
One Piece: A Swordsman's Path

Connor D. Rox, finds himself in One Piece World, blessed with the memories of Sword God Ryuma. TIMELINE: SEA CALENDER YEAR 1502 Unlike my other books, MC won't be invincible from the start, first 15 to 20 chapters will be his character development arc, it may seem cliché at some point but believe me it would have deeper secrets hidden.

Navy_King · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 29 End



The newspapers rained from the sky, the news of the destruction of Whale Island spreading everywhere along with the news of the kid that had the posture of a king and was the sole survivor of the whale Island destruction.

The news soon spread all around the world, everywhere the search for the kid began, marines looking for him everywhere.

In the underworld, a huge reward of 1 billion berries was released by celestial dragon to catch the kid and hand him to them, bounty hunters all around the world going crazy, the search for the kid getting tighter.

On Centauria, the lawless Island was the man thought to be behind the destruction of Whale Island, in a hut at a quiet part of the Island, Boris looking at the newspaper in his hands intently.

"Damn it!! again and again these pigs are getting in my way, No, I can't let what happened to Harumi repeat, I need to find him first!!"

Muttered Boris with a look of impatience and urgency on his face, he didn't want to fail the promise made to Mabel, he wanted to protect that kid, nothing was more important for him now.


But after a few months, fate led Rox to Boris who was searching for him, in the fight Rox hitting the wall far away, a slash mark on his left eye, passed out in the rubble.

"It's better for you to lose an eye compared to your sense of self in the hands of those pigs"

Said Boris looking at Rox who lay passed out before him in the rubble, the time he had left wasn't much, before dying due to wound on his chest he wanted to make Rox as strong as possible.

The huge bounty for him by Celestial Dragon will remain on his head forever, he will forever be in danger, he needed to get strong enough quickly.

So Boris carried the passed out Rox and made a deserted Island in South Blue his place to hide and train Rox, completing his promise with Mabel.

On the Island, Rox was given the time of 18 months, just one and a half year to defeat someone worth 800 Million Berries.

Time Passed and under the threat of being handed over to Celestial Dragons, Rox trained to the point of no sleep whole one and half year, his healing body keeping him alive from this inhuman training schedule.

Finally, it was the day of the fight, Rox standing alone in the snowy field waiting for the appearance of the Boris, who was still in the hut.

In the hut,

"After this I'm sure you would have many questions, although I don't want to tie you to my past, but I have no choice"

"Those pigs are after you already, you are gonna cross way with them sooner or later, you need to know they are not gods, they are just pigs and can be killed"

"You need to know you are there fear, not the other way, you are a D. just like Rocks, Roger!"

"The hell you went through…will eventually turn the world into a heaven…I know you will be the one!"

"Connor D. Rox!"

Writing that, Boris put down the pen in his hands and closed the black notebook, placing it on the table next to a locket.

After this, Boris stood up and picked the golden axe, placing it on his shoulders, striding out of the hut, marking his end and a new beginning for Rox.

{Back to Present}

In the hut,

"The Hell you went through…will eventually turn the world into a Heaven!"


A tear from the eye of Rox dripped on the black notebook, the red mask from earlier nowhere to be seen, immense emotion on the face of Rox, he who seemed to had lost all his emotions, tearing up after reading the last sentence on the notebook.


Putting the Notebook away with a heavy face, Rox picked the golden locket and opened it, revealing a small picture framed in it, Mabel rubbing the head of an 8 something Rox in the pic with a haughty look, the Rox in the pic having a pure smile on the face.

The emotions of Rox only welled up after seeing the picture, as taking a deep breath he stopped the tears and put the locket around his neck, striding out of the hut next moment.

"A day later"

On a cliff on the deserted Island that overlooked the whole sea, a grave was built, on the stone written the name Boris, a golden axe dug next to the grave, some flowers also around it.


Next to the grave sat Rox dressed in a grey kimono, quietly chugging a jug of wine and looking at the endless sea, but in the only eye an image of a blue dragon and a white flag with a blue pattern flashing.

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{Well~ This ends Rox's character development arc, if you don't understand the meaning of the white flag, it's world government flag}