
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 84:A Unprecedented Threat!

"Residual Fire Style.


The words echoed faintly from Ace's lips as he exhaled, causing the very atmosphere before him to twist and collapse. His body transformed into residual fire, each breath he exhaled radiating terrifying heat.

"This... this is..."

Rayleigh, momentarily distracted from his battle with Kizaru, watched in disbelief as Ace underwent a profound transformation. No longer surrounded by flames, Ace's body displayed intricate dark red cracks resembling tattoos, within which a dark red sun seemed to surge with intense power.

"This isn't like any Logia I've seen," Rayleigh muttered, recognizing both the beauty and the ultimate danger emanating from Ace's new form. The exquisite yet terrifying nature of the dark red cracks held a destructive power that surpassed any typical Logia ability.

Even Fujitora, renowned for his insight through Observation Haki, couldn't conceal his disbelief. "To burn even Haki away... can a Devil Fruit truly achieve such power?"

Nami, observing from afar, was captivated by the beauty of Ace's transformation. Her eyes reflected a mixture of awe and admiration for the stunning display of power before her.

"This beauty... it's beyond words," she murmured, her gaze fixed on Ace's figure adorned with dark red cracks like fiery tattoos, resonating with the blazing sun.

On the Shichibukai's warship, Hancock too was spellbound by the sight. Her normally composed demeanor betrayed confusion and obsession as she gazed upon Ace's transformed state.

"This beauty... it's unlike anything I've ever seen," Hancock whispered to herself, her heart racing uncontrollably as she struggled to comprehend the allure of Ace's newfound power.

Meanwhile, on the Marine side, Sengoku's shock was palpable as he observed Ace's transformation through a monitor.

"What?!" Sengoku gasped, his voice trembling with disbelief. "Is this the power Garp spoke of? A form surpassing even the abilities of mythical beasts?"

Garp, equally stunned, could only nod in agreement. "It's not exactly the same as before, but... it's as if Ace has achieved a form akin to the mythical beast's transformation. This surpasses anything we've encountered."

Aokiji, normally composed, couldn't hide his astonishment either. "This form... it's more than just a Logia ability. It's beyond natural limits, more extreme than any mythical beast's transformation I've heard of."

"Sengoku, there are ten minutes left!" The messenger shouted loudly.

"Ten minutes, it shouldn't be difficult to hold on for ten minutes, right? Akainu!" Sengoku's cheeks twitched as he looked at the image in front of him.

It was unbelievable that such words came from the mouth of the Fleet Admiral of Naval Headquarters.

He actually had no confidence at all whether Akainu was a match for Portgas D. Ace.

He only hoped that Akainu could survive until they arrived.

As the Marines scrambled to reach Sabaody Archipelago, Sengoku's urgency grew.

"Hurry! Full speed ahead! We must reach Ace before this power becomes uncontrollable!"

His voice echoed with a rare urgency, his golden aura shimmering with determination as he prepared for what lay ahead.

"Don't underestimate the Marines, Portgas D. Ace," Sengoku muttered to himself, his resolve steeling against the unprecedented threat Ace now posed.

Holy Land, Mariejois.



Saint Warcury, his forehead marked with a birthmark, underwent an unprecedented change in expression as he beheld the image of Ace, now resembling a demon wreathed in flames. His horror was palpable.

"This power defies the nature of Logia entirely! This... this is demonic..."

Saint Mars, his long hair and beard soaked with sweat, stammered in disbelief.

"Demon... how could such a thing come to pass?! Who is Portgas D. Ace?!"

Saint Nusjuro, nervously tapping the ground with his sword, lost all composure.

"Even if our true forms are exposed to the world, Portgas D. Ace must not be allowed to continue growing. This form is too perilous!"

"Saturn, are you there?" Saint Peter queried, his gaze intense as he addressed the air.

"Not quite there yet," came Saint Saturn's voice, bypassing conventional communication through a mysterious ability from Pangu City.

"Prepare yourselves. Portgas D. Ace threatens our very existence," Saint Peter declared, his eyes glowing with an ominous light, a sentiment mirrored by the unnerving expressions of Saint Warcury, Saint Nusjuro, and Saint Mars.

