
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 60: A Mere Buster call?

Spandam's face was drenched in cold sweat as he shouted, "Portgas D. Ace, the Fifth Emperor of the Sea, you may be strong, but look at this!" With trembling hands, he pointed fearfully at the cross-shaped flag symbolizing the World Government. "The World Government! With over 170 member nations, it stands as the bastion of justice. Even amidst the Four Emperors ruling the seas, the World Government reigns supreme over this world! Do you truly intend to wage war against the World Government, Fifth Emperor of the Sea, Portgas D. Ace?!" Spandam's demeanor lacked all dignity, grasping at straws and letting out a desperate roar.

"A war with the World Government?" Ace's lips curled slightly upwards, his eyes pulsating with a violent purple-black hue. Robin's expression was taut, her arms crossed, and in her beautiful eyes, the black of Armament Haki surged incessantly. "Have you made your decision, CP9?" Ace chuckled with Haki resonating.

"Boom!" Under Spandam's horrified gaze, a gunshot rang out, engulfing the World Government flag in flames. "Shoot that flag!" The CP9 members, including Spandam, stared in disbelief at the blazing symbol of authority, and even more so at the assailant—Nico Robin!

"Ah." Robin's mouth curled up slightly as she displayed the powers of her Flower-Flower Fruit, effortlessly returning the weapon to one of Franky's younger brothers. She was no longer the Robin who cowered in the shadow of the World Government; now, bearing the name of the Flame Emperor Portgas D. Ace, she was determined to upend the seas as part of the Entei Pirates—the historian of Ace, the "Devil Child" Nico Robin!

"The moment you challenge my crew, you've declared war!" Ace's Haki-infused laughter filled the air as the swirling purple-black energy in his eyes solidified, roaring into the atmosphere.

"Boom!" Violent bolts of black and purple lightning streaked through the sky, causing it to convulse and cry out—a lamentation before the sovereign. Enies Lobby quaked beneath the onslaught, the Tower of Justice beginning to fracture amid Spandam's screams.

"Roar!!!" Rob Lucci and Jabra, in their Devil Fruit-transformed states, writhed in agony as two branches of the ferocious lightning tore into their bodies. "No... it can't be!" Rob Lucci's eyes widened in terror as he emitted anguished cries. His leopard form degenerated, fur, fangs, claws, and musculature all reverting to human form under the relentless assault.

"Ah!!! I-I've lost my Zoan powers!" Jabra's cunning eyes reflected sheer fear as his wolf-like attributes vanished, stripped away by the merciless black and purple lightning.

"Your audacity is divine, incinerating the World Government's flag in Enies Lobby! You've been rewarded!" The celestial words flashed in Ace's mind.

"Conqueror's Haki potency increased! Your insight is divine, mastering advanced Conqueror's Haki powers! Nullifying observation Haki! Nullifying Armament Haki! Nullifying Devil Fruit abilities! Crushing those that are inferior to you!"

Ace stood as the unchallenged king, facing down all who dared to oppose him with unparalleled power and resolve.

The intensity of the black-purple hue in Ace's eyes surged, akin to mastering Observation Haki to its ultimate extent, briefly foreseeing the future. Under his unprecedented enlightenment, Ace unlocked the advanced abilities of Conqueror's Haki—directly nullifying foes' Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and Devil Fruit powers. Only those with formidable Haki could even attempt to wield it against Ace's enhanced Conqueror's Haki, while those lacking sufficient Devil Fruit mastery found their abilities rendered useless. This was the essence of royalty, the sovereign emperor—a stature beyond the reach of mere ants.

"My Conqueror's Haki now reigns supreme over these seas!" Ace declared, his eyes brimming with the potent purple-black energy, as the thunderous black and purple lightning in the atmosphere grew more ferocious.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Rob Lucci and Jabra grimaced in excruciating pain, the violent bolts penetrating their bodies down to the cellular level. The agony was beyond physical; it struck at their very souls. The loss of their Devil Fruit abilities was a sensation akin to being severed from their essence. The power they once wielded was now barred by Ace's Conqueror's Haki. Rob Lucci's teeth clenched, blood trickling from his lips. His transformation into a leopard was futile; even his Zoan ability, the Cat-Cat Fruit: Model Leopard, offered no reprieve.

"Why... Why can't I use my Devil Fruit power against him?!" Rob Lucci's eyes reflected a mixture of physical torment and existential dread. "Is the gap between us and him truly so vast?!" The realization dawned on him—he was utterly inadequate before the true power of the sea's emperor.

Not far off, Kaku's eyes blazed with rage, seeing his comrades Lucci and Jabra succumb. "Stop this farce! Lucci! Jabra! Cease this madness!" he bellowed, his own Zoan ability, the Dog-Dog Fruit: Model Wolf, still at his disposal. But even as he readied himself, he could feel his resolve waver under Ace's overwhelming presence.

