
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 38:Conis the Musician?

The Shandians' residence exudes an aura reminiscent of ancient tribes, with its traditional decorations and architecture. Among these dwellings is one of the largest residences, where a man of imposing build and fierce demeanor, adorned with tattoos around his left eye and shoulder, lies half-reclined on a couch. This man is Wyper, a descendant of the great warrior Kalgara of Shandia. Despite his formidable appearance, Wyper's pallor and frequent violent coughing reveal his serious injuries.

Nearby, a beautiful woman with a black ponytail, dressed in lavender clothes, holds a little girl. The girl is Aisha, born with powerful Observation Haki, and the woman is Laki. Concern etched on her face, Aisha anxiously asks, "Wyper, are you okay?" Meanwhile, Laki, though she has known Wyper since childhood, harbors a mix of fear and disapproval towards him and his aggressive ideals.

"I'm fine! Ahem!" Wyper responds, his voice tinged with frustration and pride. The reality that he was grievously injured by a punch from a Blue Sea man gnaws at his self-esteem. Wyper, the masked man who had attacked Ace and his companions upon their arrival on Sky Island, feels the sting of this unexpected defeat keenly. His warrior spirit, inherited from Kalgara, struggles to reconcile with this humiliation.

In front of Wyper, an elderly man dressed as a tribal chief – the current great elder of Shandia – looks on in disbelief. Wyper's physical prowess is renowned; he can wield the almost extinct platoon shell, a feat that even the strongest Shandian warriors cannot replicate without facing death. Yet, despite his strength, Wyper was incapacitated by a single blow from a Qinghai native. The elder's shock reflects the gravity of this occurrence.

"I was just caught off guard! If I encounter him again, I'll use the platoon shell immediately!" Wyper growls, his pride refusing to yield. The great elder, however, urges calm and reminds Wyper that the Blue Sea people are not their enemies and that the platoon shell should be reserved for Enel, their true adversary. Despite this, Wyper's eyes still burn with a sense of wounded pride.

As tension fills the room, Aisha suddenly clutches her head and screams. Alarmed, Laki and the great elder rush to her side. Aisha's ability to hear voices others cannot now brings a shocking revelation: Enel, the seemingly invincible god of Sky Island, has been injured. The news stuns everyone present. Enel's power is legendary, and for him to be harmed suggests an unimaginable force at play.

In the midst of this revelation, Wyper's determination reignites. He sees this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to strike at Enel and fulfill his dream of lighting the lamp of Shandora. Despite his injuries, he prepares to lead the Shandian warriors into battle. Aisha and Laki, unable to dissuade him, decide to follow at a safe distance, driven by a mix of loyalty and concern.

On the Avenue of Angels, Conis led Ace and his crew to the starting point of the God's Trial, armed with combat gear. Pointing ahead at a tunnel made of clouds, she explained, "Follow this path to enter the forbidden land of Apayado. What stands in front of you is the God's Trial, composed of Enel's priests."

The residents of Angel Island, observing Ace and his group, who were dressed differently and accompanied by a combat-ready Conis, watched from a distance in fear. They wondered if these newcomers had offended God and were now destined for the God's Trial. But why was Conis dressed like this?

"Hey hey hey!" In the distance, a dozen men in white berets and blue-purple uniforms crawled towards Ace and his crew.

"What are they doing?" Nami asked, bewildered.

"It's the White Beret unit that maintains law and order on Angel Island," Conis replied.

"Oh? Then they are also enemies?" Nuo Qigao asked, loading a bullet.

"No, no, they are different from Enel's priests," Conis quickly clarified, nervous.

The leader, McKinley, captain of the White Beret Army, looked at Conis's weapon and shouted, "Throw those things away! Conis! God will punish you!"

"No! I want to go with them to defeat Enel!" Conis bravely declared.

As soon as she finished speaking, the people of Angel Island, who were hiding nearby, looked at her in disbelief before erupting in panic. "Conis is crazy! This is disrespectful to God." "Hurry up and stay away from them; God's punishment is coming!" "Don't be affected!"

