
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 74:The Panicking Sengoku!

Naval Headquarters, Sengoku's Office!

"Fleet Admiral, all members of the Shichibukai have assembled at Mariejois," reported a Marine Commodore.

"Really? Understood," nodded Sengoku.

The Commodore saluted and withdrew from the office.

"This gathering of Shichibukai went smoother than anticipated, Sengoku," remarked Tsuru, seated nearby, her hands folded calmly.

"It did, even the Pirate Empress attended, but..." Sengoku's expression darkened slightly.

"What's troubling you, Sengoku?" Tsuru inquired, her demeanor serious.

"According to our intelligence, Moria's Thriller Bark has been destroyed," Sengoku stated solemnly.

"Destroyed? By Portgas D. Ace?" Tsuru's eyes narrowed.

"He's the only one capable of such a feat passing through the Devil's Triangle," Sengoku affirmed with deep concern.

"More perplexing is that Moria arrived in Mariejois unscathed," Sengoku continued, troubled. "Kuma reported bringing Moria with his Paw-Paw Fruit power, but something isn't right. In Mariejois, Moria and Doflamingo had a clash. Moria seems to have lost his Shadow Fruit ability entirely, relying instead on swordsmanship and Haki."

"What?!" Tsuru's pupils contracted in shock.

"Moria, after failing against Kaido, had his confidence shattered, lost Haki, and abandoned martial arts. Marine records are clear on this. His strength is at rock bottom among the Shichibukai. Even Jinbei, who joined due to Fish-Man Island, could best him," Sengoku explained.

"But despite Thriller Bark's destruction and losing his powers, Moria is alive and adapting," Tsuru mused incredulously.

"We can confirm Moria has lost his Shadow Fruit ability from Momousagi's report," Sengoku affirmed gravely.

"Why is he still alive then? Was it Ace?" Tsuru felt a chill.

"The ability to steal Devil Fruit powers is known to a select few in our 800-year history. Yet Moria survives, regains Haki, and returns to Swordsmanship," she pondered darkly.

"Moreover, Momousagi suspects Boa Hancock responded to a call regarding Portgas D. Ace, a first for her to heed the World Government," Sengoku added, frustration evident. "And Kuma chose to conceal details about Thriller Bark this time."

"Kuma? How could he hide matters involving Portgas D. Ace?" Tsuru's expression shifted with concern.

"As one of Naval Headquarters' elite, Tsuru understood Kuma's involvement deeply. His transformation into a humanoid weapon prototype for the World Government's research came with stringent directives," Sengoku explained, his frustration mounting. "Yet he shields information about Ace?"

"There's more to Thriller Bark and Ace's involvement than we know," Tsuru concluded grimly. "Damn it, what has Portgas D. Ace done? Why did the Pirate Empress come for him?"

Sengoku slammed his fist on the desk, feeling events spiraling out of control due to Ace's actions.

"As one of the Three Great Powers, the Shichibukai were meant to balance the Four Emperors. But with so many ties to Portgas D. Ace, they're becoming a liability," Sengoku lamented. "Hawkeye's friendship with Red Hair complicates matters. If war erupts, will the summoned Shichibukai turn on us?"

Tsuru's face turned grim as she contemplated the implications. "Momousagi and others must monitor the Shichibukai closely to prevent any mishaps."

"Damn it, we called the Shichibukai here for support, now we're hindered by this mess," Sengoku sighed, troubled by the chaos Ace had stirred up.

"The root cause of all this is Portgas D. Ace!"



At that moment, the marshal's office door swung open abruptly. A Rear Admiral from Naval Headquarters rushed in, his expression filled with horror.

"What's going on?!" Sengoku's demeanor shifted.

"We've lost contact with the Red-Haired Pirates' guard ship, stationed near the Four Emperors," the Rear Admiral reported frantically. "All reconnaissance posts observing Kaido and the other Emperors have been destroyed. The entire vast surveillance network from the Devil's Triangle to Sabaody Archipelago against the Entei Pirates has been wiped out."

"What did you say?!" Sengoku's complexion paled, cold sweat forming on his forehead.

"I'm sorry, but all trace of the Three Emperors is gone!" the Rear Admiral exclaimed, tears welling in his eyes. "The Three Emperors attacked us Marines simultaneously!"

"Boom!" Sengoku's fist crashed down on the table, teeth clenched in anger.

"Summon the Shichibukai to Headquarters immediately! Get Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu ready to mobilize," Sengoku ordered forcefully.

"There's no time to question whether any of the Shichibukai are allied with the Entei Pirates. We must deploy all available combat power!" His voice carried urgency.

"We can't afford to second-guess now, especially after the Elders insisted on summoning the Shichibukai," Sengoku added grimly.

"Yes, Marshal!" The Rear Admiral's expression shifted, and he dashed out swiftly.

"That bastard! He actually did it!"

