
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 66: The World I Want To Create!

"Hahaha, what do you think? Is this what it means to be the king of the world?" Ace looked at Aokiji, his eyes sparkling with Haki-infused amusement.

"To have individuals as supreme, abolishing slavery and oppression, dismantling the rule of the Celestial Dragons, and establishing a centralized government where meritocracy reigns supreme under the king's rule. Everyone shares the dream of creating a better world together. How feasible do you think that is?" Aokiji responded solemnly, contemplating Ace's bold vision.

Ace's words, spoken casually yet profoundly, struck a chord with Aokiji. Amidst the revelry of the banquet, he parsed out the essence: eliminate the tyranny of the World Government, institute a new order where meritocracy prevails, and foster a society free from exploitation and chaos. These ideals seemed lofty, almost unattainable given human nature's penchant for power and ambition.

"Is it even possible?" Aokiji queried, his tone betraying a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

"It's simple, really," Ace replied, a confident smirk playing at his lips. "With absolute power that surpasses all others, and when the world's productivity reaches unprecedented heights, anything is achievable. I alone can make it happen—Portgas D. Ace!"

Ace's laughter carried a weight of certainty. He understood that true stability and progress could only emerge when personal strength, boundless resources, and unparalleled productivity converged. His vision encompassed not just Applying Modern Earth Laws and Concepts to the world of One piece, but the potential to harness space resources and eradicate all forms of scarcity and want.

"In an empire where individuals are paramount, and where everyone strives for a better nation and life under my leadership, I can create such a world," Ace declared, his eyes gleaming with the conviction of one who had seen beyond the horizon.

Only Ace, with his unique understanding and unrivaled power, could conceive and execute such a grand design. His empire would stand as a beacon of hope and prosperity, driven by the ambition to forge a truly equitable and flourishing society.

"Hahaha, what do you think? Is this what it means to be the king of the world?" Ace's voice rang out amidst the lively banquet, his eyes sparkling with Haki-infused amusement as he addressed Aokiji.

Aokiji's mind raced, pondering over Ace's profound words about productivity. As Ace continued, mentioning his perspective alongside Monkey D. Luffy's, Aokiji's gaze flickered with understanding. He began to see beyond just personal force; to him, ensuring resources were abundant seemed pivotal to realizing Ace's visionary empire.

"By the way," Ace interjected with a wide grin, his demeanor warming the room, "although it sounds similar to productivity, this is what my idiot brother and I believe... This world should be a place where everyone can have enough to eat, where everyone can join in a banquet. Right, Kuzan?" Ace gestured animatedly at the lavish spread of food and drink before them.

For Ace, the concept of eradicating hunger resonated deeply, a sentiment ingrained from his experiences on Earth. Despite never facing real hunger in this new era, he understood its profound impact on humanity. The notion of ensuring no one went without food echoed his earthly heritage, where 'have you eaten?' was the first greeting, a simple yet powerful act of care.

Aokiji's eyes moistened slightly as Ace's words struck a chord. "Yes, far too many still suffer from hunger in this world. Creating a place where everyone has enough to eat is the greatest justice," Aokiji admitted, his voice choked with emotion.

He reflected on the challenges—sea kings, the Grand Line's hostile climates, and the World Government's reach—that hindered food distribution across islands. Even in peacetime, scarcity was rampant; in war-torn regions, it was even worse. A world without hunger seemed an impossible dream, yet Ace's conviction stirred hope.

Nami and Nojiko, recalling their struggles with Bell-mère and Arlong, fought back tears. Vivi, despite her royal status, understood the plight of her people in Alabasta. Kaya and the Sky Islanders, Laki and Conis, each had their own experiences with hunger, their aspirations aligning with Ace's vision of a nourished world.

Robin, whose past under the World Government had been marked by hardship and scarcity, saw Ace's goal as not just noble but transformative. To her, it represented a solution to one of humanity's oldest and most pervasive problems.

Garp, amidst his pride in Ace and Luffy, saw their actions transcending the narrow definitions of justice imposed by the World Government. He marveled at Ace's unwavering determination, a trait he'd witnessed since Ace's youth.

As the conversation continued, the atmosphere brimmed with hope and determination. Ace's dream of a world without hunger, where everyone could thrive, resonated deeply with each person present. It wasn't just a dream; it was a future they could envision, guided by Ace's leadership and unwavering belief in a better world.

"Hahaha, how about it, Kuzan? Doesn't this world sound incredible? It's a world that makes everyone yearn for it endlessly," Ace remarked with a grin, his gaze fixed on Aokiji.

