
One Piece - Life Choice Ask Me to Kiss Marine Goddes Hina

Entering the world of pirates, Lynch was panicked because there's so many way to die. With raging pirates and furocious slave ships, survival seemed like an hard think to do. There were legends of fearsome figures like Whitebeard, capable of causing earthquakes with a single blow, Golden Lion who could float islands thousands of meters into the sky, and Kaido, known as the strongest creature alive. Face with this dangerous existence, Lynch found himself at a crossroads. What path should he take? [Ding! The Host's strong resolve has activated the life selection system. Please choose from the following options.] [Option 1: Confront the four emperors with a bottle of wine in hand and challenge the future pirate king. Defeat Bandit King Sig, reward: Observation Haki.] [Option 2: Trim Sengoku's goat into the Mediterranean style. Reward: Tom Cat.] [Option 3: Face Boa Hancock, known for her beautifull figure . Defeat the Empress and gain the reward: Zoan·Phantom Beast Species·Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Mode:Candlelight Dragon.] Faced with these options, Lynch made his decision without hesitation... ._______________ This my third project, I hope will get better with the more work done. The updates will now follow a fixed schedule, from Tuesday to Saturday (5 chapters per week), releasing at 00:00 GMT+7 on those days. . ______________ And for sure, also always need some support from you guys, if you want please drop here, I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read more chapters ahead of everyone. patre@n.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

11 A Cat Lover?

"Okay, okay, take it back."

After hearing Lynch's words, Tom stuffed the things back one by one.

Lynch touched the hair on the top of Tom's head. Tom narrowed his eyes with enjoyment and took the initiative to cup Lynch's hand.

For the time being, Tom is very satisfied with his new owner, as his old owner would not touch him like this.

"Is there anything you want to do now?"

This time, Tom was as fast as lightning. He got a stick from nowhere and wrote crookedly on the ground: Go home.

With Tom now in the picture, Lynch feels it's no longer safe to stay in the dormitory with his roommates, fearing that he might accidently expose something.

Lynch took Tom and rented a second-floor apartment in Marine's family area for 60,000 Baileys a month.

There are five bedrooms, two living rooms, two bathrooms, two kitchens and a dining room.

Since Marine dormitories are free, and family dormitories different from free to paid, it's wise to choose something similar to avoid frequent moves and save money in the long run.

"You stay at home and I'll buy you some cat food" Lynch said while stroking Tom's fur.

Suddenly, Tom hugged Lynch's thigh, puffed out his chest, and flexed his biceps.

"What's up? You want to protect me?" 

Lynch asked. Tom nodded, then swiftly vanished into an afterimage.

"Then let's come together." Lynch took the back of Tom's neck and put him on his shoulder.


Just outside the family building is a commercial street managed by the marines, making it convenient to buy things.

After buying all the daily necessities, Lynch walked home with large and small bags, while Tom helped carry one.

While walking down the street, he suddenly heard two familiar sounds, as if he had heard them before.

Following the sound, he saw a tall beauty and a wretched uncle in front of a cat cafe. 

Just by looking at her curvy figure, one could tell she must be beautiful.

"Admiral-level clothes, where have I heard their voices before?"

Seeing the uncle's face, second only to Kizaru's in terms of wretchedness , it was easy to recognize him as the famous Rear Admiral, Tokikake.

The woman's identity was clear: she was Rear Admiral Momousagi.

"Gion, do you like cats? If you do, I'll buy them all for you," he offered.

"No need," she replied, walking away from the cat cafe with a hint of helplessness. Suddenly, she felt someone watching her and her eyes met Lynch's like lightning.

Lynch quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed to be caught peeking but even more surprised by her beauty.

What a beautiful woman, he thought.

He was almost mesmerized and couldn't look away as she walked past.

So white... ah no, so big... no, so tender!

Why are there so many elegant ladies in the Marines?

First, there's Hina. Although she's only 18, she always exudes a mature aura due to her well-developed figure.

Compared to Hina, who is still transitioning from youth to maturity, Momousagi is like a ripe peach, ready to burst with juice at a pinch.

