
One Piece: A Swordsman's Path

Connor D. Rox, finds himself in One Piece World, blessed with the memories of Sword God Ryuma. TIMELINE: SEA CALENDER YEAR 1502 Unlike my other books, MC won't be invincible from the start, first 15 to 20 chapters will be his character development arc, it may seem cliché at some point but believe me it would have deeper secrets hidden.

Navy_King · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 8 Tough Fight

South Blue

Karate Island.


Pfft!! Aghh!!

Rox hurriedly waved the newly obtained swords towards the numerous orbs approaching him, cutting a few, blood spilling around, Beri at some distance screaming, but Rox wasn't left unharmed either.


The amount of spheres was immense, Rox could cut and dodge a few but there was no way he could dodge every orb, it has only been 2 months since he crossed, he hadn't even started with Observation Haki yet, which could have saved him from this situation.


Four to five spheres crashed into the stomach of Rox, whose eyes widened somewhat, coughing out blood, blown away the next moment, the power of spheres no less than actual cannon balls.


Rox flew upside down, crashing into the ground at some distance, but the swords in his hands didn't slip out, his hold strong.


"Ha…It really hurts…but… not bad…better get used to it early…" Taking deep breaths, Rox stood up from the ground, and wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth with his back hand, he muttered to himself, his slanted eyes stuck at the orbs approaching him.

"Damn…you bastard!!...you can still stand after that!!" Beri who including his whole body had turned into numerous spheres, floating in the cursed Rox, angry at why this bastard was still standing.

He didn't get unharmed from that attack earlier, his devil fruit has a weakness against cutting attacks, that was the reason he had stolen the cursed swords earlier, he wanted to cover that weakness by learning swordsmanship himself.

"Ha…Ha…I guess I'm blessed with a durable body…" Hearing his frustrating words, Rox just laughed dumbly, not a hint of fear on his face.

"Fine…let's see who goes down first…" With madness in his tone, Beri spoke to Rox, never had he hated anyone so much as he did this kid, he won't be able to live in peace if he didn't kill him today, only after killing him and drinking his blood, would his anger be sated.

"Hmm~ fine by me…but wait a minute…" Said Rox without a hint of fear for death in his tone, as completing his words, he put a hand in his dusty kimono, taking out a white cloth, as the next moment, in the stunned eyes of Beri, he put it around his eyes, covering them.


"Come…let's see who is madder!!" Said Rox with a grin on his face, his swords pointed towards Beri, a blindfold covering his eyes.

"You are a bigger lunatic then me!! But don't think I'll hold back…die now!!!"


Roared Beri smirking, all the orbs around him, making a sonic boom in the air, whizzing towards Rox.


Swish! Ahh!!

Rox's feet tapped the ground 4 times again in a blink of an eye, as he rushed towards Beri, the swords singing around, blood spilling around, Beri at some distance screaming in pain.



The spheres hit Rox even more than before, blood pouring out of his mouth, but unlike before, his feet seemed to be dug into the ground, despite such force acting on his body, he wasn't blown away and continued to swing his sword, moving forward constantly, blood rinsing down from his mouth.

Swish! Ahh!!

The speed of Rox gradually slowed down, the distance between Beri and Rox also decreasing, only around 20 meters, Beri due to constant pain not being able to move back, but still insisting on attacking Rox, madness in his eyes, as this was the battle of endurance.





Rox continued moving forward amid the raining cannon balls, soon he was only around 7 to 6 meters away from Beri, swords still swinging, Beri looking at Rox like he had seen a ghost.

Rox's endurance surprised him but what horrified him was that Rox was avoiding more and more of his attacks now, before 6 out of 10 would hit him, now only 2 or 3 were hitting, the opponent was clearly blind, but he was still dodging his attacks.

Two Sword Style! Taka Nami!! {Hawk Wave}

But at this moment, Beri felt a shadow over his head, Rox just 2 meters away from him, holding both swords before his chest horizontally, spinning with them in his horrified eyes, the calm voice of Rox falling in his ears.


A gust of wind blew towards Beri, who suddenly felt the world around him divided into two, from the middle, his head was horizontally cut into two, blood spilling down.


All the floating orbs in the air, suddenly tumbled down on the ground, turning into original body parts, blood everywhere.


Rox's stood alone amid the bloody deserted street, a blindfold covering his eyes, before his legs suddenly trembled, going down, but at the last moment, he drilled both of his swords into the ground, holding the hilts, using them to remain standing.
