
One Piece: Adventure of a Lifetime

The World of One Piece is filled with darkness and tragedies beneath all the Fun and adventure. Tag along Ryuma as he navigates his way through One Piece and makes it to the top all while having fun. Note: There will be heavy themes highlighted in the story. Oda-Sensei subtly touched on these themes, but this story will also focus on them and will not be subtle about them, so read at your own discretion. Disclaimer: All content belongs to its original creator and all hail GODA!

Novachrono_Agares · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter – 3 Training Observation Haki

Ryuma stared down the massive wild boar, a grin spreading across his face. With a wooden spear in hand, he took his stance, fully determined to finish the battle here and now. The wild boar towered over him, standing at an astonishing five meters in size. It was the largest creature Ryuma had encountered since arriving in the world of Pirates and Marines, and the mere thought of devouring it made his mouth water.

As if sensing Ryuma's intentions, the wild boar emitted a snort of anger, hot vapors billowing from its snout. It pawed the ground with its powerful hooves, ready to charge at Ryuma. But the swordsman remained unfazed, his confidence unwavering. He could almost taste the succulent meat that awaited him.

"You're a big one, aren't you? A true challenge for me," Ryuma thought, his excitement mounting.

In response, the wild boar kicked off the ground and charged toward Ryuma with astonishing speed. Ryuma's grin widened, his anticipation growing. He too dashed forward, meeting the creature's charge head-on.

As the two forces hurtled towards each other, Ryuma's mind raced with strategies. Suddenly, an idea formed in his agile mind. With a burst of agility, he leaped high into the air, executing a flawless backflip. As he landed, he found himself positioned behind the bewildered wild boar.

"Hah! Fooled you, didn't I?" Ryuma chuckled to himself, savoring the momentary advantage he had gained. The giant wild boar, realizing it had fallen into a trap, attempted to halt its charge and turn around.

But Ryuma had little intention of letting his prey escape. He seized the opportunity, his body surging with newfound energy.

"More More: Tenfold Speed!" Ryuma called out, channeling the power within him. Even without the assistance of his Devil Fruit, Ryuma was already a formidable force, but now his velocity multiplied tenfold. The wild boar stood no chance of tracking his movements. With a burst of speed granted by his Devil Fruit power, he dashed towards the wild boar once again, his movements a blur.

As he closed in on the beast, Ryuma's mind homed in on its vulnerable spots. 'Aim for the head,' he thought, knowing that it was the most vital area. With a swift and fluid motion, he positioned his wooden spear at the giant wild boar's head and thrust it forward.


To his frustration, the hardness of the wild boar's muscles and bones proved to be too much for Ryuma's strength alone. The spear barely penetrated the creature's flesh, leaving only the tip embedded. The wild boar, now seething with anger, retaliated swiftly, knocking Ryuma aside with a powerful swing of its tusks.

Ryuma was sent flying, crashing into a nearby tree before collapsing to the ground. Through the pain and disorientation, he slowly regained his footing, his gaze fixed upon the rampaging wild boar. It crashed recklessly into trees, attempting to dislodge the wooden spear still lodged in its head.

Watching the creature's futile struggle, Ryuma couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity. He muttered to himself, "Must be hurting, huh?" A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he resolved to end the beast's suffering once and for all. He charged towards it again, his speed amplified by his Devil Fruit powers.

As he closed in on the wild boar, Ryuma leaped into the air, his thoughts racing. "More More: Tenfold Hardness!" he commanded, enhancing the hardness of his feet, and "More More: Tenfold Weight!" he called out, amplifying his own weight. With his newly augmented abilities, he delivered a powerful kick to the wooden spear still lodged in the wild boar's head.

The impact was thunderous as the wooden spear pierced through the wild boar's skull, instantly ending its life. The once ferocious creature fell to the ground, lifeless. Ryuma stood tall, his victorious smirk reflecting a mixture of satisfaction and accomplishment. The battle was over, and the spoils of his victory awaited him.

With the preparations complete and the wild boar simmering over a low flame, Ryuma settled into a patient wait. As time stretched on, his thoughts wandered back to the transformative months he had spent in this unfamiliar world.

Before he realized it, an entire year had slipped by since his arrival, and now, at the age of seven, he marveled at the progress he had made. Around six months earlier, he had abandoned the use of traps to catch his prey, opting instead to hunt through direct combat and the art of killing. It was a necessary step to acclimate himself to the ways of battle.

In this vast sea, the knowledge of combat was an absolute prerequisite for survival, excluding, of course, those privileged Celestial Dragons. Anyone who lacked combat skills and lacked the celestial birthright would find themselves ill-equipped to navigate the perils that lay before them.

