
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 25: Little Garden!

Ace gazed at Robin, observing the myriad expressions flitting across her face, patiently awaiting her response without pressuring her.

"The ancient history remains shrouded in mystery to Ace. He feels compelled to uncover its secrets."

In his past life, Ace had burned with curiosity about the void century. Meeting Robin, who could decode ancient texts, only fueled his determination to know.

"People often deceive themselves, but their hearts know the truth."

This self-deception inevitably diminishes one's confidence and weakens their Haki.

"To be the Pirate King, one must rise above all challenges."

Consequences? A king, heedless of them, pursues his ambitions.

"I'll consider it, whether or not."

Robin's expression kept changing as she absorbed the weight of Ace's words. Finally, she spoke up.

"You've just entered the Grand Line. How much do you know? Do you understand the organization you're up against?!"

Robin's expression shifted constantly as she conveyed this information with urgency.

"The World Government, an international organization with over 170 member nations, was founded 800 years ago by 20 ambitious kings. Its headquarters is in the 'Holy Land, Mary Geoise.'"

Its highest authority rests with the "Five Elders," comprising Marines, CP, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea, among others, uniting nations under their laws to maintain order.

Each revelation from Ace about the World Government drained color from Robin's face.

"No, it's more than that. Do you know what methods the World Government employs against those it marks for elimination?"

Robin murmured with a pale face.

"Buster Call?"

Ace's faint smile widened slightly at this revelation.

"You know all this?! If you know everything, why still venture forth?!"

Robin's gaze snapped up suddenly, her pretty face now drained of color.

The sheer might of the World Government seemed suffocating to her.

Since the tender age of eight, Robin had lived under the constant threat of the Government's bounty. The behemoth was invincible.

Anyone who challenges the World Government faces Buster Call—a devastating onslaught by ten Marine battleships and five Vice Admirals.

Twenty simultaneous strikes obliterate anything in their path.

The memory of past Buster Calls made Robin shudder involuntarily.

This was her recurring nightmare.

"I've said, I'm fascinated by those lost hundred years of history. What I wish to uncover, I will."

Ace's lips curled into a smile, eventually turning into a chuckle.

Robin raised her head, staring at Ace's laughing face blankly, her senses tingling.

This man...!

Driven by curiosity alone, he's willing to probe forbidden depths?!

Knowing full well the World Government's formidable power and the horrors of Buster Call, can he face it with such nonchalance?

Vivi stared blankly at Ace beside her.

Is this the feared pirate with an 85 million Berries bounty?

No wonder Ace dismissed Crocodile. Compared to the World Government, what is Crocodile?

Nami and Nojiko exchanged glances and smiled.


At that moment, murmurs arose. Tashigi and Kaya blinked open their eyes in confusion.

"Oh, is it morning already?"

Kaya murmured sweetly.

Tashigi rubbed her eyes cutely, searching for her glasses with a dazed expression.

"Well then, up you get. We've got a new course ahead."

Ace looked at the adorable Kaya and Tashigi, playfully scratching their noses.

Kaya beamed at Ace.

"You... you...!"

Tashigi instantly awoke, her cheeks reddening.

"Don't be so jumpy. Come, Tashigi, let's talk about the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Ace looked at Tashigi with a smile.

"What do you think?"

Ace turned to Robin, her expression now back to normal thanks to Tashigi and Kaya's interruption.

"If you manage to defeat Crocodile, I might consider..."

Robin hesitated briefly before speaking slowly.

Against the leviathan of the World Government, mere strength isn't enough; you need resolve too.

If this man can truly defeat Crocodile, why not take a chance?

"Alright, welcome aboard."

Ace smiled upon hearing this.


Robin looked at Ace in surprise.

"I thought you said defeating Crocodile was the only condition. So I'm welcoming you in advance to join our Entei Pirates."

Ace chuckled.

"Really? I'm looking forward to it too, but as I said, I'm just thinking about it."

Robin smiled.

He's certainly confident.

Later, Robin produced a compass from her belongings.

"I intended to give this to you. It points to an uninhabited island."

The next island after Whisky Peak is Little Garden—a peculiar and perilous place.

"But it seems unnecessary now. Someone like you has no need for such things, right?"

Robin smiled.


Ace nodded, grinning.


Robin smiled and tossed the compass into the sea.

"Ah! The compass!"

Nami weakly reached out, tears welling in her eyes.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a safe route to follow?

"Hehehe, that's my captain for you."

Nojiko covered her mouth, chuckling.

Kaya's smile was just as sweet.

