
One Piece: Adventure of a Lifetime

The World of One Piece is filled with darkness and tragedies beneath all the Fun and adventure. Tag along Ryuma as he navigates his way through One Piece and makes it to the top all while having fun. Note: There will be heavy themes highlighted in the story. Oda-Sensei subtly touched on these themes, but this story will also focus on them and will not be subtle about them, so read at your own discretion. Disclaimer: All content belongs to its original creator and all hail GODA!

Novachrono_Agares · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter – 7 An Unexpected Encounter

"...That is to say, the diameter of the nerve fiber is one of the primary determining factors of nerve speed... and by increasing the diameter of these nerve fibers, I can augment the velocity at which ions flow through the nerves, effectively amplifying the speed of nerve impulse propagation," mused Ryuma as he lifted his head from the book before him.

While savoring a bite of chili, Rio glanced at the book resting on the table, then at Ryuma, and skeptically questioned, "I've been pondering something, buddy... aren't you already capable of increasing your speed? Why do you seek to do this?"

"Indeed, I can already enhance my speed using the Moa Moa no Mi... but that pertains solely to movement speed... what I aim to achieve here is the augmentation of nerve speed, which is an entirely distinct matter," responded Ryuma.

Rio tilted its head in confusion and asked, "How so?" displaying clear question marks on its face.

Ryuma contemplated how to explain in simpler terms, and after a moment of reflection, he answered, "Consider it this way... let's say a bullet is fired at me... ordinarily, what would be my response?"

"You would undoubtedly either dodge it, block it, or deflect it," replied Rio.

"Yes, I am capable of any of these three actions... and by increasing my movement speed, I could perform any of them effortlessly," nodded Ryuma, continuing after a brief pause, "However, there remains a crucial factor... I must be able to process the information that 'a bullet is fired at me' before executing any of these three actions... unless I process this information, regardless of how swift my movement speed is, I wouldn't be able to dodge the bullet in time..."

"So, does that mean you will be able to perceive and process information faster?!" mumbled Rio thoughtfully.

Ryuma nodded and added, "Yes," continuing, "And that's just one advantage... apart from the increased conduction speed of neural signals, there are numerous other benefits to expanding the diameter of the nerve fiber. I would possess enhanced motor control, enabling me to execute more precise and intricate movements, thereby further amplifying my physical performance, not to mention the heightened response and reaction speed."

"I see," nodded Rio, as if grasping Ryuma's words, and questioned, "But how fast will you process this information?"

Ryuma answered with a smile, "Based on the knowledge I have acquired so far, the diameter of the nerve fiber and conduction speed follow a relationship known as the 'square law,' which implies that doubling the diameter of a nerve fiber would result in a fourfold increase in conduction speed. Naturally, the specific speed may vary due to factors such as temperature, myelination, and the type of nerve fiber involved. Nevertheless, the square law provides a general estimation of the connection between nerve fiber diameter and conduction speed. This means, if I were to double the diameter of nerve fibers, I would be able to process information four times faster, and if I were to triple it, the speed would increase by nine times!"

"That's amazing," exclaimed Rio in astonishment.

"I know, right?" nodded Ryuma enthusiastically, then added with a touch of melancholy, "It's a pity that the effects of the Moa Moa no Mi are not permanent on living organisms... otherwise, I would have become unstoppable."

"I still find it remarkable, even without permanence," voiced Rio in awe.

Ryuma nodded, "Yes," and muttered to himself, "I suppose... I should order more books on Neuroscience."

Next Morning

Ryuma made his way to the bustling merchant guild, the sounds of negotiations and transactions filling the air. The guild, a hub of commerce and trade, housed a vast array of goods and services.

As he approached the front desk, the familiar face of the guild's president greeted him with a warm smile. The president, having previously interacted with Ryuma during his visits, recognized him and his keen interest in acquiring knowledge.

"Greetings, Sir Ryuma," the president said, his voice carrying an air of familiarity. "What brings you here today?"

Ryuma returned the smile, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I am in search of more books as always," he replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "This time I would like you to procure me books on Neuroscience… along with some other topics."

The president's eyes lit up with understanding. "Ah, I remember your passion for expanding your knowledge. Neuroscience is it?" he said, nodding in agreement. "I shall assist you to the best of my abilities."

With a swift motion, the president retrieved a parchment and quill, ready to take down the details of Ryuma's order.

Ryuma provided the names of authors such as Dr. Vegapunk, Ceaser Clown, and Dr. Hogback who might have done some research on Neuroscience.

The president jotted down the information, his hand gliding across the parchment with practiced ease.

"I have noted down your order, Sir Ryuma," the president said, his tone laced with assurance. "Rest assured, I will personally ensure that the books you seek are procured and made available to you as soon as possible."

