
One Peace : My Captain Is Dracule Mihawk

Ron, an Indian detective, was attacked by his enemies after solving a forbidden case. For a month, he was held captive and eventually thrown into the Indian Ocean as punishment. Ron was sinking into the dark depths of the sea, feeling strangely at ease with the eerie darkness surrounding him. Suddenly, his descent began to pick up speed and he opened his eyes in alarm, only to realize that he was somehow falling from the sky. As he passed through a soft cloud, he caught a glimpse of strange seagulls before finally managing to catch one during his rapid descent. Let's see how he handles the strange but vaguely familiar world.

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8 – Las Camp: The Island of Shipwrights and Lip Droughty

As the Lantern ship approached the small island nestled 400-500 kilometers away from the windless zone, the crew marveled at the bustling activity that greeted them. This island, though small in size, was a hive of activity, serving as a vital waypoint for pirates and travelers navigating the treacherous waters of the New World.

Situated strategically at the edge of the windless zone, Las Camp was a microcosm of the chaotic New World itself. Defeated pirates risked crossing into the West Blue, seeking refuge and respite. Upon arrival, the Hawk Pirates docked their ship and prepared to assess their surroundings.

Their destination, Las Camp, boasted a thriving shipwright industry that attracted craftsmen from far and wide. Shipwrights of all kinds flocked to the island, drawn by lucrative contracts and the opportunity to work on diverse projects. It was a haven for shipbuilders, with a bustling harbor serving as a neutral ground amidst the chaos.

However, the island was not without its dangers. The Navy had established a branch on the island, viewing it as a strategic location to monitor and control the flow of pirates entering the West Blue. With the ability to blockade the exit through Las Camp, the Navy maintained a strong presence, ready to clean up any pirates who dared to challenge their authority.

Pirates, too, eyed the island with interest, seeing it as a potential reserve for their supplies. In the harsh environment of the New World, where even the strongest among them thrived on the bodies of their fallen opponents, a safe haven such as this was a valuable commodity.

The Hawk Pirates, consisting of Captain Dracule Mihawk, Vice-captain Ron Kamonohashi, Swordswoman Lyra NightShade, Thief and lookout Fenris, and Trainee and Cook Kaito Suguru, arrived at their destination early in the afternoon and docked their small Lantern ship near the harbor.

"Wow, this place is bustling," remarked Lyra, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the sights and sounds of the bustling port.

"Yeah, it's quite the spectacle," agreed Kaito, a hint of excitement in his voice as he watched the shipwrights at work.

"Should we seek out Lip Doughty immediately or explore the area first?" asked Mihawk, turning to Ron for guidance.

"Let's scout around first. We don't want to fall into any traps right away," suggested Ron.

"Alright. Fenris, Kaito, you two can handle lookout duty, right? If anything goes wrong, just flare up the emergency signal," Mihawk said, his tone casual yet confident.

Turning towards Lyra, who was meticulously polishing her sword, he continued, "Lyra, mind checking out some info on ship manufacturing prices while we explore?"

"Understood," Lyra replied, seamlessly blending into the crowd.

"I'll check out Lip Doughty and his business practices. We'll meet back here at sunset," Ron proposed.

Mihawk nodded in agreement. "Sounds good. Let's each gather information discreetly and reconvene at sunset to share what we've found."

As the Hawk Pirates dispersed to carry out their tasks, each member ventured into the bustling streets of Las Camp with a sense of purpose.

Their target, Lip Doughty, was renowned for his shipbuilding prowess, having worked with various factions including the Navy, Anti-Navy Groups, the World Government, Underworld Kings, and even Pirate Supernovas. However, his reputation was tainted by corruption and deceit, and his appearance—described as fat, ugly, and disproportionate—added to his notoriety.

Droughty's infamous practices included repairing ghost ships and selling second-hand vessels. He would deny delivery to customers if he sensed an opportunity to exploit them, claiming that a World Noble had taken a liking to the ordered ship. Additionally, he was known to prepare low-quality ships as a precautionary measure, showcasing his cautious nature.

After days of careful planning, the Hawk Pirates decided to approach him regarding their new Lantern Ship. It was a risky endeavor, considering Droughty's dubious reputation and insatiable appetite for profit.

After hours of strenuous harbor work, Droughty looked forward to indulging in a Sea King feast laid out in his private cabinet within the harbor. However, upon entering, he was shocked to find the Hawk Pirates—Ron, Mihawk, and Lyra—already seated and enjoying the meal intended for him.

