
One Peace : My Captain Is Dracule Mihawk

Ron, an Indian detective, was attacked by his enemies after solving a forbidden case. For a month, he was held captive and eventually thrown into the Indian Ocean as punishment. Ron was sinking into the dark depths of the sea, feeling strangely at ease with the eerie darkness surrounding him. Suddenly, his descent began to pick up speed and he opened his eyes in alarm, only to realize that he was somehow falling from the sky. As he passed through a soft cloud, he caught a glimpse of strange seagulls before finally managing to catch one during his rapid descent. Let's see how he handles the strange but vaguely familiar world.

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Chapter 4 – New Crew Fernis, Treasure Hunt & Ambush?

As the Lantern Ship gently glided into the hidden cove of Goat Island, Mihawk and Ron prepared for their decent. The air was thick with the promise of adventure, and the scent of saltwater mingled with the lush vegetation that surrounded them.

"Hey Mihawk, how abt a sea king meal, it's been months since my last meal" Ron asked thinking of few sea kings they saw lurking near Goat Island.

"Sure, Goat Island is surprisingly close to the Windless Zone," Mihawk replied, acknowledging the abundance of sea creatures in the area.

Mihawk descended from the ship, his hawk eyes scanning the waters below for any moment. With a flick of his wrist, he drew his blade and leapt into the sea, disappearing in search of a small sea king for dinner.

Meanwhile, Ron remained vigilant, surveying their surroundings amidst the dense foliage. He quickly identified a suitable cave for their temporary camp, strategically located within a short distance from the ship for easy access in case of emergencies.

"Perfect, this cave will serve us well," Ron declared as he finished setting up a campfire, his attention momentarily diverted by Mihawk's return with a catch.

"Ah, you've timed your return perfectly, Mihawk," Ron remarked, observing Mihawk's successful hunt as he dragged the sea king ashore.

As night fell, the tantalizing aroma of cooking meat wafted through the air, drawing the attention of nearby wildlife. Ron deftly hurled stones at the approaching wolves, hitting their eyes with precision and sending them fleeing into the darkness.

Watching Mihawk devour his meal with gusto, Observing Mihawk's obliviousness to their surroundings, Ron couldn't help but note his companion's lack of awareness. It was as if Mihawk failed to detect the lurking presence of a hunter concealed in the shadows.

"Mihawk, did you happen to notice that hunter?" Ron inquired, his voice lowered, indicating the lurking threat.

Startled, Mihawk glanced up from his meal, perplexed by Ron's question. "Hunter? What hunter?" he questioned, puzzled by Ron's concern.

Before Ron could respond, an arrow sliced through the air, striking Mihawk's meal with precision. The hunter, concealed in the shadows at a distance of 700 meters, swiftly reeled in his catch, a smug grin adorning his face.

Ron couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation, clutching his stomach as tears of mirth streamed down his cheeks. Mihawk's irritation was noticeable, as if someone had dared to steal his prized possession, Yoru.

"Ha Ha sorry sorry, I think we should make our sniper, He is just too capable," said Ron after stopping his laughter.

"Nope, no, never, He is going to die" said Mihawk while carrying Yoru with him, with Ron following him

Ron and Mihawk stealthily made their way towards the hunter's location. There, they found a muscular man clad in wolf skins, feasting on sea king meat with reckless abandon.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a thief," Ron muttered, his voice low as he gestured towards the unsuspecting hunter, "And he's quite skilled with that bow."

Mihawk nodded in agreement, his hand tightening around the hilt of his sword. "Let's teach him a lesson he won't soon forget."

Locking eyes with Mihawk, Ron knew they were of the same mind. Together, they emerged from their hiding place With coordinated precision, startling the hunter into a panicked retreat.

But before he could make his escape, Mihawk had him at sword-point, the razor-sharp edge of his blade mere inches from the hunter's throat. 

"I surrender, I surrender," quickly said the hunter, fearing Mihawk would just slice his neck if he was any slower.

"Ron, bind him and hang him up," Mihawk commanded, his patience worn thin by the thief's shamelessness and cowardly behaviour.

 Ron then binds the hunter with rope and suspends him upside down from a nearby tree.

"Ron, I am leaving Interrogation to you," Said Mihawk. After all, before this, he never considered leaving his opponent alive.

'Must learn how to torture prisoners' Ron had one more task on his mental To-do list.

Through a series of comically awkward interrogations, Ron and Mihawk learned that the hunter's name was Fernis. He had been forced into servitude by the Mayor of Goat City after the death of his parents, eaten by the sea king, but since turned to a life of thievery and hunter.

As Fernis recounted his misfortunes, Ron couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. It was as if Fernis were a minor protagonist in the grand tale of the One Piece world, a pawn in a much larger game.

"Aye aye, your luck really ran out, Meeting us and not dying is good enough," Ron said, laughing at Fernis Misfortune, but good thing Mihawk too clamed down.

"Let's not let the meat get cold, Ron," Mihawk interjected, eager to return to their interrupted meal.

Leaving Fernis hanging—quite literally—Ron and Mihawk resumed their dinner, much to Fernis's dismay. The sight of them calmly dining in front of him left him questioning whether they were truly devil incarnates.

The next morning,

"So, Fernis, you've quite the reputation as a thief on Goat Island. How about joining us on a treasure hunt?" Ron's invitation was casual, yet carried a weight of opportunity.

For Ron, treasure wasn't the primary concern; he saw potential in Fernis to bolster their crew aboard the Lantern Ship. Mihawk, too, recognized Ron's intentions and nodded in agreement.

Fernis's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of adventure. "Oh, I'm no stranger to treasure hunting. In fact, I've already laid claim to most of the famous treasures on Goat Island. It's fortunate you caught me when you did; I was just about ready to set sail myself."

As Fernis led them toward a hidden cave behind a distant waterfall, Ron couldn't help but appreciate the strategic location for concealing treasure.

"This looks like the perfect spot for hiding treasure," Ron remarked as he lifted a wooden box from the cave, revealing a Devil Fruit with a spiral S-shaped pattern and a green stem sprouting from the top.

Mihawk examined the fruit with interest, waiting for Ron to explain its significance. "This is the Slip-Slip Fruit," Ron explained. "It grants its user the ability to make objects they touch frictionless, and it has the added benefit of consuming excess fat from the user's body."

Fernis was visibly astonished by the revelation, realizing the value of the treasure he had unknowingly possessed.

"You know what this means, right?" Ron continued. "There are many who would pay dearly for this Devil Fruit, especially those desperate to shed unwanted weight. And I happen to know of a shipyard in the West Blue with an owner who fits that description perfectly."

Mihawk's expression hardened as he contemplated the challenges of their next journey.

"Don't fret," Ron assured him. "There's a secret route that leads from Polestar Island to the West Blue."

Meanwhile, Fernis observed the exchange with a mixture of confusion and anticipation, eager to embark on this new adventure.

As they prepared to depart, a sudden slash cleaved through the air, aimed directly at Mihawk. Ron reacted swiftly, assuming a defensive stance as Fernis looked on in shock.

But Mihawk remained composed, effortlessly deflecting the attack with Yoru.

"It seems we have company," Mihawk remarked, his gaze piercing the shadows as she revealed herself.