
One Piece Adventure

Have you ever wondered..... Is there more to the One Piece World, than what we read in the manga, or what we watched in the anime? Could manga and anime cover everything happening in the One Piece World? How many stories are left untold by our dear mangaka, Eiichiro Oda? You can’t blame him, he is but a single man. You can’t expect him to cover everything. So let’s explore the unknowns of the One Piece world.

I_Am_Immortal · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Puffing Tom

The part of the energy that was coursing through his body turned the fighting experience into muscle memory as if he himself had gone through many fights. Another part of white energy which went inside his brain gave him the knowledge of efficiently using his senses to predict opponents' moves, how to evade them with a minimal amount of movements as to conserve energy, how to find the weakness in opponents' moves, and much more aspects of fighting. The knowledge he received today is just about how much Master Leo used in that two hours of the sparring session.

If you can sum up, the fighting instinct was basically the combination of powerful senses and the mind.

Let's just take a very simple example of punching. Whenever someone gets ready to punch, the first thing that person does is form a fist, and everybody knows this. I don't know if any of you ever got into the fight, and if you have, I bet that you have never noticed that hand turning into the fist, you only saw the punch coming at you. I am talking about the normal fights we get into not some boxing match. Forming a fist is just the first step, next is the movement of your joints, according to where that person is going to hit, the elbow joint lifts and shoulder joint turns at different angles. Normally before we can observe those movements the punch would already be coming at you.

If you have the powerful, senses and mind, you can easily notice even a tiny bit of movements in those joints, and can easily guess where that punch is going to hit.

I don't want to go into each and every detail, but when you punch it's not just your arm that moves but the whole body moves with it. Your body becomes the open book to read for someone with powerful senses, it's like your body itself telling them what it was going to do next.

The next day Leo and Bolt started their training four in the morning. Leo only returned home when he had to help his mother, otherwise, he trained the whole day. Bolt also trained for the whole day, except when he came back when he was hungry.

This became their usual routine.

Two months after they started training. Leo turned six, and Bolt eight.

In the morning, when Leo was cleaning the tables, he heard the sound of 'News Coo' from the outside. "Leo, News Coo is here. Get the newspaper."

"Okay, mom." Leo took the money and came outside, and then he saw a seagull wearing a black hat, and a brown bag labeled 'NEWS PAPER' hanging on the belt around its neck. This newspaper delivering bird is called 'News Coo'. Leo dropped coins in the bag and took the newspaper. News Coo made a sound at him as if it was saying. "It's a pleasure doing business with you." And then it flew away. Leo kept looking at it until it disappeared from his sight. No matter how many times he saw this it still amazed him.

In their town, only Leo's and Bolt's families would buy newspapers. As most of the customers visit their tavern only because of the Newspaper. And Bolt's father needed the information about what's happening in the seas for his voyage.

Leo also liked to read newspapers as it can help him keep track of the One Piece timeline. Until now he did not see anything that made an appearance in the manga.

But today was different, he saw the news about something that was related to the manga.

The headline read, "The First Sea Train: Puffing Tom". Underneath was the photo of the train whose boiler was painted in the green, red chimney, golden inverted cowcatcher in front. Beside the train were standing members of the shipbuilding company the 'Tom's Workers', headed by fish-man Tom, assistant Kokoro, Tom's young apprentice Franky and Iceburg, and behind them was a giant frog named Yokozuna.

As per the news, this train was built by the 'Tom's Workers' shipbuilding company. Puffing Tom's trial run is going to be held next month, from 'Water 7' to the 'St. Poplar' also known as the 'Town of the Spring Queen'.

Leo was happy to see this news. Kokoro, 'the beautiful' mermaid looked quite young in that photo. As a die-hard fan of One Piece, Leo easily understood the timeline even from this news. "So it's still twelve years before Luffy starts his adventure."

After helping Nejiko, Leo went to train.

Leo and Bolt were on their training ground near the Giant Tree.

Leo finally completed the Saitama sensei's training. Completed meaning, even after a full workout he wasn't tired even a little bit, he was as energetic as ever.

