
Back in the books

I come back into focus...in the back of a SWAT team cop car. I've seen this one before. Number 3247 I believe. But I don't remember. I was drinking. My cameras in my house will either fuck me. Or save me. Either way I'm scared. This could mean life or death. So I have to fight. I caused brutality. But they were in my apartment. I pull out my phone as we are driving. Not supposed to have it but fuck it. As we argue I put the phone in my pocket. And wait for them to unlock my box cage thing. They open and I go "Bout time!"the officer squints and says "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be held against you in the court of law." "Look you know who I am. Leave that technical crap outta this" "Its part of my duty". I scowl and say "Just let me go. My camera show I'm in the right." A cop walks up and whispers in the other cops ear "Bail?...Already?" He says quietly. The other one shakes his head and they looked at me and gave my stuff back. "You're lucky" Ok look at him and I grin a shit eating grin "Thanks sir, you didn't bother me to much" "Get out of my sight" I walk away I walk a few feet to the left then a guy dropped a folded price of paper. I pick it up saying "Umm Sir" but he was gone. I in fold it-Call 999-999-9999 on the NW lot pay phone,You have TWO minutes. I cock my head. Why the fuck not? I go to the parking lot and walk up to the pay phone. PLACE CALL NUMBER is flashing...it's already been payed for? I type 999-999-9999. The phone voice goes "Please listen to this phone dial as your party is reached" Is starts playing Killer Queen "Caviar and Cigarettes. Well versed in etiq-" you will meet the man who killed Azzie he's not who you think it is. It will be in three days be ready." Click as that click rings out. I wonder who was that...