Aokiji nodded solemnly, absorbing Ace's proposal with deep contemplation. The idea of a world without oppression and abundant productivity resonated with him profoundly.

"Do you want to join me in creating such a world, Kuzan?" Ace's laughter was warm yet resolute as he extended an unexpected invitation to the Admiral of Headquarters.

Aokiji froze momentarily, disbelief etched on his features. The girls, too, were taken aback, their gazes fixed on Ace in astonishment. The notion of a pirate inviting an Admiral to join their cause was unprecedented.

"Are you asking me, a Marine Admiral, to become a pirate?" Aokiji's forehead creased with a faint sheen of sweat, grappling with the unconventional offer. Just moments ago, he and Garp had arrived to offer Ace a position among the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Now, the tables had turned dramatically.

"With the current state of decadence in the world government, can such a world truly be realized? And to achieve unprecedented productivity, only I can do it. How about it? I can appoint you as the captain of the first division of the Entei Pirates, Kuzan," Ace proposed, his voice filled with conviction.

Aokiji mulled over Ace's words, considering the implications. The Entei Pirates, already approaching the stature of a Four Emperors-level crew, aligned closely with Ace's vision. He understood Ace's unique ability to enhance his crew members' talents, evident in the rapid growth of individuals like Nico Robin and Vivi.

"Not to mention Nico Robin, or the former princess of Alabasta, Vivi, and the former Marine Captain Tashigi— their talents are clear," Aokiji reflected, recognizing Ace's influence in their development. The prospect of joining Ace's crew, primarily composed of formidable female pirates, intrigued and challenged him.

Ace's understanding field, a power capable of unlocking extraordinary potential, was now clearer to Aokiji. He pondered Ace's invitation, weighing the opportunity against his current allegiance and the potential to effect real change.

Ace awaited Aokiji's response with patience, knowing the gravity of his offer. As the silence stretched, Aokiji exhaled slowly, a decision brewing beneath his composed exterior.

Aokiji gazed at Ace with a measured exhale, his expression contemplative yet resolute. "The world you describe is indeed desirable. Perhaps, even without your extraordinary powers, it could be a fantasy to achieve such a world," he began, his voice tinged with sincerity. "But I believe in working towards a better world in my own way. The price of disorder is too steep, and while you may see me as less bold, this is my path, Portcas D. Ace," Aokiji affirmed solemnly, his gaze unwavering.

Despite his yearning for Ace's vision, Aokiji recognized the immense challenge of realizing a world with near-limitless resources and productivity without Ace's unique abilities. "To forge a new world order, one must first dismantle the old," he reflected, acknowledging the inevitability of upheaval to achieve lasting peace and beauty. "Ace, the Entei Pirates, they are preparing for a war that will reshape the world. To achieve your goal of becoming king and overthrowing the World Government—the impact would be immense," Aokiji continued, his tone measured yet resolute.

"Uncertainty follows such upheaval, and I am hesitant to gamble on such uncertainties," Aokiji admitted, opting for a more secure path—becoming Marine Marshal. "Even if achieving the world you envision may seem improbable, the research of Vegapunk and others continues. Progress may be slower, but we can inch closer," he reasoned, emphasizing the incremental approach to improving lives and reducing suffering.

Ace, listening attentively, chuckled in response to Aokiji's decision. He understood Aokiji's pragmatism and commitment to Marine ideals, even without the allure of Conqueror's Haki. "I reserve the position of Captain of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet for you, Kuzan," Ace reiterated warmly, acknowledging Aokiji's standing and principles.

Aokiji nodded thoughtfully, recognizing the complexities ahead for both of them. He turned his gaze to Garp, contemplating the choices that led them to this juncture. "Today's weather is pleasant," Aokiji remarked, his eyes sharpening as he engaged Garp knowingly. Despite the light-hearted exchange, Aokiji's resolve was clear—he aimed to fulfill his new ambition within Marine.

Ace watched Aokiji with a hint of admiration, sensing renewed determination in his longtime acquaintance. Garp's amused reaction underscored the bond and rivalry between them. "Thank you, Portcas D. Ace," Aokiji spoke sincerely, envisioning his future as Marine Marshal, committed to realizing a world where everyone could feast and prosper. As he shared his intentions with Ace, a shared laughter bridged their differences, acknowledging a future where paths would cross again under different circumstances.

Ace looked around with a serious expression, drawing everyone's attention as they awaited his next words with anticipation. "This topic ends here. The most important thing now is..." he began, his tone solemn, only to abruptly change course with a hearty shout, "...I'm not full yet, and then there's a party!"

