
One Piece: A Truly Broken person

The_Wild_Trill · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Unexpected Encounters

Flare was currently fighting hancock in the training room while the others watched. They had fought him before but he easily beat them, hancock was the only one who could fight him somewhat seriously for now. As they traded blows the area shook but didn't break, proving the strength of the ship. They had been fighting for over 30 minutes but hancock refused to give up everytime he knocked her down, she was really impressive but flare eventually got her to give up.

Hancock: "*Huff* Even with my new haki I still can't touch you, at least I forced you to dodge."

Flare: "Well I could have tanked it but I don't like getting beat up, I ain't like kaido."

Hancock: "So how did I do compared to last time?"

Flare: "Well you did much better, your haki is way better than when we started. Your devil fruit powers are really good as well and you might even manage to awaken it in a few months."

Hancock: "Mhmmm, so what do we do now?..... wano is going to take at least 2 months of travel to get there."

Flare: "Well asides from the usual training, we can basically do anything we want in the meantime. I wanted to train my devil fruits a little distance away from the ship."

Hancock: "Oh right! I forgot that you had 2 devil fruits, how is that even possible?"

Flare: "Well I was born with a special body that allows me to eat multiple devil fruits."

Everyone heard this and was shocked as they have never heard someone eating 2 devil fruits and surviving.

Nutmeg: "S-So what other devil fruits did you eat?"

Flare: "Well my original devil fruit was the sun phoenix fruit, I ate 3 more fruits after that one. The second one was the gura-gura fruit which whitebeard had before he died, the third is the magma-magma fruit that akainu had before I killed him and the last one is a red version of kaido's dragon fruit."

Everyone was silent as they heard what flare said, they expected him to have 2 fruits not 4. That meant that he could eat different types of devil fruits which was a massive boost to an individual's strength. Flare then took out 4 devil fruits from his inventory and put them on a table.

Flare: "I also got some extra devil fruits as well, hancock and viola already have a devil fruit so this is for the sisters. I brought some strong ones to pick from."

Akimeg: "What devil fruits are those?"

Flare: "Well I brought 2 zoans, a paramecia and a logia."

Akimeg: "Oh? which ones?"

Flare: "I brought the dog-dog fruit: model nine tailed fox and human-human fruit: model adam, they are a mythical zoan and an ancient zoan respectively. The paramecia is the giant-giant fruit and the logia is the darkness fruit."

Nutmeg: "Wow, those are all really strong devil fruits."

Flare: "Indeed, so which ones are you choosing?"

Nutmeg: "I want the darkness fruit, I read about it and I like it's abilities."

Allmeg: "Well I'll take the giant fruit, I've always wanted to be as tall as mama."

Fuyumeg: "I'll take the ancient zoan, I've never heard of a human ancient zoan."

Akimeg: "Well I guess I'll take the nine tailed fox fruit."

Flare threw them their respective devil fruits as they each took a bite. They all had an awful look on their faces as they swallowed but did it anyways. Soon they received their powers which they immediately began testing, they were all very happy with their new devil fruits as they thanked flare.

Flare: "You're all welcome, just remember to start training how to use your devil fruits."

Viola: "Wow, I've never seen so much high quality devil fruits at once, I usually only see one high quality one along with weaker ones."

Flare: "Well I wanted a strong crew so I started gathering strong devil fruits even before I went into the war."

Hancock: "Do you have more devil fruits?"

Flare: "I have a few more, I think I might just give the weaker ones to members in my grand fleet who don't have devil fruits."

Hancock and the sisters eventually left flare and viola alone in the training room. They sat there and talked for an hour about each other. Viola found out that flare was actually a lunarian, which she immediately asked to touch his wings in which she allowed him.

Viola: "W-Wow, they're softer than I imagined. I didn't think that you were some ancient lost race."

Flare: "Well there is one more like me alive but he's not as special as me. I have 10 wings but he only has 2."

Viola: "So that means you're gonna have a lot of kids in the future."

Flare: "What do you mean?"

Viola: "Well since your race is almost extinct I thought you would want a lot of kids to make sure that your race doesn't die out."

Flare: "Well I never thought about that but I am now."

Viola: "W-Well if you ever needed someone to help you out then I-I'm free."

Flare: "Mhmmm? Is that so?"

Flare turned towards viola and put his face closer to her face. She blushed and turned her head away from him but he used his hand to hold her chin and turned it back around.

Flare: "I'm in a relationship with hancock but she gave me permission to get other girls. I know you might not like it but this is the only way we can be together."

Viola: "I-I don't mind, I already saw that you have an intimate relationship with hancock already."

Flare: "Oh right, you and the other girls were spying on us having sex."

Viola's eyes widened as she didn't think that flare knew about that, she blushed as she realized that she was caught red handed.

Viola: "I-I'm sorry for spying, b-but her moans were so loud and she sounded like she was enjoying it. I couldn't resist it, I-I felt kind of jealous of her."

Flare: "I don't blame you, but you don't need to feel jealous because you can get the same thing that she did. I actually like you but I wasn't sure if you liked me."

Viola: "I-I like you, I like you a lot."