"Don't even mention Kaido and Portgas D. Ace, but why did Red Hair attack our guard ship?" Sengoku's expression darkened.

"Kaido's known for his unpredictability, and Ace is reckless. But why did Red Hair break the unspoken rule by attacking our surveillance ship?" He pondered aloud.

"Sengoku, we're completely blind without knowing the whereabouts of the Three Emperors," Tsuru interjected gravely.

"Red Hair's surprise attack caught us off guard. Kaido's transformed into a blue dragon, making him elusive to track alone," she continued, concern evident.

"And despite our extensive network from the Devil's Triangle to Sabaody, Ace somehow bypassed it all," Tsuru added, troubled. "How did he manage it? What's his objective?"

"The real focus now is the Entei Pirates, where Ace belongs. Marine has cast a dragnet-like surveillance network," she emphasized.

"Aokiji's confirmed Ace possesses powerful Observation Haki, capable of foreseeing the near future," Sengoku added, his expression shifting with concern.

"Even with Ultimate Observation Haki, dismantling our network completely is inconceivable," Sengoku muttered, his frustration mounting.

The disappearance of Ace, central to this storm, only intensified Sengoku's unease.

"What does Portgas D. Ace want?!" Sengoku's headache intensified as he considered Ace's past recklessness.

"Deploy more surveillance ships around Sabaody Archipelago immediately. We must locate the Entei Pirates!" Sengoku commanded into his transponder snail.

"Yes, Marshal!" came the hurried reply, reflecting the urgency of the situation.

"You bastard! If we don't know his location, we can't let the Celestial Dragons on the Sabaody Archipelago evacuate. Unable to let go, some preparations were made at Sabaody Archipelago, these troublesome guys."

Sengoku's right fist slammed down hard on the table, his expression grim. As true world nobles, Celestial Dragons wield supreme power globally. The Sabaody Archipelago, their territory, hosted countless venues tailored for their amusement, where they indulged year-round.

Yet now, amid the looming clash between Kaido, Red Hair, and Entei, uncertainty clouded their safety. If the Three Emperors indeed collided at Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons, not fools, might consider temporarily retreating to the Holy Land for safety. However, without precise knowledge of Ace's location, Marine couldn't mobilize large-scale preparations on the Archipelago.

"Sengoku, what did you just say?" Tsuru's eyes widened, fixed on him.

"I said, because the Celestial Dragons are still on Sabaody, we can't afford to delay preparations there," Sengoku replied, irritation creeping into his voice.

"Not that part, the last sentence," Tsuru pressed, her own unease growing.

"The last sentence? 'If we don't know the exact location of Portgas D. Ace, the Celestial Dragons won't evacuate...'" Sengoku trailed off, his expression suddenly turning grave.

"No, it can't be?" Sengoku's gaze locked onto Tsuru, a chill settling over him.

"If it's Portgas D. Ace, nothing's impossible! Remember what happened at Mariejois! Portgas D. Ace used Conqueror's Haki against the Celestial Dragons!" His words carried a weight of solemnity.

"Damn it! Get those idiots from the Celestial Dragons to evacuate immediately!" Sengoku bellowed, urgency flooding his voice.

"You know we can't make the Celestial Dragons evacuate without precise information," Tsuru retorted sharply, frustration evident.

"Damn it! Have our stationed personnel on Sabaody report any signs of Portgas D. Ace immediately. Get Akainu headed there now! Kizaru, prepare for immediate action!" Sengoku's command rang out, veins bulging on his forehead.

Despite the potential strain on headquarters' resources, immediate action was non-negotiable. The safety of the Celestial Dragons in Sabaody Archipelago was paramount.

"Understood," Tsuru affirmed, her expression resolute as she departed the office.

Facing the looming threat of potential terrorist acts, no matter how slim the chance, preemptive measures were imperative. The mere possibility that Ace targeted the Celestial Dragons was too dire to ignore.

"Damn you, Portgas D. Ace! Please don't stir up trouble! Are you trying to incite a global uproar?" Sengoku paced anxiously, cold sweat trickling down his face. The headquarters was helpless, unable to even trace the Entei Pirates at this critical juncture.

Then, abruptly, a transponder snail buzzed on Sengoku's desk.

"Garp! You old bastard, can you reach Portgas D. Ace? Tell him to cease any further disturbances! How the hell do you contact him, you old fool!" Sengoku erupted into the receiver.

Sengoku, known as the Buddha and The Resourceful General, struggled to contain his emotions, his usual composure fraying at the seams.

"What?" Garp, preoccupied with setting a donut-eating record, was taken aback by Sengoku's outburst.

Meanwhile, at Sabaody Archipelago, in a quaint tavern known as "Shakky's Rip-off Bar," the doorknob turned slowly on its own.

"Um?!" Shakky, tending the bar, suddenly looked up, a sense of unease creeping over her.