
Chapter 23: Jiyah

Although I entertained this group of pirates thanks to Sky with their captain 'picking up' someone from somewhere. Its really bothersome being left behind with this group of indigenous-like men. There is only few who didn't look at me like a kind of ready-made meat or something like that. As if I'm a living prey.

Thanks for hanging out with mister Ben however, I've evaded those dead looking glare.


Remembering it frustrates me with just the thought of 'I am the only female in this group' of pirates...

Yes, a pirate...I decided to entered this path, but to think I've almost regretted this decision after associating with this uncivilized fella...

But no...I've already stepped foot beyond that boundary of 'choice'. I've already one of this outlaws so I shouldn't regret on choosing it in the first place.

Just what pisses me off is, why did Sky leave me behind? And instead take that one armed red hair man, a captain of this group? What's his name again? mister Shanks? He looks irresponsible though.

I ask mister Ben why but he only explained that I will sooner or later understand why that red hair is their captain.

I also ask him, "Are pirates always like this?" while looking at his partying men.

Because what they've done all day is only sing and dance, chug barrels of wine and laugh, rest, then repeat this entire process. Sometimes they've even gambling and turned serious but those above mentioned is what they always did.

There's nothing else to described them but an uncultured and boisterous group, normalcy is nonexistent. though I don't hate this atmosphere, its just that, I'm still alienated by this kind of a 'pirate image'. I thought it would be like raiding a village, pillage and kill innocents. That's why I asked mister Ben.

But mister only laugh an earful from my question.

"You're already a pirate yourself, would it be good on your conscience to kill and pillage the innocent? In our case, its different, after all, every pirates have their own set of rules. Although unaware, this rules is what represents each individual pirate group such as us, and the one who start that unwritten rules is none other than a captain of a ship. That's why your image of as a pirates depends on who you follow─your captain...if our captain wants us to kill someone, then we have to obey but of course, taking an action needs a valid reason" he then chug a bottle of alcohol and continue, "that's why I tell you now, although we're like this most of the time but when it comes on dealing serious business? there's no one whose responsible and scarier than the Red Hair Pirates", he then look straight at me and continue:

"You're the daughter of mayor and a future inheritor, you say? Why choose this path when you can leisurely lived there? Who instigate you or rather, what is your driving force to choose the path of pirating?"

I can't even speak from his bombarded question. Right now, I don't know my reason why I become a pirate in the first place. I only came with Sky in mind maybe because I wanted to? But I maybe because I aim to the best archer, is that reason enough?

Mister Ben laugh an earful again after hearing that, asking if my goal as an archer is also a part of being the best sniper, thus I nodded without hesitation...

But then, he patted mister Yasopp as they two, giggled. Saying that mister Yasopp is one of the best and its too early for me to bested him, but I clenched my molar and flatly declared that I can defeat him someday.

I know, he is the responsible why our ship are still here and under repair. Sky told me he's a monster when it comes on sniping and I myself witnessed it. But that didn't stop me from my goal so I stick my tongue out, provoked from their mocking laugh.

"fufu you're still green, I see... But well, Pirate are pirate. An outlaw and an enemy of justice. *cough*, well, once you've chosen this path, you cannot go back...hmm, there are some cases who become a marine in the end but that's not an issue right? What I only advice is, make sure to follow what you believed. And believe on the person you choose to follow, I mean...you followed him here anyway so I assumed that is the case?"

Mister emptied his alcohol then blow his smoke of cigar above, for me not to smell it. But it still reeks...

Of all people here, he's the one who give me a good vibe other than mister Yasopp and mister Roo─the fat eating meat.

Maybe because he's that one armed guy's first crewmate? I wonder. We've talked alot since Sky's departure so I felt that they're no more stranger to me.

Anyway, I nodded from his words and form a fist, "Sky is strong, and I'm sure he can become stronger even more. But that's not why I followed him. For once, I have a feeling that he will someday need my helping hand so I choose to follow him"

"Is that an intuition as a crewmate? Or as a woman?" He smile, whilst I nodded stiffly. Hearing his latter word, my chest almost burst open and I don't know why.

