
One Piece: A Swordsman's Path

Connor D. Rox, finds himself in One Piece World, blessed with the memories of Sword God Ryuma. TIMELINE: SEA CALENDER YEAR 1502 Unlike my other books, MC won't be invincible from the start, first 15 to 20 chapters will be his character development arc, it may seem cliché at some point but believe me it would have deeper secrets hidden.

Navy_King · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 13 Fleet

South Blue.

Karate Island.

"Hurry up!!!"

Just when around half a day had passed since Rox departed from Karate Island towards Centaurea, an emergency situation was imposed on the whole island, all the marines neatly dressed, running towards the port, excitement on their faces.

At the port,

A tall man with one eye in a white cape, stood at the port, hundreds of marines behind him, looking towards the sea, an exciting look on his face.

Lieutenant Commander Marcus, Leader of Navy Branch on Karate Island, famed for once catching a 20 million berries pirate single handedly.


"They are here, hurry up, don't make a mess!!" Suddenly at high speed, a huge navy fleet approaching the shore was spotted by Marcus, immediately face flushed with excitement, he said to the marines behind him.


The marines saluted respectfully, immediately began to shuffle, soon 2 rows on opposite sides were created, Marines standing with hands straight.



Finally, the naval fleet reached the fleet and a shadow flew out from the ship in the lead, landing next to Marcus, the huge figure towering him easily.

'Admiral Zephyr, Lieutenant Commander Marcus reporting!!!" Marcus felt a huge pressure from the pink haired figure before him, but suppressing his excitement, he saluted with awe in his tone.

"Welcome to the Island, Sir!!"

The other marines who stood in two rows also greeted Z in a loud voice, immense emotion on their face, seeing an admiral for ordinary marines like them was nothing short of a dream come true.

"Hmm~ they are disciplined enough. You have done a good job."

"Now take me to the branch, I need to know everything that happened in the last six months!"

"This way please!!"

Zephyr, seeing the disciplined marines, praised Marcus a little, who nearly yelled in excitement and immediately guided Zephyr towards the navy branch.

Navy Branch, Karate Island.

"So there is no news of Boris from your side either." In the spacious room, Zephyr, with his legs on the table, flipped through the record in his hands, asking Marcus who respectfully stood behind, his eyebrows raised.

"A big pirate like him would definitely not stay in a weak sea like South Blue." "Maybe he has already returned to Grandline, Admiral Z," said Marcus in a respectful tone, his voice neither loud nor low, knowing the proper etiquette of talking to a superior.

"Hmm~ what about that sole survivor of Whale Island and any other important news?" Z inquired Z, his serious eyes stuck at Marcus, his eyes telling Marcus that Z cared more about the survivor of whale Island then Boris.

"Regretfully… we aren't able to find him as well, he seemed to have vanished like he never existed"

"Though a pirate hunter has recently appeared in South Blue, he is the talk of the whole sea"

Said Marcus, after hesitating a little, hoping Z would not be angry at their incompetence as they really tried their best, but just couldn't find him.

"A bounty hunter?"

"Yes, he appeared out of nowhere just a month ago, at his first expedition he defeated a pirate worth 15 million berries in just 2 rounds, after that he has continuously killed pirates with bounties in millions"

"He calls himself "Wandering Swordsman Ryuma", but because his attire is somewhat similar to Samurai, everyone gave him the name "Samurai Ryuma"

"Show me his appearance"

Said Marcus in one breath, eyes of Zephyr narrowing a bit at his words, ordering Marcus immediately.


"Here Sir!"

Marcus immediately gave orders to a marine soldier, soon a portrait was placed before Z by the marine soldier, Z immediately took a look at it.

Short brown hair, slanted black eyes, donned in a grey kimono fasted with a black sash, a red mask covered his face from nose to the base of neck, two swords hung at his waist.

"Two swords…and this height…" Seeing the figure in the portrait, Z's eyes widened somewhat, the kid who survived the destruction also had two swords around his waist and height was somewhat similar to the one wrote on this portrait.

"Why didn't you report something so important?!!"

"B-But…. he is just a bounty hunter, Admiral Z!"

Yelled Z at Marcus, the latter nearly peeing in fright, immediately explaining himself in a quivering tone.

"Bounty hunter, are you an idiot or what? Weren't you order to look for anyone with even a slight resemblance to that kid, that sole survivor also had two similar swords like these!!"

Pointed Z towards the portrait, fingers tracing the swords on Rox's waist.

"But…we were told that the survivor is just a kid…how can a kid defeat pirate's worth millions…" Said Marcus in a trembling tone, sweat rolling down from his brows, his whole body shaking in fear, the oppression that Z brought him nearly made him faint.

"Damn! Frogs in the well, what do you even know about the vastness of the sea, hurry up and bring me the whereabouts of this bounty hunter!!"

"Haa…Please wait for a moment!!"

With shaking legs, Marcus ran outside the room, intending to inquire about the whereabouts of Rox, leaving a fuming Z in the room.


Soon, the naval fleet that had just arrived at Karate Island departed from the port, destination Centaurea.