Flare didn't say anything else but he instead leaned in a captured her lips catching her off guard. Her eyes widened but soon she closed them as she enjoyed the feeling of his lips on hers, they even started french kissing. Soon viola got up and sat on his hips while still making out, she started grinding on his hips as she felt a rush of heat enter between her legs. She still had her workout clothes on so the pulled her top off while slowly removing her bottom as well. Flare saw this and immediately took off his clothes as well, she then continued grinding on him causing his dick to rub against her pussy making them both moan.

Viola: "I-I don't do this to just anyone but I feel that you're different. I want to be with you for as long as I live... so please fuck me."

Flare didn't need to respond as he slid his dick inside of her causing them to moan. He then started thrusting causing her to grab onto his shoulders and moan in pleasure as she started seeing tiny whit dots in her vision. She felt her insides being stretched as his dick continuously hit her g-spot over and over again causing her to cum repeatedly. He continued fucking her roughly in different positions for about 3 hours in the training room until he finally cum inside of her causing them to both moan for the final time. Flare got up as he looked at viola lying on the ground covered in his cum, he bought a towel and gave it to her as she slowly got up.

Viola: "Y-You were so good, I think I'm gonna get addicted to that dick."

Flare: "I'd love if you became addicted to it, but we need to get going soon before the sisters come."

Viola: "You know that they all have a crush on you."

Flare: "Well I knew nutmeg had one on me at first until they all saw me and hancock having sex."

Viola: "Well after that happened we all met in a room and talked about what we saw. They were actually turned on by it....and I was too. Nutmeg was actually masturbating while she was watching you fucking hancock."

Flare: "Oh, that part I didn't know."

Viola: "That's not even the best part... after I masturbated to you in my room, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands but I heard all the sisters in their rooms masturbating to you and I even hear akimeg say' choke me harder daddy flare'..... I almost tripped when I heard that one."

Flare: "So they all like me that much, well I guess I should talk to nutmeg first since she is the first one that liked me."

Viola: "You can go on, I need to sit down for a minute."

Flare: "Hahaha, maybe we can continue tonight."

Viola: "Maybe, it depends if I'm still sore."

Flare walked out laughing, leaving the worn out viola still sitting on the sofa. He made his way out to the deck to see the sisters swimming in the pool and hancock was sitting by the bar. He walked over to her as she saw him and smirked.

Hancock: "Well did you have a fun time?"

Flare: "You figured out that quick?"

Hancock: "I realized that you 2 were missing so I instantly knew, plus I can see it on you."

Flare: "Caught red handed, it turns out that she really liked me a lot."

Hancock: "I always thought that you would have done it with nutmeg before anyone else since she always had a crush on you."

Flare: "You knew about that?"

Hancock: "It was kinda obvious, a girl can see when another girl likes their man."

Flare: "I actually wanted to talk to her alone, I don't want to wait too long before I make my move. I actually found them cute when they arrived."

Hancock: "They are alright but still far from my level of beauty."

Flare laughed at hancock as he walked away and went to the pool, the girls saw him coming and all swam to meet him by the poolside.

Flare: "Hey girls, can I borrow nutmeg for one minute?"

Akimeg: "Sure! you heard the captain sis."

Nutmeg: "O-Ok."

Flare walked away while nutmeg followed him quietly, soon they arrived at his room where he entered and sat down in a chair, she also sat down on a chair.

Flare: "Well I just wanted to ask you some questions."

Nutmeg: "W-What is it?"

Flare: "Did you like the show?"

Nutmeg: "What show?"

Flare: "When you saw me having sex with hancock."

Nutmeg immediately started blushing when she realized that he knew about that. She thought he didn't know about it, so that means he knows that the other girls were there as well.

Nutmeg: "I-I didn't mean to peep, it's just that you were loud and I just stopped to c-check what was wrong."

Flare: "Well you guys did stay there for a long time before you moved."

Nutmeg: "I-I'm sorry but it made my body feel hot watching it and I couldn't stop myself."

Flare: "It's alright, I actually feel kinda good that it happened."

Nutmeg: "R-Really?"

Flare: "Yea, now I know that you find me attractive."

Nutmeg: "I-I do find you attractive, but you have a girlfriend."

Flare: "Well I have 2 now."

Nutmeg: "Two?"

Flare: "Hancock and viola."

Nutmeg: "VIOLA!!! But she was with us when we watched you with hancock."

Flare: "It happened earlier today actually, after you guys left us in the training room."

Nutmeg: "That sly woman, how could you go behind hancock's back like that!"

Flare: "She's the one who gave me permission, I didn't even ask about it. She said I can have as much women as I want."

Nutmeg: "R-Really? She said that....... so that means....."

Nutmeg realized the opportunity she was given, the only reason that she hadn't try to start a relationship with him was because she knew that hancock was his girlfriend. She was quite surprised when she found out the snake empress, the woman who hated all men, fell in love with a man. When she first met him she actually found him really attractive to the point where she would become a blushing mess if he looked at her for too long and was jealous of hancock for getting such a handsome and strong man.

After seeing them having sex she began to crave for flare even more to the point where she would take a break during training just to masturbate in the bathroom or in her room. Now that she knew that hancock allowed him to get more women that meant that she could now get what she always wanted.