His declaration broke the tension, and laughter erupted as Ace raised his wine glass and eagerly grabbed a piece of barbecue prepared by Laki. "When you're hungry, you have to eat! Hahaha!" he exclaimed, his infectious laughter spreading to everyone present.

All the girls joined in, lifting their wine glasses and indulging in the delicious food with radiant smiles. Even Aokiji, usually reserved, joined the jovial atmosphere, picking up pizza and a glass of wine, echoing Ace's sentiment with a hearty laugh. "Hahaha, you're right, Ace! When you're hungry, you have to eat!"

Garp, known for his love of food, chimed in with his own laughter, balancing a donut and a cup of tea as he looked skyward in mirth. "Oh! Go on and eat! It's really delicious food, a perfect banquet, hahaha!"

The giants, Oyimo and Cassie, joined in with deep laughter of their own, emphasizing the simple joy of satisfying hunger. Qimoni and Granny Kokoluo shared smiles and snacks, their laughter adding to the festive atmosphere.

Iceburg and everyone else at the banquet, including members of the Carrera Company and citizens of Water 7, embraced the spirit of celebration, relishing in the abundance of food and camaraderie. Laughter echoed under the open sky, marking a moment of unity and joy.

The banquet continued for three days, a testament to the bonds forged over shared meals and laughter. Franky, returning with a part of the sacred tree Adam, was moved by the scene and Ace's infectious spirit. "It's Franky's honor to be able to remodel a boat for such a man!" he declared, his eyes alight with determination as he prepared to contribute to Ace's journey in his own unique way.

After the banquet, Franky, Iceburg, and Merry worked tirelessly under the blessing of Ace's understanding field to transform the Merry. Their combined efforts yielded an astounding result: a brand new Merry.

"Amazing!" Kaya exclaimed as she marveled at the transformed ship.

"Hahaha! This is the Super~pirate ship we've created with Brother Ace's understanding field and Merry's cooperation," Franky laughed proudly, his enthusiasm infectious.

"Indeed, even our late master Tom couldn't have built such a marvel," Iceburg nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with wonder at the ship's new features.

Ace surveyed the new Merry with satisfaction. The ship, now several times larger than before, gleamed with fiery red hues and bore the Entei Pirates' emblem proudly on its bow. Extensions and flame-like decorations adorned its structure, giving it a majestic and formidable appearance.

"The Thunder Jet mode with Thunder Fruit's power, the electromagnetic gun—it's all here," Ace remarked, pointing out the ship's enhanced capabilities.

On the deck, an expanded orange grove and increased space added to its functionality. Four floors now housed luxurious accommodations, spacious rooms for the crew, and specialized areas like a medical room and a comprehensive study.

"If it weren't for Merry, expanding the hull like this would've been impossible," Iceburg remarked with admiration.

"Merry is not just a boat; she's the best boatman in the world to me," Ace affectionately petted Merry, whose small hammer now bore the Entei Pirates' mark proudly.

With everyone aboard and ready, Ace declared, "The Entei Pirates, aboard the new Merry, sets sail!"

"Oh!" the girls cheered enthusiastically, their spirits high as they prepared for the journey ahead.

Under Nami's command, with Nojiko at the helm and supported by Vivi, Laki, Tashigi, and Robin among others, the new Merry departed amidst music and celebration.

Watching the ship disappear into the horizon, Iceburg sighed, "What an incredible man, Portgas D. Ace."

"Hahaha! Now, I'll wait here too, as Ace said, for his younger brother to come along," Franky chuckled, eager to see if Luffy could match up to the boat he had crafted from Adam's sacred wood.

Concerned about repercussions from the Marines due to their involvement in the Enies Lobby incident, Iceburg asked Franky about the risks.

Franky, undeterred, brandished the Entei Pirates' flag, saying confidently, "I've got this."

Iceburg smiled knowingly, accepting their fates with resolve.

Meanwhile, Aokiji, standing on the deck, watched the Merry depart with a hint of amusement. "Hahaha, you're quite motivated, Kuzan," Garp teased him, noticing his departure from his usual demeanor.

"I've found my true justice again. No more confusion," Aokiji replied, his resolve firm as he decided to return to headquarters.

"Hahaha, then let's head back to headquarters," Garp laughed, adding mischievously, "But Kuzan, you can go back alone. I'm on vacation—I'm heading back to East Blue to see my grandson, Monkey D. Luffy, and train him to be an excellent Marine!"

Aokiji's mouth twitched in disbelief at Garp's unexpected response, realizing he would face the consequences alone for failing to recruit Portgas D. Ace as a Shichibukai.