
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs

35 Humiliating the Admiral


The expression of Sengoku on the execution stage was so ugly to see that even Kizaru was blown away by Whitebeard.

Among the three Admirals of the Marines, Kizaru is not the strongest!

But when it comes to escape skills, he definitely ranks first.

However, even with his exceptional escape skills, Kizaru was still injured by Whitebeard's attack, leaving him with a sense of vulnerability.

Whitebeard in his prime.

"Why does he still possess such strength?"

Sengoku clenched his teeth in frustration, unable to comprehend it.

But he wasn't in the mood to think about it at the moment.

Because after Whitebeard stopped the three Admirals, Bullet and Luffy recklessly charged towards the execution platform.

Luffy is no match for him.

But Bullet is a formidable opponent.

When he was on Roger ship, his strength was comparable to the Dark King Rayleigh, Vice Captain of Roger Pirate.

So his top priority now is to stop Bullet and prevent the opponent from rescuing Ace.

Beneath the execution platform.

After rising from the rubble, Kizaru swiftly returned to his previous position, forming a triangular formation once again to encircle Whitebeard.

The previous strike had made him fully comprehend the monstrosity of the opponent he was facing!

The previous sense of recklessness completely vanished.

Instead, his expression turned dignified.

"Don't let your guard down. I can't explain why, but I have a hunch that Whitebeard hasn't unleashed his full power yet!"

Aokiji said seriously.

Having been blown away by a single punch before, he knew how strong Whitebeard was

Despite being over seventy years old, his strength remains terrifying.


Akainu let out a cold snort, locked his gaze on Whitebeard in front of him, and then made the bold move to take the initiative!

"Die Whitebeard!"


Lava surged onto his fist, rapidly engulfing his entire arm.

Fiery white smoke billowed out, distorting the sunlight with its intense heat.

As he planted both feet firmly, the dust was kicked up and dispersed in a swift gust.

Closing into a mere three meters from Whitebeard, he leaped into the air and brought down his lava-infused arm with tremendous force.

"Great Eruption!"

There was a roar.

Lava erupted, leaving behind fiery fist imprints as it surged towards Whitebeard with overwhelming force.


"You're too arrogant...…magma kid!"

Whitebeard laughed.

Without sparing a glance at the lava fist marks, he raised his arm to the side, summoning a visible ball of light that fiercely descended through the air.


There was a loud noise.

The power of shock exploded and hit the lava fist severely.

The two fists collided with a tremendous force, unleashing turbulent energy that caused the ground to explode in a fierce eruption.

The powerful collision unleashed a devastating gust of wind, transforming into a raging hurricane that swept through the surroundings.

Step on~

Akainu leapt back to the ground.

As the thick smoke and dust settled, the view ahead remained obscured, making it impossible to discern the exact situation within.

But soon…

He caught a glimpse of movement for a moment!

A figure emerged from the swirling smoke and dust ahead.

As the smoke and dust cleared, the figure stood before him, having swiftly traversed through the haze.

Yes… Whitebeard!

As he locked eyes with Akainu, fear gripped him, causing beads of cold sweat to instantly trickle down his face.

Even as a Marine Admiral, he felt an overwhelming pressure when confronted with the presence of this legendary figure, suffocating him with its intensity.

The immense pressure caused him to involuntarily take a step back


Two steps!

Three steps!

Whitebeard's mere presence forced Akainu to take three steps back in astonishment!

His face became even more serious than before!

"Damn it!"

The serious expression on Akainu's face was quickly replaced by anger.

He appeared extremely displeased with his own actions!

As a Marine Admiral, his words and actions reflect the reputation of the entire Marine organization.

But taking that fearful step back earlier has filled him with deep shame.

"Magma kid!"

A booming voice echoed in his ears.

Startled, Akainu jolted awake and quickly glanced upward.

But before him were piercing, intense eyes and a pair of raised fists!

"That's bad!"

In a state of sheer horror, Akainu instinctively activated his elementalization ability without hesitation.

And Whitebeard's fist remained raised high in the air.

Also, with a punch, Whitebeard's fist collided with Akainu's head.


The powerful impact crushed Akainu's head, leaving him helpless to stop it.

There was a loud noise.

Akainu was knocked to the ground by the force of the punch.


The cracking sound appeared.

The powerful shock caused the ground to shatter and explode.

With his head driven into the ground by the punch, Akainu managed to elementalize in time, but not without sustaining injuries.

Blood…flowing down!

Crimson blood stained Akainu's face, turning it red.

He no longer had the imposing aura of an Admiral and appeared thoroughly embarrassed.

"Dam it all!!!"

Akainu was seething with rage.

He is the pinnacle of power in the Marine, the Admiral!

But now, he's like a helpless chicken, pinned down by Whitebeard!

So much so... he couldn't even get up!

This position is simply humiliating for him!

In his fury, he struggled hard.

But reality dealt him a harsh blow.


Whitebeard's power is too strong!

No matter how hard he struggles, he can't get rid of Whitebeard's arm!

"Admiral Akainu!"

"How is it possible? Isn't Admiral the highest combat power in this unit? How could it be completely suppressed by Whitebeard?"

"Are you kidding, is everything I see is real?"

The marines around were terrified, their faces filled with fear and horror, trembling uncontrollably.

Who is Akainu?

He is the strongest fighter in the Marine!

Since joining the Marines, he has been known as the monster of New World and the world's top powerhouse!

But what are they seeing now?

Admiral Akainu!

Being Suppressed by Whitebeard

At this moment, Whitebeard's hand firmly pinned him to the ground, and no matter how he struggled, he couldn't break free!



Difficult to accept!

A mix of emotions overwhelmed the hearts of all Marines, filling them with a sense of despair.

Even the top-ranked Marines began to question whether they could stop Whitebeard from saving Ace, let alone the ordinary soldiers.

If it was even possible to prevent it.

Why did all three Admirals get injured one after another?

Filled with despair and pessimism, the morale of Marines plummeted. Even the most timid among them dropped their weapons and chose to flee.


I put an advanced chapter at P@treon, you can read 10+ chapters ahead of everyone. Your support are deeply appreciate

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