As a normal person without any system, Bolt's improvement was also good, but he was a little depressed seeing Leo's tremendous rate of improvement. In each sparring, he was getting beaten by Leo.

After the first day, Leo and Bolt started sparring. Leo taught him as much as possible from what he was learning in the [white Space].

Just yesterday, Leo finally confirmed the vague feeling of a new organ forming inside his brain. He didn't know if it was the new organ or just the particular region of the brain which was being enhanced tremendously, but one thing he was sure that this thing has its own consciousness, it can think on its own, so Leo decided to call it the 'Second Brain'.

As he trained more and more, his senses were getting extremely powerful, his brain wasn't enough to handle the data they were gathering. Just imagine if each of your senses were suddenly enhanced by hundred times, would your mind be enough to handle them? Of course not, you will go crazy with every little amplified sound bombarding in your ears, you will begin to smell everything, and the things having heavy odor will certainly make you faint, you can guess what will happen with other senses; Vision, Taste, and Touch. With heightened senses, you will become sensitive to each and every small thing.

But the second brain solved all those problems. The second brain's function was to handle these enhanced senses, it had absolute control over them. It can process every data gathered by them. Only what Leo felt useful will be sent to his main brain, everything else will be filtered out. With the help of a second brain, Leo can even switch off his senses.

When the second brain was fully formed, Leo acquired the ability similar to the 'Divine Sense' from cultivation world novels. It wasn't something given by the system, it was the by-product of his powerful senses and the second brain. Even with his eyes closed he could see everything around him, things which he had seen or known are shown colored and everything else would be in black and white.

For now, this ability only has a range of five meters around him. Leo decided to call this area around him, 'Domain'.

Leo opened the [Haki] tab from his system.



Armament Haki: [0.00] --> [0.01]

Observation Haki: [0.00] --> [0.01]

Conqueror's Haki: [0.900] --> [0.913]


Leo noticed each time he broke his limits there was a slight increase in Conqueror's Haki. Most difficult Haki was improving the fastest. He was still very far away from awakening Armament and Observation Haki, but Conqueror's wasn't the same. He was eagerly waiting for the day of its awakening.

As he completed the Saitama sensei's training, Leo decided to use the [Gravity] function. He increased the gravity.

[Gravity: 1.1]

Leo felt a slight increase in his weight, he felt as if the ground was pulling him down, as the increase in gravity wasn't large the pull wasn't stronger. His weight was around 40 kg, so that means with the gravity of [1.1], he was carrying an extra 4 kg on him. This [Gravity] function was really an ultimate training tool, as the extra weight would perfectly spread to each and every part of his body.

Leo knew nothing about how to train his body. So he decided to keep using Saitama sensei's workout. With the increased gravity, he started his training, now this time he wasn't able to complete the workout without tiring himself.

He continued to train with this gravity for five more days, only after that he could complete the workout without tiring himself, he completely got accustomed to that gravity.

Then he again increased gravity.

[Gravity: 1.3]

At this gravity, it is similar to carrying a 12 kg weight on him.

From now this is how trained. Increase the gravity and complete Saitama sensei's workout until he felt comfortable at that gravity. And again increase the gravity and repeat the process.

After five months. Leo was training at [Gravity: 2]. He also started keeping [Gravity] always on even at normal times.

At the normal time, he kept the gravity at [1.2]. It means there will always be an extra 8 kg weight on him.

While helping his mom when he had to lift things in the tavern, those things would also become heavier for him due to the [Gravity]. Even the glass from which he drank water had become his training equipment. It means from now on he will be training 24 hours.

One year after the beginning of training, they started hunting in the forest.

Compared to other forests in the One Piece world, this was like safe haven. The most frequently seen carnivorous animal was a wolf, and the most powerful animal was, the king of the forest, a white tiger with black stripes which lived in the deepest parts of the forest.

When they started hunting, Leo found something wrong with himself. The first thing they caught was a little rabbit. When he killed that cute rabbit he felt nothing, yes, he felt nothing at all.

He tried again but the same thing happened. Killing felt natural to him. He wasn't some psychopath, this change he could only attribute to the system, only it had the ability to change him like this.