

Luffy, still seething with anger from the disbelief surrounding his bounty, fixed his glare squarely on Teach. "I didn't lie to you, it's true!!" he asserted vehemently, unwilling to be doubted.

Zoro, weary of the mounting tension, intervened with a firm command, "Stop arguing!" He positioned himself behind Luffy, ready to diffuse the situation.

At that moment, the bar owner approached with a diplomatic gesture, placing a box wrapped in purple cloth on the counter. "Hey, stop, fighting is not allowed here!" he declared authoritatively. He then turned to Teach, offering a resolution to their earlier squabble, "Big man, your order is ready! Here are 50 cherry pies for you."

Teach and Luffy exchanged a lingering look, a silent acknowledgment that their dispute needed no further escalation. Teach, accepting the boxed pies, turned to leave the tavern, his departure marking an end to their confrontation.

As Teach exited, a tall figure with short blonde unkempt hair and a strong tan, exuding arrogance, entered. The bar's atmosphere shifted palpably as he passed by Teach, who paused to observe the newcomer with a curious glance before continuing on his way.

Inside the tavern, the arrival of this imposing figure seemed to freeze time. Everyone inside displayed terrified expressions, the room falling eerily silent. The newcomer, reveling in the fear he inspired, licked his lips and flashed a ferocious smile, clearly enjoying the reaction he provoked.

Scanning the crowd, his gaze locked onto Luffy. "You're the kid with the straw hat that Sarquiss was talking about," he declared as he approached.

Luffy, puzzled and slightly annoyed, responded, "Um? Who are you? Besides, why do I always meet annoying guys today?"

Murmurs spread among the onlookers, "Bellamy, it's Bellamy. It seems that he came here specifically to find that bragging boy?"

Zoro and Nami sensed trouble. They knew the influence Bellamy held in this town and the potential danger of his presence.

Bellamy didn't address Luffy directly but instead ordered the bartender, "Give me a glass of the most expensive wine in the store." Without turning his head away from Luffy, he added, "Give this kid something he likes."

As Bellamy settled into his seat, several figures entered the tavern behind him, the members of the Bellamy Pirates. Leading them was Sarquiss, the deputy captain who had earlier thrown change at Luffy and his friends.

Earlier, after Luffy and his friends had left, Sarquiss had discovered Luffy's bounty poster. Initially shocked by the 60 million Belly figure, Sarquiss doubted such a seemingly unassuming kid could possess such a high bounty. After discussing with Bellamy, who scoffed at the notion, suggesting some pirates might forge their bounty to intimidate others, Sarquiss felt reassured. Yet, Bellamy was intrigued, considering even a lower but substantial bounty made Luffy a person of interest.

"Sarquiss, let's go find that brat," Bellamy instructed, eager to confront Luffy directly, driven by curiosity and the lure of potential bounty.