"Bah!" Another branch of black-purple lightning struck Kaku, driving him to his knees. The pain was unbearable; his cries fell silent, his body slumping as consciousness slipped away.

"Kaku! Lucci! Jabra!" Fukurou exclaimed in horror, watching the strongest of CP9 crumble before Ace's might. Even with their combined strength, they stood powerless against Conqueror's Haki. "Is this truly the emperor's power? The weight of his name..." he muttered, his disbelief palpable.

"Shave! Move, damn it!" Fukurou's mind raced, attempting to execute his mastery of Soru. But the lightning's grip left him paralyzed, another bolt piercing through his body.

"N-No, we're... not... worthy to defy him," Kalifa murmured, her laughter turning bitter as she, too, succumbed to unconsciousness.

Nero managed a feeble jest amidst his fading consciousness. "Yo~ Yoyo eh~ Is this... the power of an emperor? No laughing matter..."

As they fell one by one, Spandam and the remnants of CP9 lay defeated, leaving only Franky, his brothers, and the giants Oyimo and Cassie to witness the aftermath. Enies Lobby, the bastion of absolute justice, had been overtaken in an instant—an inconceivable reality.

"This is Enies Lobby... No one has ever escaped its judgment in 800 years," Franky muttered in disbelief, his worldview shattered. "And now, it's fallen like a dream."

In that moment, the legend of CP9, the secret enforcers of the World Government, proved powerless against Ace, the Fifth Emperor of the Sea—a revelation that reshaped their understanding of power and sovereignty.

"No, he truly is the man our captain and the others follow, Entei Portgas D. Ace!" Oyimo murmured in awe.

"We can now carry the name of Emperor Yan and shake the seas to their core," Cassie's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Only with someone of his caliber can we truly turn the seas upside down!"

"Ace," the girls observed the violent black and purple lightning raging in the atmosphere, their eyes shining brightly. "His Conqueror's Haki has grown even stronger! It surpasses the exhilaration of his battle with Aokiji!"

The girls understood in that moment that their captain had eclipsed the highest combat power of the World Government, Admiral Aokiji of the Headquarters. Ace now wielded authority greater than any within the World Government's ranks.

"As expected of our captain," their eyes sparkled, their smiles radiant.

Meanwhile, Spandam stood amidst his fallen subordinates, his expression crumbling. "Hey! Fukurou! Kalifa! Natsutori! Kaku! Jabra! Lucci!"

"Are you kidding me?" His voice echoed with disbelief. "You're all superhumans who've mastered the six forms! Members of CP9!"

"Lucci and Jabra, you've even consumed the treasure of the sea, Devil Fruit. How could you all fall like this?!"

"Get up! Stand up, damn it!" Spandam's hysterical pleas turned to desperate blows against Lucci and the others, a sight that on any other day would have evoked their lethal intent.

But now, no matter how he raged and struck, they remained motionless, their strength subdued by Ace's overwhelming power. Reason slowly returned to Spandam as panic seized his heart.

Retreating weakly, Spandam stumbled over debris, collapsing to the ground. "Why... why did this happen?!" He cried out in horror. "How could my formidable subordinates be defeated so swiftly?!"

"This is a nightmare!" Despair engulfed him.

"Bah!" Abruptly, violent black and purple lightning crackled in the atmosphere, a branch extending toward Spandam.

"No, stay back!" Tears and mucus streamed down Spandam's face as he scrambled away, terror gripping him.

This was the power that had silenced his superhuman subordinates in an instant, even causing the relentless Lucci to cry out in agony.

Frantically, Spandam reached for his last resort, the golden Den Den Mushi tucked in his coat.

"That... that's..." Robin's eyes widened as she recognized the device.

"Don't come any closer!" With trembling hands, Spandam pressed the golden Den Den Mushi in a desperate bid for salvation.

"Ding!" The lightning halted, dispersing slowly.

Frozen in place, Spandam stared at the Den Den Mushi in his grasp, realization sinking in.

"It's over... it's all over!" Moments later, he clutched his head, screaming in despair.

Buster Call, activated!

at Naval Headquarters!"

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The silver Den Den Mushi, dormant for nearly two decades and reserved for Buster Call alerts, emitted a shrill sound.

"This... this is it! Buster Call!"

"Buster Call has been initiated!"

The Marine on duty quivered, staring wide-eyed at the silver Den Den Mushi that had sprung to life.

"It's the Buster Call triggered by Admiral Aokiji's golden Den Den Mushi!"

"Quickly notify all divisions! Prepare for a Buster Call!"

