
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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298 Chs

50 Shocking Supernova

The Red-hair Pirate is gone.

In a state of utter disbelief, he set sail towards the distant sea.

The Whitebeard Pirates also set sail again, preparing to return to their territory.

However, before venturing too far, multiple fleets emerged from distant horizons, seemingly eager to engage in battle with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Father, look at those supernovas!"

Jozu came over.


"Do those brats from the first part of the Grand Line actually dare to attack us?"

Whitebeard casually took a sip and smiled.

Supernovas are often referred to as the "worst generation" as well!


These supernovas are still too weak for the might of Whitebeard Pirates Commander and his allied pirates.

How weak is it?

So weak that Whitebeard can destroy all supernova fleets with a single punch.


Right now is not the same as two years from now!

During the summit war, these supernovas were a bunch of rowdy fellows from the first part of the Grand Line.

Despite their popularity, their strength remains weak!

"Father, do you want to destroy them?"

Marco felt somewhat displeased.

They are the renowned Whitebeard Pirates from the New World.

Even if the Marines were to chase after them, the Whitebeard Pirates would stand their ground. So why would a bunch of hairy youngsters dare to encircle them? Why would both cats and dogs dare to be arrogant in front of the mighty Whitebeard Pirates?


"Go up and take a look!"

Whitebeard rose to his feet and made his way to the front of the ship, holding a Naginata in his hand as he looked into the distance.

He spotted multiple pirate ships approaching from afar.

As he observed the flags, he recognized the Kid Pirates, Hearts Pirates, Drake Pirates, Fire Tank Pirates, Bonney Pirates, Fallen Monk Pirates, Hawkins Pirates, and On Air Pirates!

All the supernovas from the first part of the Grand Line have gathered here!


On the endless sea.

The combined supernova fleet approached the Whitebeard Pirates.

At the forefront of each ship, the captains stood, with solemn expressions on their faces.

"You should be aware that such actions could lead to our destruction!"

Killer, wearing a blue strip mask on his head, whispered.


"Of course I know, but this is the only way to confirm if Whitebeard is still alive!"

"And we won't attack the Whitebeard Pirates. as long as we get the result, we will retreat immediately!"

Kid, sporting fiery red hair and a red coat, sneered.

Once the live broadcast of the Summit War ended, the supernova pirate group gathered near the headquarters, eager to witness the aftermath firsthand.

They witnessed the aftermath of the destruction at Marineford.

Therefore, everyone was eager to learn the outcome of this Summit War.

There were two possible scenarios: either Whitebeard had sacrificed himself, causing the island to be buried, and the Marines emerged as the winners, or Whitebeard had led his pirate crew to successfully rescue Ace and make a triumphant return.

In order to know the result.

The supernova made a collective decision to join forces and approach the Whitebeard Pirates together.

Their purpose was to verify whether Whitebeard had managed to escape or die within Marineford


Even this posed significant risks.

In the New World, approaching a ship without proper greetings is often interpreted as an act of war.

In case the Whitebeard Pirates initiate an attack.

These supernovas are in deep trouble.


Kid and the others are fearless.

How could they possibly give up due to mere danger?

And thus, the current scene unfolds.


The water waves rolled up.

As time ticked away, the Supernova fleet steadily drew closer to the Whitebeard Pirates.

But what makes people feel puzzled is.

Nothing happened to the Whitebeard Pirates!

What baffled everyone was that they seemed to be sailing in a straight line even without their presence, without even setting up the ship's defenses.

"Something's wrong!"

Urouge, with wings on his back, grinned as his hand instinctively grasped his weapon, a hint of vigilance gleaming in his eyes.

Despite their boldness and fearlessness.

However, they were not fools.

They understood the significance of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even though the Whitebeard Pirates had recently gone through a big battle, they remained a formidable force to reckon with.

Once a war is ignited, they face the imminent threat of destruction at any moment.

"The divination indicates a 68% chance of survival. With this probability, as long as we don't act excessively, we won't encounter much danger.."

Hawkins, with his long blonde hair, flipped the cards in his hand.


"Since there is no danger, then speed up!"

Kid stood at the ship's bow, laughing without a care.

The other supernovas exchanged glances and swiftly gave the command to speed up.

Five minutes later.

The Supernova Fleet and the Whitebeard Pirates cross paths in these sea.

As it keeps getting closer.

Kid and the others also caught sight of a figure standing in front of Moby Dick.

This figure stood tall, holding a big Naginata, wearing a white coat behind him, and a white beard with a crescent moon on his majestic face.

As the group of supernovas laid eyes on this figure, their eyes suddenly widened.

A look of sheer horror etched across their faces.


Known as the strongest man in the world!

Standing at the bow of Moby Dick, this figure watching them intently.

"He… is still alive?!"

Kid, who had been brimming with arrogance, couldn't help but take a subconscious step back, no longer daring to bring the fleet any closer.

Whitebeard just stood there quietly.

It brings him a tremendous pressure!

"How is this possible?"

Drake, standing on his ship, was so shocked that he cried out.

Being a former Marine Rear Admiral, he possessed an intimate knowledge of Marine's strength, surpassing that of anyone present.

In this war, Marine summoned a force of 100,000 soldiers.

According to his perspective, no matter how strong the Whitebeard Pirates may be, they cannot be the winner.

But that's where he was mistaken...

Whitebeard appeared!

Yet, there stood Whitebeard, alive and standing before him!

What does this mean?

It means that Whitebeard has won the war!

"Under the encirclement and suppression of 100,000 Marines, yet he is still alive. Is this guy some kind of monster?!"

Urouge swallowed hard,

The other supernovas, too, gazed at Whitebeard's tall figure, their brows furrowed with cold sweat.

Although Whitebeard didn't make an attack from the beginning.

He didn't even say a word.

But the sheer presence of Whitebeard alone brought an unimaginable pressure upon all the supernovas.

This pressure…

It made many of the supernovas contemplate the idea of fleeing as fast as they could!

Because they know.

Once Whitebeard takes action, everyone will die right here and now!


I put an advanced chapter at P@treon, you can read 10+ chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18