This scene made Conis bite her lip hard. Have you all become such people under Enel's rule? Even friends and relatives, if Enel is offended, you stay away and let them die? This situation must be changed. Conis clenched her fists tightly.

"Don't, don't say stupid things, Conis!" McKinley, sweating nervously, shouted. "God is merciful and hasn't sent down punishment yet. Hurry up and stay away from those Blue Sea people!"

"Captain McKinley!" Conis stood tall, her face resolute. "Don't you realize how strange this is? In the past, no matter how big the difficulties were, we would unite and face them together. Now, we deceive those who offend Enel into the God's Trial. Even if the closest people make mistakes, we watch them be killed by Enel. Our Angel Island was not originally like this, was it?! Why did it become like this? Now, Ace and the others are willing to defeat Enel. Shouldn't we unite and defeat him too?"

"Crazy! Conis is crazy!" "God, kill Conis quickly, this blasphemer!" The people of Angel Island looked at Conis in horror.

As Conis heard the people's reactions, she bit her lip harder until it bled. McKinley and his troops looked at her with changing expressions.

"Stop, stop talking nonsense! Defeat God?! How can such a thing be possible?" McKinley roared, suppressing his fear and unwillingness. His troops looked at him nervously, questioning why God's sanction hadn't come yet.

"Conis." Ace gently pulled Conis's tail. "Now, you can't wake them up," he said calmly.

"Ace..." Conis looked at his side profile, her eyes tearing up. They can't listen to her; instead, they want God to kill her. Why is this happening?

"They are just too scared and think that Enel's power cannot be resisted with human strength. Don't let your flawless heart be covered in dust."

Conis raised her head, feeling the warmth of Ace's palm caressing her hair, and looked at his warm smile. "Whatever you want to do, I will help you achieve it, my future musician," Ace said gently.

In the temple, Enel sat up with difficulty, breathing heavily. "You bastard from the Blue Sea! You dare to hurt me, a god!" Feeling his Thunder Fruit power returning, he was filled with rage. This time, he would not let the black and purple lightning touch him again.

"Um?" Enel suddenly sensed something. "The shield of the heart network has been stepped on?" A hint of arrogance curled on his lips. "A mere Blue Sea man has done some tricks to temporarily block my heart network. Do you think you can fight against me, a god?"

Enel's body began to flash with thunder and lightning. "Oh? There is also a little girl causing chaos on Angel Island, questioning me as a god? Then, everyone should just die together." He pointed his index finger to the sky. "God's Judgment!"

"Boom!" A dazzling lightning beam burst out instantly and disappeared into the sky.

At the starting point, Conis looked at Ace, confused by his words. But, my future musician… Her eyes moved slightly. Suddenly, the sky became extremely bright.

"It's coming! It's God's sanction!" "The only consequence for offending God is death." "Conis..."

In the distance, the people of Angel Island looked at the dazzling light pillar in fear. Though some couldn't bear to see Conis killed, their hearts were filled with fear of Enel. Disobeying God meant death for themselves and their families.

"Conis..." McKinley looked at the dazzling thunder pillar, his eyes bloodshot and extremely torn. They knew who Enel was, but resisting meant death for everyone. They could only endure and obey Enel to keep most people on Angel Island safe. But Conis's words deeply hurt McKinley. Did they really want to just watch Conis die?

"Hey, why is it so dazzling?" Ace looked up at the beam of thunder in the sky. The next moment, the lightning beam crashed down.

"Hoo! Boom!" A violent sandstorm immediately met the lightning beam. Conis, McKinley, and everyone on Angel Island stared in shock. The God's Sanctioning Thunder Pillar was instantly defeated by the sandstorm transformed by a little girl.

"How is it possible for you to face our king directly, Enel?" The storm turned into a delicate body, and Vivi raised her pretty face, smiling.

Everyone on Angel Island stared in disbelief at the beautiful figure in the sky and the gradually disappearing thunder pillar of God's sanction. A little girl from the Blue Sea had turned into a sandstorm and defeated God's sanction!