Once a Buster Call commenced, it could not be halted under any circumstances. It symbolized the absolute justice of the World Government Marines.

"Contact the ten top-class battleships stationed at Seven Waters City!"

"Each 5.0 battleship should deploy a thousand elite troops!"

"Inform the five Vice Admirals stationed for Buster Call duty: Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan, Vice Admiral Momousagi, and Vice Admiral Tea Dolphin!"

"The signal for the Buster Call initiation is..."

The Marine responsible for coordinating with various departments froze upon checking the signal's origin from the golden Den Den Mushi.

"Where is it? Quickly relay the coordinates! The Buster Call forces must reach the signal location without delay."

His companion beside him spoke with urgency.

"Yes, right away!"

The Marine liaison, with a dry throat, relayed the unbelievable news.


His companion gasped in horror.

Enies Lobby, the stronghold alongside Impel Down, was the target?!

Despite the dread, once a Buster Call commenced, it mandated complete annihilation regardless of the location.

No exceptions could be made until the operation concluded.

"If Enies Lobby is spared from Buster Call, then justice loses its absoluteness. Justice that isn't absolute ceases to be justice!"

Swift commands followed in succession:

"Buster Call, activate!"

"It's happening... Buster Call has been initiated. Enies Lobby is facing destruction!" Spandam wailed desperately.

"Buster Call!" Robin's eyes blazed with red intensity.

Visions of her homeland, Ohara, razed by a past Buster Call, flooded Robin's thoughts—a haunting memory etched deeply within her.

Struggling against the turmoil within, Robin felt an urge to act.


Robin's gaze froze as she looked at Ace, who held her gently.

"Let me shatter your inner demon, the Buster Call, for you, Robin," Ace said with a warm smile.

Tears welled up in Robin's eyes at Ace's words.


Ace embraced Robin, his face adorned with a gentle smile.

Robin harbored three deep shadows due to the Ohara incident. One was Aokiji, who froze her friend, Vice Admiral Jaguar D. Saul. The second was the World Government itself, representing justice yet orchestrating the devastating Buster Call that obliterated Ohara. Ace had helped Robin confront and overcome these shadows. However, Buster Call remained her greatest fear—a violent force that erased Ohara from existence, leaving an indelible mark on Robin's psyche. Even now, thoughts of Buster Call could unsettle her deeply, hindering her Haki growth.

Today, however, Spandam held a golden Den Den Mushi, and Robin's third shadow was shattered.


Robin gazed at Ace's gentle smile, tears shimmering in her eyes. Despite her resolve and defiance towards the World Government, Buster Call continued to haunt her, often causing emotional turmoil. But now, reaching out, Robin gently clasped Ace's hand, feeling its reassuring warmth. She no longer felt afraid. With Ace by her side, she believed she could face anything, even Buster Call.

Around Robin's neck, the lucky charm Ace had given her suddenly glowed. In her eyes, the black hue of Haki deepened and shone brighter. In this moment, the shadow that had long plagued her began to dissipate, allowing her Haki to flourish under the influence of Ace's empowering presence.


The Nami girls observed Robin's transformation with smiles on their lips and admiration in their eyes. They too had experienced a similar change thanks to Ace's intervention. Their beautiful eyes shimmered with understanding and gratitude.

"Franky, I leave Spandam to you," Ace said as he hugged Robin and turned to Franky. "Find out where he's keeping all the information about your master Tom's shipbuilding technology. Use whatever means necessary."

"Oh! Leave it to me, Brother Ace!" Franky exclaimed passionately, his forehead veins bulging, eyes bloodshot with determination. His mentor, Tom, had been unjustly punished by Spandam, despite his contributions to the sea train and the Pirate King's ship.

With a resolute cry, Franky's modified right hand shot out, gripping the edge of the Justice Tower.

"Spandam!" Franky's voice thundered as he swung towards Spandam.

Spandam, caught off guard, was swiftly subdued by Franky's furious onslaught. The Justice Tower echoed with Spandam's anguished cries as Franky exacted his long-awaited revenge.

As the commotion subsided, the square-headed sisters spoke softly, breaking the tense silence. "Well, we usually keep things gentle."

Ace smiled and nodded in acknowledgment. "Well done, pervert."

Granny Cocolo, her eyes moist with tears, expressed heartfelt gratitude. She never imagined witnessing Tom's revenge, nor did she expect to pay tribute to him at Enies Lobby.

"This is the price Spandam pays for executing Tom," Ace remarked with a hint of satisfaction. "Besides, Enies Lobby was fated for destruction from the moment CP9 crossed my crew."

Ace held Robin's hand firmly as he looked towards the horizon, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Buster Call? How interesting."