While the battles against animals and beasts differed significantly from those against fellow humans, Ryuma recognized that even such encounters held value. It provided him with crucial experience in close-quarters combat, an invaluable asset in this world.

Yet, he remained cautious when it came to confronting the bandits residing in Grey Terminal and Mount Corvo. Currently, he did not possess the confidence necessary to engage them directly. It was not that he doubted his capacity to overcome a bandit; rather, his unease stemmed from the possibility of an unnoticed gunshot piercing his heart or head. The looming threat of such bullets weighed heavily on his mind.

Call it cowardice or paranoia, but Ryuma harbored no desire to meet an untimely demise. Hence, he took these necessary precautions, recognizing that the minimum measures were vital to safeguard his own life. For now, he had resolved to delay his encounters with bandits and other human adversaries until he had mastered the Observation Haki.

So, for the time being, he directed his focus toward developing his skills and waited for the day when he felt truly prepared to confront the challenges that awaited him.

With his contemplations drawing to a close, the aroma of the cooked boar filled the air, signaling that it was time for a gratifying feast. Ryuma's attention shifted from introspection to the immediate satisfaction of a hearty meal.

"Based on what that one told me… this one appears relatively safe," murmured Ryuma as he gazed at the lake stretching out before him. Having finished his meal, he had ventured to one of the numerous lakes on the Dawn Islands. The information he had gathered from communicating with the marine life indicated that this particular lake was comparatively secure, harboring less dangerous creatures.

"This seems like the perfect place to commence my Observation Haki training," Ryuma declared, preparing himself to plunge into the water. Observation Haki was a power derived from the mind, enhancing a person's perception and functioning as a sixth sense that surpassed mere intuition. Mastery over Observation Haki granted the ability to sense the presence of others and perceive their intentions, emotions, and strength. Advanced applications, such as Future Vision, could also be achieved through this ability. It was a crucial skill that Ryuma needed to develop.

While individuals like Queen Otohime, Princess Shirahoshi, and Aisa from the Shandian tribe were born with a natural aptitude for Observation Haki, others awakened it autonomously under intense stimulation or trained diligently to awaken it as is the case with Ryuma.

However, training to awaken Observation Haki was significantly more challenging compared to training for Armament Haki. Armament Haki involved physically training and hardening one's flesh, as it could be seen and touched. In contrast, Observation Haki operated through the mind, which couldn't be physically perceived or interacted with; it had to be felt.

To awaken and master Observation Haki, one had to develop an understanding of and connection with the mind. However, grasping and experiencing the intricacies of the mind proved to be an arduous task. The first step toward comprehending and connecting with the mind was to eliminate distractions and empty one's thoughts, focusing all attention on a single point.

For someone like Ryuma, who hailed from modern society and lacked exposure to practices such as meditation, the concepts of "emptying the mind" and "focused attention" were exceedingly complex and difficult to grasp. Despite benefiting from a year of living a slower and more contemplative life after arriving in this world, actually achieving a calm state of mind would prove challenging. That's why Ryuma had decided to seek assistance from the water.

As a half-merfolk, Ryuma felt a natural affinity toward the water and found solace within its depths. Therefore, he planned to train his mind within the lake, leveraging his connection to the element in his quest to awaken Observation Haki.

With a determined resolve, Ryuma took the plunge into the lake, fully committed to his goal.

Fully immersed in the water, Ryuma regulated his breathing, consciously slowing it down. With closed eyes, he focused on quieting his mind, a challenging endeavor that he knew would require patience and discipline. Yet, the serene stillness of the water provided a conducive environment, aiding him in attaining a state of tranquility.

But the water wasn't his sole aid. Ryuma intended to harness the power of the Moa Moa no Mi while training his Observation Haki. Through his past year of training and combat against the untamed creatures of the forest, he had developed a heightened sense of his surroundings. Although not yet true Observation Haki, it was a keen awareness of the danger that he had grown accustomed to. Recognizing this innate "sense," he sought to utilize it to facilitate his Observation Haki training.

"More More: Tenfold Sense!" Ryuma invoked the powers of the Moa Moa no Mi, exponentially enhancing the acuity of his senses. In an instant, everything became clearer and sharpened to an unprecedented degree. The previously challenging task of emptying his mind and focusing his attention now seemed more attainable.

With heightened senses, Ryuma could better discern the subtle shifts in his surroundings and the minute vibrations that rippled through the water. Every droplet and current became more distinct, and he felt an enhanced connection to his environment. This newfound clarity facilitated his pursuit of awakening and refining his Observation Haki.