Vivi raised her face, looked at the sky, and smiled confidently. Did Enel think he could directly confront Ace, their king, with such an attack? It wasn't even close to being qualified.

"Vivi," Conis murmured, staring blankly at the dissipating light beam. Enel's divine sanctions had always instilled an overwhelming fear in the people of Angel Island. Conis knew Ace was strong, but Enel, with his thunderous power, had always been seen as a god. Yet, Ace wielded fire, another element historically regarded as divine. Since ancient times, the debate over whether fire or thunder was stronger remained unresolved. This belief gave Conis hope that Ace could defeat Enel.

But seeing Vivi, a girl her own age, transform into a sandstorm and repel God's sanction was unexpected. Was this the strength of Ace's crew? Sandstorms, too, were considered divine in some legends. Did Vivi possess a power to rival Enel's? And if Vivi was this powerful, Ace must be even stronger! Conis suppressed her excitement and clenched her hands. They really could defeat Enel!

McKinley's eyes widened in shock. A little girl from the Blue Sea had defeated the thunder pillar, a power believed to be divine. Since Enel had overthrown the previous god and ruled Angel Island, no one had dared to challenge him. Disrespecting Enel, no matter where you were, resulted in being dragged to the God's Trial and struck down by the thunder pillar. But now, a little girl had turned into a sandstorm and defeated it. Sandstorms, like thunder, were considered divine in legend. This realization hit McKinley and his troops hard. Perhaps Enel wasn't a god, but just a human with supernatural power.

In his temple, Enel's pupils shrank as he processed the information from the Heart Network. "Logia!" he murmured in disbelief. "It's Logia! People from the Blue Sea actually possess Logia powers!" The veins on his forehead bulged. In his understanding, Logia was invincible, able to bury a town with a wave of its hand. Mortals could only pray and wail before such power. Enel's arrogance stemmed from being the only Logia on Sky Island, claiming to be omniscient and omnipotent. But now, someone else wielded a Logia. Could they actually challenge him? What a joke!

Calming himself, Enel noted that the intruder seemed to possess the Logia of sand. "Humph, sand is strong, but I am thunder, the invincible being among Logia! Sand is nothing compared to thunder."

At that moment, Enel sensed the Shandians launching a full-scale attack on Apayado. Coincidence? No, it was an opportunity to prove his dominance. Let the priests handle the Shandians; they were mere mortals. Enel decided to personally deal with the Blue Sea intruders. "Logia's power is rare. You should be proud to join me in the infinite land!" Enel laughed maniacally and vanished into a bolt of lightning.

Back on the Avenue of Angels, Vivi, now in her human form, gathered around Ace. Seeing his approving eyes, she smiled sweetly. Conis felt Ace's hand tighten around hers. Raising her face to meet his encouraging gaze, she realized Ace wanted to show everyone that Enel's power could be defeated. Gathering her courage, Conis turned to address the people of Angel Island.

"Everyone! Enel only has such power because of a Devil Fruit called the Thunder Fruit. He is just a human! Although Devil Fruits are rare, my companions possess the power of four Devil Fruits. We can definitely defeat Enel!" Conis proclaimed.

The people of Angel Island exchanged shocked glances. Was Enel's power really derived from a magical fruit? Could these Blue Sea people truly defeat him? Despite the huge impact of what they had just witnessed, four years of ingrained fear of Enel couldn't be easily erased.

"Everyone..." Conis looked at the hesitant faces and bit her lip.

"Is your name McKinley?" Ace asked.

"Yes, it is," McKinley replied, trembling and wary. This man must be the leader, stronger than the girl who had just defeated God's Judgment.

"Right now, Enel can't sense what's happening here. If you have anything to say, say it quickly," Ace said calmly.

"Unperceivable?!" McKinley's pupils shrank. Remembering that no divine judgment had come despite Conis's disrespect, he realized this Blue Sea man had blocked Enel's perception. Could they really defeat Enel?

