
One Piece: A Swordsman's Path

Connor D. Rox, finds himself in One Piece World, blessed with the memories of Sword God Ryuma. TIMELINE: SEA CALENDER YEAR 1502 Unlike my other books, MC won't be invincible from the start, first 15 to 20 chapters will be his character development arc, it may seem cliché at some point but believe me it would have deeper secrets hidden.

Navy_King · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 14 Kenny

South Blue.


Like usual the air reeked of blood, the den of pirates, criminals, Centaurea was running as it always have been, a lawless place, everything depending on strength.

In a tavern,


The vicious laughter of the pirates, eating and drinking resounded in the tavern, every table full of pirates, chugging down massive jugs of beer.


Suddenly the door of the tavern opened with a bang, eyes immediately towards the door, a figure with around 20 to 30 people behind him entering the tavern.

A height of 3 meters, a weathered vicious face, black hair, black eyes, and worn out marine attire, shredded shorts and pants.

"Hiss..." It's Kenny, The Marine Butcher!!" Seeing the tall figure and his attire, every pirate in the tavern sucked in a deep breath, fear written all over the face of everyone.

Kenny, a former marine commander, currently a pirate. Most of his life he stayed in Grandline, his strength is unfathomable, could easily be called the overload in South Blue.

The first bounty he received was direct from 30 million berries, showing how dangerous he was.


"Hurry up!! bring out the best wine!!"

With his hands in his pockets, Kenny walked up to the tavern owner, and sitting on the stool, he banged the stand, demanding loudly, a vicious look on his face.


The tavern owner immediately got to work a somewhat scared look on his face, Kenny brought him huge oppression, he was a former pirate as well, and had strength as well, this was the reason he could run a tavern in this lawless Island, but before Kenny he felt weak.

Soon big jugs full of wine were presented to Kenny and his crew, every pirate in the tavern looking at them with awe, except for the cloaked figure sitting in the corner.


Even the black cloak couldn't hide the burly physique of the figure, about two meters in height, quietly chugging bottles of wine one after another.

"To think a time would come when I have to hunt little dolls to live…sigh…" Said the cloaked figure in a helpless tone, his eyes stuck at Kenny, his tone telling how much he felt insulted to hunt little pirates like Kenny to live by.

"Repeat what you said!!!"

The voice of the burly figure despite in such a noisy environment was loud enough for everyone to hear clearly, Kenny seeing someone interrupting his party, angry.

"Sigh~ today I'll have to hold a big funeral…"

Every eye was focused on the burly cloaked figure who didn't get nervous and sighing he stood up, from his cloak, a golden axe coming out.


Next moment, the cloak of the burly figure fell down as well, a bald head and topless body with a huge charred wound on the chest coming in the view of everywhere.



"He is….."

There was a sudden silence in the tavern, eyes of every pirate nearly bulging out from the sockets, Kenny on the stool trembling all over, his widened fearful eyes stuck at the bald burly guy, his shaking fingers pointing at him.


On the streets of Centaurea.


"Hey…isn't that….?"

"It's Samurai Ryuma!!"

Through the blood littered streets, walked a figure with brown hair, lower half of the face covered with a red mask, the pirates or criminals on the side whispering to each other, shocked eyes stuck at Rox, never had expected to see the current most famous pirate hunter in South Blue here.

"Hmm~ Kenny the Marine Butcher, if he is really from Grandline, then it will definitely be worth travelling all the way here" Thought Rox, an expectant look in his eyes, as he knows those with some higher rank in Grandline, all can learn Marine Six Styles, he had high hopes for this Kenny, hoping he could give him a challenge.

"Just you watch Mom, Uncle Ralph, I'll definitely judge Boris and would become the Strongest Swordsman that had ever lived…" Murmured Rox, looking at the dark evening sky above, a somewhat sad look on his face, but his eyes determinant.

The time after his transmigration he spent with his mother and uncle though was short, but they were still his closest people, in the last 6 months, he trained on a deserted island like a madman, and only came out when anymore training was useless, and he needed to battle.

His goal to become the strongest swordsman was always there and killing Boris was another one now.


Just when Rox lost in his thoughts was walking through the streets towards the tavern hoping to inquire information about Kenny, he suddenly heard a sound of massive explosion from ahead, fast wind blowing his brown hair.


"Run Away!! He killed Kenny in one strike!!"

Rox saw a lot of pirates with fearful faces coming from the direction of explosion, all running madly with despair, shouting in panic, Rox hearing the words stunned.


Immediately, Rox's feet touched the ground 10 times in a second, leaving an afterimage he rushed towards the direction of explosion, a curious look on his face.
