
One Piece: A New Beginning

At the age of 12 Darren Butler died from kidney failure. As an avid one piece fan, he loved the show a lot , and from his own words his favourite devil fruit was the Yuki-Yuki no mi. “The Yuki-Yuki no Mi is an amazing devil fruit, Monet miss used it, it’s definitely not weaker than the Hie-Hie no Mi!”. Darren would always get into debates with his school friends of it. After his death he found himself within the same one piece world he loved. And a gift package beside him. —— Warning: 1.Don’t expect too much accurate timelines

RadicalAM · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

13. Speeding up the Healing

Before arriving at the clothes shop, Darren had taken with him enough money to pay for his other clothes making.

"Hello owner, I'm here to pick up my clothes". "Hello kid, your clothes are in the back let me go get them." The owner went to the back as he brought out a purple kimono robe that looked sparkling clean.

"I've remade it completely, I've made the materials a bit stronger so it shouldn't tear too easily".

Taking the robe out of the owners hands Darren put it on infront of him, looking and feeling the robe Darren smiled.

"Thank you, it's even better than before, also i'd like for you to make another one for me but with a different design."

Darren then described it, the owner said " you should've told me that day!", "ehehe, sorry it just came to mind".

"Ok, no problem it'll be ready in one day since I'm just going to making it".

"Thank you owner, here's the money" Darren then handed him 13,000 berries, "owner, is there a medicine shop anywhere?".

"Medicine shop?, there should be one down the street, walk for a while longer and you should come across it".

Waving good bye Darren made his way in the direction the owner said, after walking for more than 10 minutes he found the place.

Looking at it, Darren didn't think it'd be a medicine shop, the outside looked like a hut and there was no sign saying it was a medicine shop .

Knocking regardless, Darren came across a man with glasses, "hello? What can I do for you?". Taken aback Darren couldn't reply for a second.

The man had dishevelled hair, and unusually long limbs, 'they must be the other tribe that the longarm tribe is beefing' Darren thought.

Forgetting he was being stared at Darren quickly replied "I was recommended here, they said this was a medicine shop".


"Come inside" the man walked in as Darren followed in behind, gesturing for Darren to sit down, the man then grabbed a box as he sat opposite to Darren.

"So, what's wrong?". "My body internally is in pain, along with my physical condition worsening after a fight", Darren decided to tell the truth.

"Oh, what fight could cause you sever injuries?", Darren not replying just took off the upper part of his robe, he then also proceeded to take off his shirt:

Seeing him bandages the doctor didn't continue asking anymore questions, getting up he said "I'll apply some medicine, but as you know it'll cost money".

"Yeah no worries".

"Please lay down on here", the doctor pointed towards a massage table. Darren then got up he took off his robe, he only had pants on at laid on his back.

Th doctor proceeded to then massage his shoulders and back with medicine, Darren felt a relief as his back felt amazing due to the cold sensation of the medicine along with the massage.

The doctor then moved on to his legs as massaged, after finishing he then massaged his neck along with Darren's head.

Darren felt his body become stronger as his healing kicked in, the longer he stayed here the longer he got this massage the more he recovered.

After 2 hours, the doctor finished the massage as Darren got up putting on his t-shirts along with robe, "doctor thank you, I now can walk even without the stick, I'll frequently visit".

"No problem but you'll have to pay".

Chuckling Darren gave him 20,000 berries and walked out, the doctor just stared at his back smiling.

On the street Darren did some arm stretches, he felt the soreness and the weakness that plagued him for the past days go away. "With this massage, I should be able to recover in 6 months".

Darren then walked around as he closed his eyes and used his observation haki to guide his way back home.

He often did this to stimulate his observation haki and train it, he still hasn't reached the conquerors coating, so he decided to refine his haki.

He realised his haki wasn't as refined as Aokiji's so in each confrontation, he had to put more haki to counter it, he was refining for the past few days and is was no easy task, he barely made any progress.

Darren decided to go the beach on this island, arriving he stood there, the whirlpools often sprayed water onto the beach, so he was hit by the water droplets.

Darren then trained his combat skills as he fought an imaginary Aokiji hand to hand, fighting against him he realised his lack of experience as he was beat 5/10 times in pure hand to hand.

"Damn, I didn't know battle experience was this important, Aokiji has definitely practiced in the martial arts of the marines, my Fish-Man Karate allowed me to not be overwhelmed", Darren strategised as he continued his shadow combat.

Thinking of new ways to counter attack, Darren's combat slowly improved, he decided to add martial arts from his past life into his combat skills.

"What martial art is most useful for me right know?". Darren pondered as three styles of martial arts came to mind, Taekwondo, Karate and Muay Thai.

He was stuck between choosing one for now since it would be added to his Fish-Man Karate, he was planning on combining the two to create an ultimate art.

"Muay Thai it is" Darren then scoured through his brain for the basics of Muay Thai. He remembered that it was nicknamed "art of 8 limbs" since it uses punches, kicks, knees and elbows.

Darren then worked on his footwork, finding it easy to master, so for the next 3 hours he worked on his stance and footwork, he shadow boxed for the three hours making great progress.

Finishing up, he went back home making himself some dinner from a deer eating and proceeding to bed, waking up early he stretched, eating some meat he walked outside as he retrained his stamina which already pretty monstrous since he always completed 20 mile runs.

He added shadow boxing into his routine and he practiced the kicks and punches of Muay Thai along with some variations from his Fish-Man Karate, through it he was gaining an idea of what type of ultimate he should create.

After finishing up his routine, he decided to head towards the medicine shop getting the massage after 2 hours he left as he felt his injuries get increasingly better.

(Author note- he can now use 30% of his physical strength without haki)

Arriving back at the clothes shop, Darren greeted the owner as his clothes were already on the counter.

"Thanks owner, here" Darren handed 1,000 berries, which the owner refused but Darren forced it into his hand as he grabbed his clothes walking out.

The colour way was nicely done since it was a spotless white, the fabric felt amazing as Darren stretched it, satisfied he went back through the valleys as he climbed on top of the mountain next to his house, he already had on his new clothes on.

Standing, four fabrics separated swayed in the air as his hood covered a majority of his face.

"This feels like some assassin getup" it was quite different to his kimono robe but he liked it.

"I think it's time for me to head out of this island after recovering, there's barely anything to do."

So for the next 8 months, Darren continued his combination of Muay Thai and Fish-Man Karate, becoming an expert in Muay Thai pretty quickly.

Along with his frequent visits to the medicine shop, his physical strength improved back to full strength without him using haki, so Darren it was time for him to sail again.

He could heal the rest whilst on sea as the doctor had said his sever internal injuries had mostly recovered, all he needed was some medicine to heal the minor damage.

After hearing that Darren had decided to leave immediately, he also decided to wear his mask until he felt that it wasn't really necessary, although not many people could threaten him, he always had that you never know attitude.

Darren didn't want to end up dying to a character that wasn't known in the series, since it was real life now.

So his first priority was to watch out for the admirals ganging up on him, he knew Akainu couldn't wait to kill him.

So on a Monday morning with the help of the islanders he built a boat once more.

"This time, hopefully I don't run into idiots that'll cost me my life" Darren said as he sailed across the sea.