In any case, wherever Ace went, she would follow.

Tashigi regarded Ace with a complex expression.

She still couldn't quite fathom this man.

"So, what are you going to do with me before you defeat Crocodile? Shackle me?"

Robin held out her hands, smiling.

"No need. You're free to go."

Ace grinned at her response.

"You're letting me go? Aren't you afraid you might regret it and i aid Crocodile?"

Robin stared at Ace in astonishment.

She had considered many possibilities, but hadn't expected Ace to choose this.

"It doesn't matter at all."

Ace shrugged.

"Is that so?"

Robin paused, then smiled and nodded.

Now she had a better grasp of his character.

"Well then, allow me to reciprocate."

Robin glanced at Vivi, her lips parting.

"Crocodile's plan, Operation Utopia..."

Vivi's disbelief was palpable as Robin detailed Crocodile's scheme.

"This... this is..."

The revelation left Vivi speechless for a long moment.

So the severe drought in Alabasta was caused by Crocodile using Dance Powder. He intended to blame this calamity on her father, inciting civil war.

"It's inhuman!"

Nami ground her teeth bitterly.

Crocodile's methods reminded her of Arlong, but this was on another level entirely.

"No wonder he's called 'King.' The Seven Warlords of the Sea... they actually..."

Tashigi froze, muttering in disbelief.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea worked under the Government; in a sense, they were Marine's colleagues.

And they could commit such atrocities.

"Marine won't investigate Crocodile; after all, he's a Seven Warlord of the Sea."

This was the World Government—a system that created the Seven Warlords to maintain balance, effectively granting pirates legal immunity to pillage and loot.

Ace's words sent a shiver down Tashigi's spine once more.

Letting notorious pirates off the hook legally—it was absurd.

Tashigi's eyes clouded with doubt.

For the first time, she questioned the Marine's version of justice.

"In that case, may I go?"

Robin smiled at Ace.

Ace simply gestured an invitation.

"Oh, by the way, young lady over there, your name's Vivi, right? The princess of Alabasta."

Before Robin departed, she glanced at the pale-faced Vivi.

"And here's another piece of news: Mr. 8, I didn't kill him. He's still alive."

After leaving this cryptic message, Robin smiled, summoned a giant sea turtle, and vanished into the sea.

"Ikarem... he's alive?!"

After Robin's departure, Vivi, stunned, covered her mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Of course he is, otherwise why would you be invited to join our crew?"

Ace patted Vivi's shoulder reassuringly, smiling.

Vivi pursed her lips, saying nothing.

"Well, it seems she's not so bad after all."

Nami glanced at Ace.

"Then why don't you bring Ikarem back?"

Nami wondered aloud.

"Rescue him only for him to die in Vivi's place?"

Ace glanced at Vivi, smiling.

"I'm sure Nico Robin has kept him safe. Once we defeat Crocodile, Ikarem will likely return to Alabasta."

Ace grinned.

"Thank you, Ace."

Vivi, still tear-stained, gazed at Ace gratefully.

In that moment, something stirred within Vivi.

"I told you, fate brought us together."

Ace wiped away Vivi's tears gently, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"And besides, once you're on my ship, you're mine."


Vivi's face turned crimson.

"Hey! Ace, let's get ready to set sail."

Nami interrupted, eyeing Ace and Vivi.

"Tsk, you ruined the moment."

Ace chuckled helplessly, heading towards the Going Merry.

"Welcome aboard, Vivi. I'm Kaya, Ace's ship doctor."

Kaya led Vivi, flushed and flustered, with a warm smile.

"Ace said you're destined to join our crew. He has a special ability to sense his future crewmates."

Kaya smiled.


Vivi was taken aback.

Was that true? Did Ace really have such an ability?

If Ace did...

As Ace looked up, hundreds of Baroque Works agents collapsed around him. With his power to glimpse into others' thoughts, he had infiltrated Baroque Works, even capturing Crocodile's right-hand man.

Ace might indeed possess such extraordinary abilities...

Destined... for the crew?

Vivi's cheeks flushed again.

"Hey, Ace, I feel like something's not right..."

As the ship approached the island, Nami clung to Ace, her face pale with fear.

The surroundings were a mass of colossal vegetation, unlike anything she'd ever seen.

But unlike Nami, Kaya's eyes gleamed with curiosity, taking in the unfamiliar flora with excitement.


Suddenly, a deep roar echoed from somewhere on the island, causing Nami to grip Ace tighter, her voice trembling.

"Ace, maybe we should wait on the ship until the Log Pose finishes recording the magnetic field..."

