
One Piece: All For Revenge?

The World Government had been experimenting on him for a long time. Then he began to think of plans for how to escape from here. But will he be able to escape? Will he be able to take revenge on them? ----------------- English is not my native language. If you find a mistake in what I wrote, please write the correct one in the comments so that I can improve myself. ----------------- If you want to support me, or if you want early access to chapters. patreon.com/derebeyi

DereBeyi · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 31 (R18)

Ishilly started to show Ragna around Fishman Island. First, they went to the coral garden, and then they ate candy while walking around.

After visiting a few more places, they went to mermaid cove to swim. There was no one else in the cove at this time.

Since Ishilly always wore a bikini, she didn't need to change. Ishilly was wearing a black and white striped bikini that matched her tail. This made her big boobs stand out directly.

Ishilly jumped into the cove and while waving her hand, she said with a smile, "Come on, Ragna! Let's swim together!"

Ragna jumped straight into the water without taking off his clothes and swam towards Ishilly.

Ishilly looked at him pouting and said, "You're going to swim while like this? At least take off your clothes."

Indeed, Ragna's current appearance was strange. A mysterious man in a mask and clothed swimming in the cove.

"Sigh* I already told you I wasn't going to do this." Ragna said with a sigh.

Ishilly slowly approached Ragna and said as she touched coquettishly his chest with her hands, "Come on, at least show me your face."

Ragna found this strange at that moment. Why did Ishilly insist so many times to see his face?

Or could Ishilly be from the World Government? Could it be that she wanted to approach Ragna and reveal his identity? Or could it be something else?

Ragna began to pull back slightly as he considered these possibilities.

But he didn't get far because Ishilly was hugged around his neck. Thus, her two big boobs were pressing against Ragna's body.

"Anyway, I won't insist any longer. Let's swim together." Ishilly said.

Then she slapped the water with her tail and began to swim deeper with Ragna.

Ragna was cautious at first, but later he realized that Ishilly was not a spy. Because her movements were quite normal and her strength was too low to be an agent.

Ragna guessed that Ishilly was acting this way because she was only interested in him. Ragna's mysterious identity and his reputation on Fishman Island had intrigued her.

After swimming together for a while, the two of them went to a corner to rest.

"How was it? Did you have a fun day?" Ishilly said as she sat on the rock. Ragna was sitting next to her.

"Yes, I had a fun day. I guess I have to do something to thank you." Ragna said with a smile. Ragna's smile was visible as he had taken off the lower half of his mask some time ago.

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Ishilly said with a smile. At the same time, she was getting close to Ragna.

Ragna moved towards her as well, and then both of their lips met.

Ragna kissed her softly, and after a short while, he started attacking her mouth using his tongue. Ishilly did not reject him, and also she began to respond with her tongue.

After kissing for a few minutes, they finally parted. Ishilly was blushing with slight embarrassment from the heavy blows.

Ragna said with a smile, "How did you find my thanks?"

Ishilly said coquettishly as she touched Ragna's legs with her tail, "Not yet satisfactory."

Then she rushed forward and started kissing Ragna's lips passionately again.

As Ragna reciprocated her kiss, he was also exploring her body with his hand.


When Ragna grabbed Ishilly's breast, she moaned in his mouth.

Then Ragna took off her bikini and started playing with her nipples. As he continued to play with them, Ishilly's breathing quickened.

After the two of them parted once more, Ishilly said, "Have you ever had sex with a mermaid before?"

When seeing Ragna's negative response, she said lustfully, "Then I need to show you our feature."

She then lifted her tail slightly, and some of the scales near her waist began to move slowly. After a short time, two holes appeared.

Ragna said in surprise, "Are you breeding like us?"

At that moment, Neptune and Otohime came to his mind. It was so unreasonable for the two to mate and Shirahoshi to appear.

"Do you want to know? I'll tell you, but later." Ishilly said, and then pulled Ragna's head to her boobs.

Ragna also did not resist her and started to suck on her nipples. Also while doing this, he was searching her lower part with his hands.

Ishilly's moaning became even louder when she felt Ragna's fingers on her pussy. Because those parts were particularly sensitive.

Ishilly couldn't take it any longer, "P- put inside."

Ragna didn't want to keep her waiting any longer. He placed Ishilly's tail aside, then released his shaft and brought it in front of her cave.

He then slowly started to thrust his stick into her pussy.

"Ohh~" "Uhmm~"

Ragna groaned as he felt his dick being sucked by her. Ishilly too couldn't help groaning as her cave was attacked by a monster.

After Ragna was completely inside, he started to move his hips rapidly. Every time Ragna moved, his tool would go in and out of Ishilly's slit.

From that moment on, loud moaning sounds began to be heard in the mermaid cove. But unfortunately, they were not noticed because there was no one else there.

I know it's not very good. But I will try to do much better in the future.

Also, Ishilly is not a very important character. So she's not in the harem. There may be several more like her.

If you want to read the next chapters early ==>


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