In an instant, their shadows transformed into monstrous avatars of power:

Saint Peter's shadow morphed into a colossal and menacing sandworm, the Sandworm of Justice, Saint Shepherd Jupiter!

Saint Warcury's shadow took on the form of a fearsome boar with four tusks, the Legal War God, Saint Topman Warcury, a demonic boar!

Saint Nusjuro's shadow twisted into a terrifying skeletal horse, the Financial War God, Saint Izanbalon V. Nusjhuro, the skeletal horse!

Saint Mars' shadow contorted into a bizarre and terrifying giant bird with a human face and a snake's body, the Environmental War God, Saint Marcus Mars, Itsu Shinten!

Saint Saturn, rushing toward Sabaody Archipelago, saw his shadow transform into a monstrous figure with a cow's upper body and spider legs below, the Science and Defense War God, Jaygarcia Saturn, the Gyuki!

The Five Elders, the pinnacle of authority in the world, now appeared as monstrous entities, their true forms revealed in the face of Ace's unprecedented power.

Atop the world's summit, Mariejois, the realm of the gods, bore witness to an unfolding Hell as the Five Elders, transformed into monstrous beings, prepared to confront this unparalleled threat.

Deep in Pangu City.

"Ta! Ta!"

In this forbidden place where none should tread, a grand staircase ascends towards the vaulted weapons of the twenty kings who founded the World Government. At its pinnacle rests an empty throne, a seat reserved for none.

But now, breaking the silence, a figure ascended those ancient steps, their presence ominous against the backdrop of the throne's vacancy.

From the shadows cast by the throne, a pair of chilling red eyes observed the unfolding events transmitted through the phone bug.

Im, the elusive king hidden behind the Five Elders, spoke not a word as he beheld Ace's manifestation as a flame demon on the screen.

With a sudden movement, Im extended a hand and two bounty posters materialized in his grasp.

Gazing upon one of them, bearing Vivi's poster, Im's expression flickered with subtle emotion.


Im then turned his attention to the other bounty poster.

"Portgas D. Ace..."

The depths of Im's red eyes darkened, exuding an aura of profound malevolence.

"Just who are you...?"

A chilling, terrifying voice echoed deep within the ancient city, resonating with an ominous power that shook the very foundations of history.

"How... how is it possible?!"

Akainu's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at Ace's flame-demon-like form. The dark red cracks covering Ace's body, resembling tattoos, seemed to pulse with the energy of a blazing sun. Akainu's pupils contracted violently.

This power couldn't possibly belong to a Logia Devil Fruit user. Logia abilities didn't work this way. This form was superior, more terrifying than even the human-animal forms of the mythical Zoan types. Facing Portgas D. Ace now, Akainu could feel an overwhelming sense of danger, horror, and fear.

The Lava-Lava Fruit's power surged uncontrollably within him, almost as if it was warning him to retreat from Ace. How could his superior Devil Fruit be afraid of the Mera-Mera Fruit?

"Great Eruption!" Akainu roared, and his entire right fist transformed into a massive, terrifying magma fist. He launched it toward Ace with volcanic fury.


Ace remained unfazed, his eyes locked onto the approaching magma fist. Slowly, he extended his right fist, as if in a friendly fist bump, and gently touched the giant magma fist.

"Whoosh! Bang!"


Under Akainu's astonished gaze, his giant magma fist vanished upon contact with Ace's fist, as if it had never existed. The traces of its existence were erased.

"Residual Fire Style: East-Rising Sun," Ace intoned, his dark red eyes glowing with the power of the blazing sun. "Let's dance, Akainu."

In an instant, Ace's figure disappeared.

"What?!!" Akainu's face contorted in shock. He couldn't track Ace's movements with his Observation Haki. It was as if Ace existed beyond detection.


Ace reappeared before Akainu and lightly threw out his right fist.

"Gulu! Gulu!"

Akainu turned his arms into lava to defend himself. "Armament Haki!" he bellowed, wrapping his arms in Haki to reinforce the magma.


A burning sound, sharp and unsettling, filled the air. Akainu's iron-blooded visage contorted in pain as a terrifying mark appeared on his magma arm. His Haki had been burned through, and even the magma was scorched.

"Ah!!!" Akainu's scream echoed, filled with agony and disbelief.