
One Piece: A Swordsman's Path

Connor D. Rox, finds himself in One Piece World, blessed with the memories of Sword God Ryuma. TIMELINE: SEA CALENDER YEAR 1502 Unlike my other books, MC won't be invincible from the start, first 15 to 20 chapters will be his character development arc, it may seem cliché at some point but believe me it would have deeper secrets hidden.

Navy_King · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 12 Ryuma

Chapter Name: "Pirate Hunter: Samurai Ryuma!"

South Blue.

Karate Island.

The sky above the island was bright, waves rolling by near the shore, the island packed with merchants and people as usual.

It has been 6 months since the gruesome destruction of Whale Island, the incident which should have been forgotten normally, is still etched in the memory of every inhabitant of South Blue, cause of the changes that occurred after that incident.

In the last six months, the marines ship patrolling around the whole south blue seems to have increased by 100%, there was even a rumor that a Marine Admiral was in South Blue, apparently searching the dangerous pirate from Grandline Boris, whose whereabouts after the incident of whale Island, were completely unknown.

At an abandoned alley on Karate Island.



Two cold lights flashed in the dark alley, screams resounding in the alley, blood splattering on the wall.


The lifeless corpse with a wound on neck fell on the ground, the hat with a jolly roger patterned on it, falling down from the head of the corpse, soaked in blood.



The sound of swords rubbing with the sheath spread, as from the dark alley, a minute later, a figure with a head in a sack walked out, revealing him to light completely.

Two swords hung on his waist, looked around 10, height around 163cm, short brown hair, black slanted eyes, donned in a grey kimono tied with a black sash on the waist.

His lower face from nose till to the base of neck was completely covered with red mask, making it hard to see his true face.


"It's him!!"

Carrying the sack on his shoulder, Rox walked through the streets, everyone seeing the blood dripping down from the sack gave him way immediately, some pointing at him with fearful eyes, like they seemed to have recognized him.


The figure ignoring the fearful eyes stuck at him, soon arrived outside the marine branch, even the marines guarding the entrance gave him way respectfully, not daring to offend Rox.


'Phew…I feel so weak in his presence... just where did this guy pop out from?" Rox giving them one look, walked inside the naval branch, the two marines guarding the entrance instantly going on knees, backs soaked with sweat, one of them couldn't help but speak out fearfully.

"Pirate Hunter... Samurai Ryuma... such momentum... as expected of a man who even killed a big pirate worth 15 million berries" Nodded the other marine, agreeing with him, never had any other bounty hunter gave him this feeling.

A month ago, something that shook the south blue somewhat occurred, a big pirate worth 15 million berries along with his crew was obliterated by a pirate hunter, a trainee who had just joined the crew was the only one who survived or you can say that he was spared.

According to the trainee, the one who killed them all was a demon with two swords. Even the captain couldn't last two rounds against him. Before leaving the ship, he left the name "Wandering Swordsman Ryuma", instantly becoming a top name among the bounty hunters in South Blue.

Later a pirate worth 10 million berries died in his hands as well, and people gradually became familiar with his appearance, due to his attire that resembled Samurai somewhat, he was given the name" Samurai Ryuma".


Inside the naval branch,


"Confirm it!" Rox placed the sack containing the head before the marine responsible for dealing with bounty hunters, a calm look in his eyes.

"Umm!" The marine nodded cautiously as he took out the head and began to compare it with the reward orders posted on the wall.

"Here you go, Five Million!!" Soon the Marine found the head in his hands resembling someone in the reward orders, as he immediately began to make arrangements, soon in a sack 5 million berries were placed before Rox.

"How about it? Any news about Kenny!" Rox calmly took the sack and hanging it on his shoulders, he inquired with no hesitation.

"It's just a rumor, it's said that he was recently sighted in Centaurea, I'm not 100% sure though"

"That's enough!"


Said Rox at the answer of the marine and giving him a nod, he walked out of the navy branch, the sun rays falling on his face, his black slanted eyes gazing towards the endless blue sky.

"Kenny, worth 30 million, another obstacle in my path, just you wait Boris, sooner or later you'll be judged by my blades!"

Rox looked at the sky for a while with hazy eyes, before a determinant look appeared in them, as shaking his head, Rox walked away going towards the port.

Soon, a small raft carrying a single figure departed from the port of Karate Island, destination Centaurea.
