
One Piece - I'm a different Brook!

A man transmigrates to Brook, he will not only have the original Devil Fruit, but he will have the Dark Devil Fruit too!

RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 06 - Thriller Bark 03.

[Chapter Size: 1200 Words]

Third Person POV.

Triangle Florian (Thriller Bark), The first half of the Grand Line.



"That voice and the way you speak... It can't be... You're the owner of Ryuma's shadow?! You're that skeleton on that ship, near our waters!" Moria finally reasoned.

"That's right, and I owe you a debt, Moria, so I intend to kill you here," Brook said with his eerie voice.


"Kill me?! Do you really think you're qualified for that?!" Moria growled upon hearing this nonsense.

"..." Brook didn't even bother to answer that foolish question.

"Where is Absalom? I understand you took Ryuma and his shadow back, but he should be alright..." Hogback, known as the doctor, said with some concern.

"The invisible man? I killed him..." Brook said easily.



Moria immediately became enraged by this, wanting to torture that skeleton for it.

"Lord Moria, let me take care of him!" Victoria, the female zombie said, wanting to defend her masters immediately.

"No, Perona, use your ghosts on him, immediately!" Moria ordered, and Perona did so with some bravery.

"You will pay for killing Absalom! Take this, you creepy skeleton!" She screamed as she launched ghosts towards Brook with a lot of anger and fear.

"Oh? Let's see if these little ones can do anything..." Brook murmured as he watched the ghosts head straight for him.

As the little ghosts reached his bones, he watched as the creatures exploded like a balloon the moment they tried to pass through him.




"What?!" Perona couldn't believe her eyes.

"This..." Even Moria was stunned.

"It seems your powers are useless against me..." Brook mocked, his dark akuma no mi could nullify any effect from other akuma no mi.

"This can't be possible?!" Perona screamed in utter fear.

Brook raised his hand and opened a black hole, causing Perona to feel her body being pulled before anyone could react, and the girl flew towards him quickly.

"PERONA!" Moria seemed alarmed.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Perona screamed as she was grabbed by the creepy skeleton.

"Girl, let's have a chat once I make Moria pay for what he did to me." Brook said close to a frightened Perona.

"Save me! Save me, Lord Moria!! Hm?!" She was screaming, but was silenced the next moment with a small slap on top of her head by Brook, making her fall unconscious.

"Now that you're quiet, let's finish this." Brook looked at the people in front of him, who looked uncomfortable at that moment, without any warning, he released a burst of icy energy from his feet, sweeping through the entire room.

"What?!" Moria quickly shouted not wanting to be frozen by that skeleton, while he rapidly moved away from the room through a window, while the last two, who remained, turned into ice statues without being able to react.

"Moria wouldn't be easy to defeat, would he..." Brook looked at the entirely frozen room as he saw the ice statues and a broken window, Perona still in his arms unconscious.

He wrapped her in a black hole and made her disappear from his hand, as Brook headed towards the window Moria jumped through. Brook made sure to break the two statues killing Absalom and leaving his zombie immobilized.

Moria was below the castle at this moment, he was furious, remembering his failure when younger against Kaido, this skeleton simply appeared different from what he remembered and started invading his home while killing his comrades, something that caused him great pain from the past when that Yonkou killed his entire crew.

"He! He appeared here suddenly and is destroying everything I built!?" Moria growled, seeing so many frozen zombies in front of the castle.


A new explosion emerged and Brook appeared in front of Moria once again with that fall.

"You, how have you changed so much, how do you have the power to control ice and that darkness that took Perona!" Moria shouted wanting to understand.

"I have my own powers now, Moria, and I will use these same powers to kill you," Brook spoke calmly, he wanted to make Moria understand that he was there with a single goal, to end Moria.

"You say that as if it were something easy," Moria snarled.

His voice seemed to be drawing the attention of many zombies that Brook hadn't frozen before, and they began to emerge from the forest to watch what was happening at the castle, there they saw Moria a few meters away from a terrifying skeleton.

"Look, it's Lord Moria!" 

"Yes, but he's talking to such a large skeleton!" 

"A talking skeleton!" 

"How scary!" 

"Should we get involved?!" 

"Better not..." 

"ALL ZOMBIES COME FORTH!" A commanding voice was heard throughout the island with Moria's call, and all automatically had to obey. It was the call of the shadow fruit's owner; they were automatically made by his powers, without a strong will in the shadows, they had to obey as slave zombies to their master. 

"Do you intend to call your army of Zombies, Moria?" Brook mocked with a dangerous gleam. 

"Do not underestimate me and my army!" Moria said crazily, this skeleton was very dangerous, he knows that his crew members might be dead by now, so he would take revenge with the rest of the zombies on the island. 

More and more zombies emerged from the forest, as Brook saw over a thousand zombies joining them, surrounding them from all directions. 

'This is interesting, I can't freeze all of them, after all, I am not Aokiji, but I can try to do something else to fight them...' Brook murmured internally, assessing the situation. 

"See you bastard, this is my army! I'll catch you with this and cut your shadow again, I will create Oz, the most powerful zombie!" Moria screamed like a madman. 

Seeing these soldiers, Brook wanted to use the powers of the Yomi Yomi no Mi and began to focus on his connection to the underworld. 

"This is something I tried a while ago, let's see if it works here..." Brook said, his eyes shining brighter. 

Suddenly, a portal appeared behind them. 

"What is that?!" Moria couldn't help but exclaim seeing it. 

"This is a portal that connects this world with the world of the dead..." Said Brook and continued. "It's time for me to call my knights, come forth!" He announced and a horse made of dark shadows began to come out of the portal with a knight on top. This soldier was also made of shadows, holding a sword and shield. 

"What is this?!" Moria could not believe his eyes, even the zombies were surprised by this. 

"It's not just one..." Brook said, before almost two dozen more portals appeared around the first one as well. 

20 knights emerged from the portals as they were surrounded by zombies with Brook on all sides. 

"Let me introduce my soldiers, the death knights from the underworld! They are here to reap your soul and that of your zombies!" Brook announced like a villain, and the knights marched in sync towards them.