But at the same time, he face palmed and muttered, "Kids nowadays, ahhh. Although I'm not against it due to your goal, but..."

"Hey mister, what do you mean by that?" in return, I ask in confusion.

"Alright missy, here's another advice from a veteran pirate...so lend me your ears" his facial expression changed drastically, raised his gun and pointed at the nearby tree, with---


Ignoring his crewmates reaction thanks to the sudden sound, he turned his head and looked into me, "Just always remember that this path isn't kind of a game. Being a pirate means anyone can kill you once you show then you're vulnerability, after all we are not protected by any kind of law. But if you still insists on taking this route, keep in mind that you can die at any given time so always remember not to put your guard down in any kind of situation. Have a keen insight and become level-headed most of the time, in his stead and on your own. Always keep that in mind and you'll get out of any hard situation you've encounter without fail. That is what it means to be a pirate...I won't destroy your fantasy about being one, but I want you to put more awareness and thoughts into it, lest you're gonna die early on your journey. You're the second crew mate of your ship and the backbone of it. You won't change that mindset then you're not fit as a pirate" is what he said.

I don't get it why he turned into a demon-like figure during that, when I only said what's on my mind.

"...I know that a helping hand is a must, but you have to look on yourself too. Don't just look at him and praise him, but don't just too focus on his growth and remember that you have to grow too. As a crew member of his and as a pirate"

"His aim is to become the Pirate King, yes? If so, you have to ready your heart and mind. What your captain has chosen isn't an just an easy path, but the hardest one. That's why, you have to become stronger along with him, or else you're only getting on his way instead of being a 'helping hand'. and just like I said, as the backbone of your ship assist him for whatever you can give but, do not forget to save some for yourself. As his crewmate and not as a woman"

Again with the word woman, I feel like it pumped my chest. Why'd he think about that? I can't help but tap my beating chest.

I know what he meant though. Isn't it given that I should keep on getting stronger myself too? I don't get most of his words but in general, I might get the gist of it.

"Should I tell her?"

"No You"

Mister Yasopp who sneakily listening on our conversation said so, but mister Ben stopped him from doing so, gripping mister Yasopp's head.

What do they meant about that, hmm?

But before completely sorting my thoughts, mister Ben smile beyond my direction. Thus, I follow his line of sight and in that direction is the approaching boat. The same boat used by Sky and mister Red Hair.

Tall with pale blue skin tone, currently skinny and enervated but his menacing appearance and lifeless eye adds up and is more fearful. His stare could pierce through like that of a murderer as our eyes met.

Everytime he moved his mouth open, those saw-like tooth is visibly peeking as if it could crunch anything that enters there.

This person...he has an impression of a danger.

His undershirt is a prisoner clothing with pair of shackle on his both wrists, but what caught my attention is his gill and a fin attached on his shoulder and nape, he isn't like a normal human I've always encounter.

"He's a fish-man"

Mister Ben told me so. 'a fish-man? that scary looking man?' I can't help but mutteted

After docking, Sky slowly looked at me and faintly nodded, "Let's go Jirah...so then, I reckon you've finish repairing our ship?"

Looking at the shipwright thereafter who fixed the Dreadnought Rotor's paddle, Sky ordered the Fish-man to climb and enter on our ship. The shipwright at the same time, nodded and obeyed his order.

"Its a farewell, I guess" he said so to mister Red Hair.

Too soon? I almost urge a question, but a soft pat and calm voice entered my ears. "Go on, a captain's order is absolute. But always remember what I told you, being the backbone and stuff. Its alright to raised questions from time to time and contradict a captain if you think it something isn't right anymore. But it doesn't mean his decision is always wrong. That's what it means to be a crew member", mister Ben told me so.

At the same moment, I take a glance on our ship. The 'fish-man' is there, so its safe to say that he's our third crew member.

Sky insists that I am the 'second', so everytime we gathered crews, count won't starts with me. I don't know why he's so fixated in numbers, but I can't defy him now, right?

Anyhow, as I always told, its inevitable that we increased in numbers but why'd he not introduced that Fish-man yet?