Nami pleaded, her face upturned.

Ace listened, a gentle smile touching his lips.

Nami seemed relieved; it appeared Ace was respecting her wishes.

But in the next moment...

"What are you talking about? This island looks fascinating! Of course we have to explore."

Ace laughed heartily, despite Nami's dismay.

Ace's laughter rang out as he looked at Nami's dismayed expression. Despite her plea to stay on the ship due to the dangers of the island, Ace was determined to explore.

"Nami, don't worry too much. This island sounds fascinating! Dinosaurs, ancient giants—what an adventure awaits us!" Ace exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

Nami sighed deeply, realizing Ace's adventurous spirit was not easily deterred. She glanced at Vivi, who was observing the exchange with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Ace, please be careful. This island is known for its dangers," Vivi chimed in softly, her voice reflecting genuine worry.

Ace nodded reassuringly. "Don't worry, Vivi. We've handled tougher challenges before. Besides, with the crew together, we'll watch each other's backs."

Nami shook her head, knowing it was futile to argue further. "Fine, but at least promise to be cautious."

"Of course!" Ace replied with a grin.

With that settled, the crew prepared to disembark onto Little Garden. As they approached the shore, the dense foliage of the island and the distant roars of unknown creatures added an air of mystery and danger to their surroundings.

"Alright, let's stick together and keep our guard up," Ace instructed, stepping onto the sandy beach with a confident stride.

Nami, Vivi, and the rest of the crew followed closely behind, their senses alert to any potential threats. Despite her initial apprehension, Nami couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the prospect of exploring such an unusual and perilous island.

As they ventured deeper into the lush jungle, the atmosphere became more oppressive, the ancient trees towering above them like silent sentinels. Strange calls and rustlings in the undergrowth kept everyone on edge, reminding them they were in a place untouched by time.

Suddenly, a massive shadow loomed ahead, causing everyone to freeze in their tracks. Emerging from the foliage was a towering figure—a giant, clad in primitive attire and wielding a massive club.

"Whoa... now that's what I call a giant!" Ace exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement.

The giant eyed them warily, his expression a mix of curiosity and suspicion. He spoke in a deep, rumbling voice that echoed through the jungle.

"Gurararara! Who are you little ones, trespassing on the island of giants?"

Ace stepped forward confidently, his charisma and easy smile putting the giant somewhat at ease. "I'm Ace, captain of the Entei Pirates. We come in peace, exploring this incredible island."

The giant studied Ace for a moment before breaking into a hearty laugh. "Gurarara! You're a bold one, Ace. Very well, I am Dorry, one of the two rulers of Little Garden. Welcome!"

Nami and Vivi exchanged surprised glances. They hadn't expected such a warm reception from a giant. It seemed their journey was taking an unexpected turn.

Ace grinned, extending his hand in friendship. "Thank you, Dorry. It's an honor to meet you. Could you tell us more about this island and its inhabitants?"

Dorry nodded, his demeanor friendly as he began to recount tales of the ancient giants and the unique ecosystem of Little Garden. The crew listened intently, fascinated by the island's rich history and the giants' way of life.

As the day wore on, Ace and the crew explored further, encountering other wonders of Little Garden—the prehistoric creatures, the massive jungle filled with unique flora, and the towering architecture of the giants' village.

Eventually, they settled in a clearing for the night, the campfire crackling softly as they shared stories and laughter under the starlit sky. Nami couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and belonging among this eclectic crew led by Ace.

"Ace, you really know how to turn an adventure into something unforgettable," Nami remarked with a smile, savoring the warmth of the moment.

Ace chuckled, his gaze drifting to the horizon where the shadows of ancient giants loomed against the fading light.

"This is just the beginning, Nami. The Grand Line has so much more to offer. We'll face challenges, discover treasures, and forge bonds that'll last a lifetime," Ace said, his voice tinged with a quiet determination.

Nami nodded, her earlier worries fading in the glow of the campfire. She glanced at Vivi, who seemed lost in thought, perhaps contemplating the revelations and adventures that lay ahead.

As the night deepened and the crew settled in for rest, Nami found herself grateful for this unexpected journey with Ace and the others. Despite the dangers and uncertainties of the Grand Line, she knew they were bound by something more than just fate—they were bound by the thrill of adventure and the camaraderie of a crew that felt like family.

Tomorrow would bring new challenges and discoveries, but for now, Nami allowed herself to bask in the warmth of friendship and the promise of the unknown that lay ahead in the vast and unpredictable sea.