"Hey there, Drought, how have you been? We've heard plenty about you," Ron greeted casually as they entered Droughty's private cabinet within his harbor. 

 "Who are you? How did you get in here?" As he struggles to comprehend the situation, Droughty's mind races with suspicions.

Droughty was shell-shocked to see Mihawk, Ron, and Lyra feasting upon the meal that was meant for him. His mind raced with suspicions, wondering if they were Cipher Pol agents or some other unknown threat,

One thing was certain: they were trained. No one among his employees in the harbor seemed to have noticed their intrusion, and despite his raised voice, no one came to investigate. The eerie silence only added to Droughty's growing sense of unease as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Despite his unease, Droughty attempts to regain control of the situation, forcing a strained smile. "So, how may I entertain esteemed guests such as yourselves?" he offers, his words laced with forced hospitality.

Mihawk, undeterred by Droughty's attempts to deflect, presses him about the adam wood. "We've heard rumors about your supply. Do you have any adam wood?"

Droughty's facade to crack, revealing his discomfort. "What? How? Ha HA, you know, milord, no shipwright can resist the temptation of creating a second Oro Jackson," he stammers nervously.

"What, second? How rude," said Lyra as she exerted her Conqueror's Haki, bringing Droughty to his knees. His back glistened with cold sweat as fear crept into his eyes.

Droughty didn't know what they did, but he was terrified inside. He had only heard of Top Pirate Supernovas being capable of such a feat.

"We D O N O T need any seconds, We N E E D first Lantern, that's gonna be its name," Ron's voice rang out with frustration and authority. "Got it?"

"Yes, yes, yes," Droughty stammered, wiping the sweat from his forehead and seizing the opportunity to appease his unexpected guests.

"Very well, when do you need the ship ready? Is there anything specific you would like to be added?" Droughty inquired politely, eager to accommodate their demands and send these unwelcome guests away as soon as possible.

Mihawk handed him a meticulously prepared list, outlining the specifications discussed among the Hawk Pirates.

"Let me do a quick check, Milord," Droughty acquiesced, relieved to have escaped the confrontation relatively unscathed.

Location – Facilities/Rooms

Upper Deck – Lookout Posts, Map Room, Hidden Compartments.

Main Deck – Helm, Mast, Open space for Crew activities, Recreation Room, Galley/Kitchen, Rum Cellar, Hidden Compartments, Recreation Area.

Below Deck - 1st Floor – Captain's Room, Crew Rooms (15), Treasure Room, Storage Room, Sick Bay, Hidden Compartments.

Below Deck - 2nd Floor – Workshop Room, Triple Insulated Seastone Prison Rooms (5), Armory, Hidden Compartments.

The specifications were extremely detailed and demanding, requiring the entire ship to be constructed from Adam tree bark.

"Milord, this is certainly challenging," Droughty remarked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Given the size and complexity of the project, he estimated that it would take around 3 months to complete and would cost approximately 340,000,000 B.

"Yeah, let's hope you deliver as promised," Ron interjected firmly, his tone brooking no room for doubt. "And if the ship satisfies us, we'll reward you handsomely."

With that, Ron glanced at Mihawk, who took out a treasure box containing a devil fruit. 

"This," Droughty's excitement was palpable, his voice tinged with anticipation. But before he could fully react, he felt a cold sensation on his neck.

"This won't do. We want the ship manufacturing process to remain silent, you understand? Completely discreet. Only employ your most trusted workers to construct our ship. Got it?" Lyra's short knife hovered dangerously close to Droughty's neck, emphasizing her point.

"Yeah, yeah," Droughty nodded repeatedly, eager to comply with their demands.

"We'll be leaving now. You should wake up after an hour," Ron mused, his voice carrying a hint of finality.

Before Droughty could finish processing the statement, he was swiftly rendered unconscious by Ron, who expertly applied pressure to Droughty's acupuncture points, a technique he had honed during his torture ahem training with Fenris and Kaito.

When Droughty regained consciousness after an hour, he found himself alone in his cabin. The Hawks were nowhere to be seen. As he glanced around, he noticed a 120,000,000 B suitcase with a note attached to it on the side of his dinner table.

"Thank the heavens the demons are gone," Droughty thought to himself, relieved to be free of their presence.

PS: If you enjoyed the chapter, please consider dropping some power stones.