
Outpost gathering ( 2 )

After Mesla finished his speech, he told us to follow him near the counter.

Near the counter, we got greeted by two men, both skinny and underfed, and from their sunken eyes, I could understand that they were doing worse than us.

Mesla greeted them, they nodded, and we nodded.

I was happy secretly that greetings were still the same at least between same social classes.

After the greetings, Mesla started hastily explained that we are here to get our passes, to Lost blood lands.

One man who was older took a paper from under the counter and told us to register our names.

What made me wonder was, that I didn't see anything that can be used to write.

But my suspicion was confirmed at that moment.

Mesla looked what's written on the upper paper, and then put his hand on paper, after taking it off I could see his full name burned on the lower paper.

I got a bit confused, not because I didn't understand what he did, but how I can do it myself.

It seemed simple, but I can't even use the sword.

In this world I am nothing, not like I wasn't before.

While I was thinking, other finished already writing their names. And James was hinting me to come to write, which made me moves next to counter.

I looked what the counterman wrote on upper paper, on there I saw: By order of tier 1 commander Miclaus Siffong, I have come to take up the post in scouting.

I didn't understand anything about the military, because of that I didn't understand much what it meant.

I wanted to continue reading on, but Mesla spoke out: Sign your name already, we all have seen it already, nothing suspicious.

I nodded, and hastily put my hand on the lower part, and when I I tried to focus my name in my mind, my hand flashed, after taking it off I saw my name.

I didn't realize how I did it, but I will try to figure it out later, on rest breaks on the scouting trip.

The man at the counter took few new papers and put them on the one we signed.

A few seconds later he his hand flashed, and he gave us five identical papers, we all received one. I folded it and put it in my pants pocket, for now.

I was planning to read it later as well.

After we all put away papers, counterman, give us all a token. It had a unique six colored ball with nine different colored wings.

I didn't understand what the symbol meant, but I did remember noticing those flags in the castle.

Ains spoke out: let's go, we got the tokens, don't want to waste time.

Mesla: I agree, we have to find enough food as well, when we come back.

We started moving back to the castle.

It made me wonder, where the exit to Lost Blood Lands is.

We walked trough castle, to near the wall chairs again, but before we started to move up James spoke: I should have taken a book from the library.

Miklakla: They don't give books to scout.

James: I know that, but I would not mention that part.

Miklakla: True that I did it actually, I can lend you my books.

I saw other laughing softly, but I didn't find it funny. Because I wanted to know more, and the library would be perfect because I did confirm at the outpost that I can read.

I secretly hoped that those books describe the world or Lost Blood Lands.

After short talk that James ignited, we moved on.

Soon we arrived at the top, from there we turned left. The tower that I protected with James, Ains, and Evets was the second tower from the right side.

When we arrived near the first tower on the left side, we moved next to the wooden door. Ains knocked on the door.

We got greeted by a woman, I saw her before. She was the one with short white hair.

Ains: Hi, we are the scout group, you know the trill.

She replied: Yes we know, show the tokens.

We all showed her tokens, while we went in.

Inside we saw the uglier women as well. She greeted us, we her as well.

I silently thought that mole ruins her face, which wasn't very pretty, and whit mole even worse.

The white-haired women told us to sit down at corner.

James asked why.

She replied: Together with you six groups will go. Rest will go tomorrow.

She paused for a moment and continued: I am not sure if they choose the left or right tower. But you guys have to wait a bit.

I asked: What's your name?

She blushed while looking at me: Milera, Milera Sundoosia.

Janes pushed me softly while laughing.

Others looked at me as well.

I cursed them in my mind, I only wanted to know her name.

But after losing all other thoughts I realized, that first names which start with M are popular.

I wanted to ask from James, why women are in the army. But before I could ask, we heard knocks on a door, and Milera rushed to open it.

When she opened it we saw another two scout groups, they showed tokens and come in, and another greeting round begins.

I was tired of greetings. It was so far the only activity I have done when meeting new people. Because I wasn't good at starting and keeping conversations going on, even in the real world.

I preferred keeping quiet and listen. Sometimes I did put a few words in, but that's quite much it.

Ains asked suddenly: Anyone wants to play dice with us?

Most nodded, and we grouped up, rest watched, there were nine of us who played.

I was one of them.

The game we played was still the cup game, where we had to guess.

I probably can't expect much more from here.