Ryuma's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, mister," he replied, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Please be sure to contact me using Den Den Mushi as soon as you have my order ready."

"Certainly," the president nodded, his voice resonating with encouragement. "I look forward to seeing you once again when the books arrive."

With a nod of farewell, Ryuma left the merchant guild, a sense of excitement filling his being.

The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, and the cozy ambiance invited customers to enjoy their meals. At a corner table, two mischievous kids, sit huddled together, their eyes filled with excitement as they gobbled down all the delicious food on the table.

The duo exchanged a mischievous smile before turning their attention to the bustling restaurant. They watch as the OWNER tended to other customers, rushing from table to table to take orders.

As the food was about to be finished, one of the kids whispered lightly, "Sabo, when the Owner is occupied with other customers, that's our chance. We make our move!"

Sabo nodded, "Got it, Ace. We wait for the perfect moment."

As the Owner busily started to scribble down orders at a nearby table, the kids decided to seize the opportunity. They slide out of their chairs, their little feet carrying them swiftly toward the entrance, their hearts pounding with excitement.

Just as they were about to exit, suddenly, the owner spotted the missing children on the table, he quickly turned around and noticed them trying to sneak out of the store, "Hey, stop! Come back here!"

Realizing that the owner has noticed, Ace and Sabo dash through the exit, their small figures blending into the bustling village streets.

The Owner quickly chased after them, shouting for them to stop, "You brats, come back here! Stop right now!"

Ignoring the Owner's calls, Ace & Sabo effortlessly weaved through the streets, their nimble steps carrying them further away from the restaurant.

The Owner struggled to keep up with the duo as they dash through narrow alleyways and around corners, their laughter echoing through the streets of the city.

The Owner started to get breathless, and warned them, "You two better stop! There will be consequences!"

But the words of the Owner fade into the background as Ace and Sabo continue their escape.

Just as the two kids turned around the corner, their laughter still echoing through the air, fate intervened. In an unexpected twist of events, they collided with Ryuma–who was returning home from the merchant guild–causing all three of them to stumble and fall to the ground.

With a surprised yelp, "Ouch," "Damn it hurts," Ace and Sabo found themselves sprawled on the pavement, momentarily stunned by the sudden impact.

Ryuma quickly scrambled to his feet, extending a hand to help Ace and Sabo up. "Sorry about that," he said with a sheepish smile. "Guess I didn't see both of you coming."

"Are you okay? Are you okay?" asked Rio flapping his wings.

"It talks!" both of them exclaimed as they stared at Rio.

But suddenly they realized that they were being chased by the owner, "Wait… we don't have time for this!" Before they could regain their composure, they realized that the Owner, panting heavily from the chase, had caught up to them from behind.

The Owner's face flushed with a mix of anger and concern. "You little rascals! How dare you try to run away without paying!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration.

"Ah shit… he caught up!" muttered Sabo, a little panicked.

"How do I know what to do?" answered Ace, unsure of what they can do in this situation.

The Owner glared at the duo. "You better have a good explanation for this," he warned, his tone stern. "Running away without paying is not something I take lightly."

Hearing the owner's words, and the stinky eye the two kids were giving him, Ryuma realized the situation, 'Dine & Dash, huh?', And after thinking for a moment, he took out his wallet and handed the Owner the necessary amount. "I apologize for their behavior," he said sincerely. "They got carried away. It won't happen again."

It wasn't just Ace and Sabo, even the Owner was taken aback, "You are paying for them?"

Ryuma shrugged, "Does it matter who pays?" and added, "Just take the money and leave."

The Owner observed Ryuma and the two mischievous kids, annoyance evident in his eyes. "See that it doesn't," he replied gruffly, then took the money and left, he did not want to offend a Noble.

As the owner left, Ryuma spoke, "Well, make sure to be more careful the next time you dine and dash," and then left.

Ace and Sabo were surprised by the gesture, and couldn't help but look at his back in confusion, "Who is he?"

On the other side

After Ryuma had walked a considerable distance, Rio couldn't help but ask, "Ryuma… why did you help those two?"

Ryuma chuckled, "Just felt like helping them."

Rio stared at Ryuma for a while and said as he folded his wings over his chest, "Is there anything special about those two?"

Ryuma answered vaguely, "I suppose."

As for how special Ace and Sabo are… there is no need to mention this.

One is the son of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger and goes on to become the commander of the second division of the White Beard Pirates, while the other one is the future chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army.

Ryuma did plan on meeting Ace & Sabo at some point, but this time it was just a chance encounter, and it was completely unexpected. Since fate brought them together, so Ryuma didn't mind taking this opportunity to leave an impression on the two.

Of course, Ryuma knows Ace and Sabo enough to understand that they won't trust him so easily, and that's fine, now that he has left an impression on them (hopefully a positive one), there is a good chance that it will bear fruit in due time, he just has to wait.