That said, when judging the three major factions of the Marines, Pirates, and Revolutionary Army...

In the Marines, there are many noble sisters, and in the pirates, there are many Lolitas.

But the Revolutionary Army is different. They have many strong individuals.

[A new opportunity has arisen.]

[Task Option 1: Gain Momousagi's favor. Reward: One million beli.]

[Task Option 2: Request Momousagi to cover up and keep the rabbit hidden. Reward: Momousagi's swordsmanship skill at age 20.]

[Task Option 3: Kiss Momousagi! Reward: Conqueror's Haki!]


That's a Rear Admiral. He didn't even have a rank before graduating from the elite camp. And System wants him to "do the following"?

Lynch was certain that if he dared to treat Momousagi like he did Hina, he'd be lucky to escape without a beating.

Lynch was sure that if he dared to treat Momousagi like he did to Hina, he would be fine if he didn't get beaten to death.

He's starting to wonder if this system is just plain messing with him. 

Otherwise, why would it push him toward danger every time a beauty shows up? Despite the tempting rewards, this...

He even feared the system might assign missions involving the Four Emperors like Big Mom in the future. 

Unfortunately, the system remained silent to Lynch's complaints, leaving him feeling disappointed.

After much thought, Lynch decided to abandon the task. 

Setting aside whether he had the skill to complete it, he didn't want to die young. The sword at Momousagi waist wasn't just for show.

This mission won't disappear anyway, let's talk about it later.

"Were you peeking at me just now?"

Momousagi suddenly appeared in front of Lynch, catching him off guard.

So fast!

"I'm sorry." 

Lynch apologized, clasping his fists. "You're just too beautiful, Sir Rear Admiral. It's hard not to admire someone with such a kind heart."

"Everyone has a beautiful heart, but I didn't expect you to be so smooth-tongued," Momousagi said with a half-smile, leaning closer to Lynch.

Lynch doesn't like the feeling of being looked down upon, but Momousagi is 2.4 meters tall.

But his height is only 1.99 meters. Like the red hair, he is still struggling to pass the two-meter mark.

The two stood opposite each other. Lynch had just reached Momousagi's chest and could even smell the... fragrance on it.

From his perspective, it was spectacular.

In this world where the average height is two meters and three meters, the average height of three Admirals is three meters, and there are many people taller than three meters, Luffy's height is considered a third-level disability.

Lynch was unsure how to respond to Momousagi's words, but she took the initiative and said, "How about lending me your cat to play with? Then forget about before."

Tom was stunned. He had been enjoying watching the scene unfold, so why did he have to get involved?

Lynch smiled helplessly and said, "Sir Rear Admiral, if you want to pet a cat, just let me know."

"Then I'll take that as your consent~" 

Momousagi lifted Tom from Lynch's shoulders. He took a deep breath, clearly satisfied.

She was truly like cats. 

As a seasoned cat lover, seeing a cat like Tom, one she had never encountered before and in such good condition, was as heartbreaking as not being able to pet it.

Lynch noticed out of the corner of his eye that Tom gave him a weird look.

What does this cat want to do?

"Hmm, what an obedient little kitten, Sell it to me. I'll pay you half a million beli."

She gently held Tom in her hand and stroked his soft fur.

"I'm sorry, Rear Admiral, but Tom is my family. I can't sell him."

"Okay," Momousagi replied, and didn't look very regretful. "Since you're staying at Marine headquarters, I'll come find you when I want to play with Tom, alright?"

Tokikake, chasing after Momousagi, heard this and its eyes lit up with excitement. This was no ordinary cat; it was a treasure!

"Of course, Rear Admiral," Lynch replied.

Momousagi gave Lynch a knowing look and said, "Don't call me sir. You're also Mr. Zephyr's disciple. You can call me senior sister or Gion sister from now on."

"Okay, Sister Gion. My name is Lynch." Lynch smiled.

The Tokikake on the side not only had green eyes this time, but also seemed to have a faint green colour on the top of his head.




Noted : if you guys want read advance chapter up to 15ch, you can check at my P@treon : patreon.com/MoonEater18