
One Piece - Blackbeard is my MC (DROP)

Lin Feng embarks on a pirate world of pirates-filled adventure equipped with a unique character selection system. His goal is to perfect his chosen character. Opting for the notorious Blackbeard, Marshall D. Teach, Lin Feng embraces the role of Luffy's antagonist , aspiring to outdo Teach in sheer audacity. In this pirate world, he aims to redefine the perception of Marshall D. Teach, proving that he's not the antagonist but rather the protagonist. Lin Feng is determined to show that a thief can still embody honor and distinction. "I'm petty, ruthless, and a bit of a troublemaker." "Causing chaos is my forte. I like when my enemies gets angry” "I love being labeled as a pirate, especially when it sends shivers down people's spines." "Meet Marshall D. Teach, a fresh face in the world of pirates." . . _______________ This my second project, I hope will get better with the more work done. The updates will now follow a fixed schedule, from Tuesday to Saturday (5 chapters per week), releasing at 00:00 GMT+7 on those days. . _______________ The MTL is from : My Blackbeard is the protagonist. You guys can check it at : n@velknights@com ______________ And for sure, also always need some support from you guys, if you want please drop here, I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read more chapters ahead of everyone. patre@n.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

050 Picking the spoils 

Beehive Island.

From a distance, it appears entirely blocked by earth and stone walls surrounding the entire island!

"Bang bang bang bang! ! ! !"

"Don't kill me! ! ! I'm not the witch! ! !"

"Blackbeard, I hate you! ! !"

"Blackbeard, if you kill me, our Machine King Pirates will not let you go! ! !"

"Are Blackbeard Pirates afraid of death? Killing us will attract the attention of numerous pirate groups in the New World!" 

Gunshots and screams echoed on the island!

Despite many of these pirates in the New World being formidable, they fell victim to the indiscriminate killing by Shiryu and Avalo Pizarro. Yes, indiscriminate killing was underway.

Everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates dismissed the threats from these individuals. 

It was a testament to their confidence.

Blackbeard sat calmly, observing the massacre, with no visible emotional disturbance.

To quickly establish his reputation in the New World, he chose to gain fame through a single decisive battle.

"Captain Teach..."

Gion approached Blackbeard, her gaze fixed on the gruesome scene before her. Despite her seasoned experience in numerous battles, her expression betrayed a hint of unease.

"Are you scared?" 

Blackbeard said to Gion.

After a moment of silence, Gion whispered: "I'm not scared, just finding it hard to adapt."

"Not comfortable with this approach? " Blackbeard asked further

Gion nodded. While she had faced countless battles in her life, this method of fighting was entirely unprecedented for her, especially taking the initiative to kill indiscriminately

"Zeehahahaha, they're all pirates. Don't think about the life of a pirate too much. Each of them has blood on their hands, and everyone is a sinner, includeding me."

"So, you have to be ready for the pirate life. Do you want to be alone in this kind of environment?" 

Blackbeard smiled at Gion, finding her perspective utterly absurd.

"What's more, a true king has to go through countless wars. Only by stepping on the corpses of countless people can he stand on the top of the world. Besides, we are enemies of the Celestial Dragon people. The power they have accumulated over the past eight hundreds of years is far above the eleven of us. As pirates, we still can't overthrow them. "

Gion fell into silence.

Observing Gion's hesitation, Blackbeard decided not to press her further. Whether or not she participated didn't concern him much; he had other plans for her.

 "He's devils! "

As the witch trembled in the corner, she gazed at the Blackbeard Pirates with a mixture of fear and horror.

Now she finally understood why the Marines would offer a 1.5 billion bounty to a once unknown pirate.

He's a devil. If first she approaches him and pleads, maybe everything will be fine. There might still be a chance, but now it's too late.

Watching the pirates fall one after another, with fewer and fewer survivors on the island, her face becomes more and more nervous.

Soon, all the living pirates on the island were lying on the ground, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Some were members of the Witch Pirates, while others belonged to various pirate groups in the New World.

Their gazes simultaneously fixed on the same spot where the witch was concealed behind a wall. In their observation haki, they sensed that, besides themselves, only one person remained alive on the entire Beehive Island.

At this time, the witch, who had lived for a hundred years, was frightened. Her body was shaking.

Compared to death, waiting for death was even more torturous. Her heart had already collapsed amidst the screams.

"Kill her!" 

Blackbeard ordered with a cold tone.


With a sinister smile, Catarina Devon approached quickly and swiftly struck the witch's head.

Even if the fruit of the nine-tailed demon fox is strong, it has no effect against the absolute strength of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Captain Teach, I have obtained two Mythical Zoan fruits. In addition, I also accidentally obtained a Zoan elephant fruit. "

Doc Q looked down at the apples in the bamboo basket. Now, there are three Devil Fruits lying among the apples!

These were the spoils they reaped from this battle. 

Blackbeard approached, looking at the three Devil Fruits lying in the bamboo basket. In addition to these three, he also possessed a Lion Fruit acquired in Impel Down.

He grabbed the Zoan-type Mythical fruit, the nine-tailed demon fox, and tossed it to Catarina Devon

"Here's your nine-tailed demon fox fruit."

"Thank you, Captain Blackbeard!" 

Catarina Devon expressed her gratitude with a subtle smile. She knew that the value of this Devil Fruit alone was worth more than hundreds of millions of Beri.

The power of the Mythical Zoan fruit is indeed a rare treasure.

"There is also a Turtle Mythical Zoan fruit here, which one of you wants it?" 

Blackbeard asked the rest of them.

Van Augur, Doc Q, Burgess, Vasco Shot, Shiryu, and Gion were the only ones without devil fruit powers at the scene.

"Captain, this fruit is not suitable for me! " Van Augur decisively refused.

Shiryu and Gion aren't interested in this fruit either. Being swordsmen, they prefer fruits that support their skills. Vasco Shot doesn't like it because it's too bulky. While Doc Q also find this Turtle fruit unsuitable for his fighting style and role as a doctor

Finally, Blackbeard turned to Burgess. Without waiting for him to ask, Blackbeard spoke up: "Don't ask about it. I'll get you a Logia fruit some other time."





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 15+ chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18