
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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299 Chs

33 Whitebeard vs Three Admiral


Whitebeard raised his arm, then slammed it down into the air, and laughed loudly: "Of course!!!"


A deafening sound of terror echoed through the air.

With a punch, the air shattered, splitting it apart with cracks.

The powerful shockwave swept through, spreading like a raging wave.

at this moment...…

Marineford is shaking!

The island itself couldn't bear the force, and massive cracks split across its surface.


The ground cracked and fissures spread in all directions.

The marines around were terrified, some of them getting swallowed by the cracks without a chance to react.

As the cracks spread, they moved closer to the execution platform.

"Not good!"

Sengoku's face turned pale, and he urgently shouted in a direction: "Cut off the Den Den Mushi transmission! No need for further updates!"

Given the current circumstances.

He... is frightened!

If following the original story, no matter how powerful the Whitebeard Pirates are, they wouldn't be able to reach the execution platform.

But the plot has been changed.

The outcome of this war has taken an unexpected turn.

This deviation sparked a hunch in Sengoku mind.

Today's execution may end up in failure

Once it fails, The failure of the execution will be broadcast worldwide.

This will greatly damage Marine's reputation.

So it must not be broadcasted live under any circumstances.


The Marine soldier responded, turning off the Den-Den Mushi projection.

People around the world watching the live broadcast were suddenly stunned.

They couldn't understand why the broadcast suddenly turned off.

"Borsalino, Sakazuki, Kuzan, what are you waiting for!"

Sengoku took a deep breath and shouted at the three Admirals below: "Never let Whitebeard get close to the execution platform!"


Kizaru stood up and said loudly, with a hint of exaggeration in his tone: "As expected, he's the strongest man in the world. He managed to reach here despite all the precautions."

"But it's over!"

Akainu, fueled by anger, stared at Whitebeard with a cold gaze: "The artillery and screams of this war will be the harbinger of your funeral!"

Aokiji on the side remained silent, but his face was already covered by frost.

When the words were spoken, all three of them leaped into action simultaneously.

Leaping from their positions, they swiftly positioned themselves in a double-team formation, blocking the path ahead of Whitebeard.

"It's Admiral Aokiji, Admiral Kizaru, and Admiral Akainu!"

"The three Admiral has finally taken action!"

"With the Admiral's intervention, Whitebeard won't be able to save Firefist Ace, no matter how powerful he is!"

The marines around cheered in excitement.

"Three Admiral?"

A serious expression appeared on Whitebeard's face.

These three are the top powerhouses in the world.

Even if he returns to his peak state, he wouldn't dare claim he could defeat all three and save Ace


Whitebeard turned his head slightly and glanced at the man next to him: "That Sengoku guy, he won't budge an inch from the execution platform. It's all up to you to handle it!"


Bullet, towering like a tower, took a few seconds before responding, saying: "Don't forget what you promised before!"

He is willing to lend a hand.

This condition is that after the war, Whitebeard must face him in a real battle!


"Let's see if you can make it out of Marineford alive!"

Whitebeard chuckled and then glanced at Luffy standing beside him: "Strawhat boy, rescuing Ace will be handed over to you!"

He is very clear about the current situation.

Knowing the situation in Marineford, only Luffy can save Ace.

Because only Luffy has the power to defeat Garp and break through Marine's final and strongest barrier.

If Whitebeard attack.

Garp will never show mercy.

At that moment, he will face Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu, Sengoku, and Garp's relentless onslaught!

Because his ultimate goal is to rescue Ace without any harm.

The plan is for him to confront the three Admirals while Bullet keeps Sengoku busy.

Finally, Luffy became his trump card, forcing Garp to unconditionally restrain his full power.

Only by following this plan can Ace make his escape!

"Give it to me!"

Luffy clenched his fist tightly

This final step is crucial in saving his brother, and he is determined not to give up, no matter what obstacles come his way.

"If that's the plan, then let's go all out and cause a commotion!"

Whitebeard raised his Naginata Blade high and aimed it directly at the execution platform.

Bullet and Luffy, upon hearing this, swiftly charged towards the execution platform.

"You won't get past me that easily!"

Akainu glared at Bullet and Luffy with cold eyes, ready to intercept their path.

But before he could act, he noticed that the sunlight above him grew dim.

Look up…..

he saw Whitebeard standing in front of him.

He raised his arm and struck the air with force.


There was a loud noise.

the air exploded under his fist.

The shockwave surged forward, slamming forcefully into Akainu.

And as it spread, it engulfed Kizaru and Aokiji as well.

Facing the sweeping shock wave, Akainu, who initially intended to stop Luffy and Bullet, had no choice but to defend himself.

"Great Eruption!"

A shout erupted from his lips.

Akainu's arm erupted with fiery lava.

With a loud roar, a huge fist of lava collided with the shock wave.

Aokiji and Kizaru stood on the side.

But they are not as strong as Akainu, who choose to fight head-on.

They exchanged glances and leaped into action together.

"Ice spears!"

Aokiji crossed his arms, frost coating his entire body.

In an instant, multiple icy spears materialized, thrusting towards Whitebeard with swift arm movements.

"So scary~"

"I won't hold back against the world's strongest man. Let's see how you handle this!"

Kizaru leaped up and pinched his fingers.

Dazzling golden bullets of light emerged, continuously aiming at Whitebeard, illuminating the battlefield.

Yasakani no Magatama


A deafening sound reverberated through Marineford.

Startled, everyone turned their heads to see what had caused the commotion.

Shock painted their faces as they witnessed Whitebeard single-handedly confronting the three Admirals.

The decisive battle... has begun!


I put an advanced chapter at P@treon, you can read 10+ chapters ahead of everyone. Your support are deeply appreciate

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18