After a moment of shock, McKinley gritted his teeth and addressed the people. "Everyone! Conis is right. We weren't like this before. Because of our fear of Enel's power, we deceived those who offended him into facing God's Trial and death. Have we forgotten the kindness and unity that once defined Angel Island? We became members of the White Beret Corps to protect everyone from petty punishments, but in this environment, our intentions changed. We became Enel's minions! If they can really defeat Enel, shouldn't we do our part?"

Tears streamed down McKinley's face as he looked at the sky, noting that nothing happened. Indeed, it was blocked.

The people of Angel Island looked at each other with hesitation in their eyes. Conis, seeing their reluctance, felt a pang of regret. Why were they still so afraid of Enel?

Ace, sensing the atmosphere, spoke calmly, "If you are weak, you will be afraid; if you are weak, you will be numb." His words made Conis tremble, something new shining in her eyes.

"But you are different, Conis. You have a strong heart. I can help you become strong," Ace said, gently brushing back her blonde hair.

"Ace..." Conis looked up at him, her eyes filling with emotion.

"Let's go and defeat Enel. If you want to save Angel Island, I will help you do it," Ace promised, holding her close.

"Um!" Conis nodded vigorously, her resolve hardening.

Behind them, McKinley could no longer contain himself. "Now that Enel can't sense us, at least say something for Conis!" he shouted, tears streaming down his face.

"Come on! Conis!" he yelled, joined by the other members of the White Beret Corps.

"Conis! Come on!" Her father, Pagaya, shouted from a distance, a smile of relief on his face. He had witnessed everything and was reassured by Ace's promise.

"Father!" Conis covered her mouth, fighting back tears. Voices from the crowd grew louder, encouraging her.

In Ace's arms, Conis trembled, tears streaming down her face. "Ace, can I join you?" she asked, her voice filled with determination.

"Welcome, my musician," Ace replied, a strange light in his eyes. "I will make you stronger, Conis."

"In the realm of understanding, You have Briefly bestowed Conis your heaven-defying understanding, The Paramecia-Vocal fruit is drawn to Conis!"A line of text appeared in Ace's mind.

As if in response to his words, a fruit with strange patterns fell from the sky. "This is a Devil Fruit, the Vocal Fruit. Eat it, and your music will become your strongest weapon," Ace explained, handing it to Conis.

Conis stared at the fruit, her eyes wide. This was the source of Enel's power, and Vivi's too. She peeled it and ate it in one bite, grimacing at the taste. "I seem to be able to control notes," she murmured, looking at her hands.

"Yes, after eating the Vocal Fruit, your music will have great power. I will help you develop this ability and make you the best musician in the world," Ace promised.

"Welcome, Conis," the other girls said, smiling warmly.

"But Ace, how are we going to get there? Without wind and currents, our boat can't sail," Nami asked, concerned.

Ace's smile widened. "We have the Merry. It can sail anywhere."

"But it can't sail in these conditions," Nami argued.

"My ship is the best in the world, just like my navigator," Ace said confidently. He called out, "Merry!"

In the distance, the Merry appeared, moving towards them without a driver, wind, or current. At the bow was a transparent, elf-like child.

"That is..." Robin began, recognizing the legend.

"Our ship has given birth to a ship spirit, Merry" Ace explained, smiling at the little elf.

"Merry!" Kaya exclaimed, covering her mouth in shock and joy.

"Merry, let's go to Apayado," Ace instructed as they boarded the ship.

"Anywhere you want to go, Ace," Merry replied, her voice ethereal.

The Merry sped towards Apayado, faster than the express shrimp. Nami stood at the bow, happiness on her face, while the others took their places.

"Merry," Ace said, looking at the ship's spirit, "as long as we care for each other and cherish the ship, we can go anywhere."

"Everyone, and our new member Conis, wherever you want to go, I will take you," Merry promised.

The girls, moved by her words, shouted in unison, "Come on, Merry!"

Ahead, Apayado's silhouette appeared on the horizon. The hunt for the Thunder Fruit was about to begin.