
Chapter 1

"Alyssa!" my mother screams from outside my room door. I'm a hard sleeper and she usually has a hard time getting me up, so she screams.

"I'm up mum! " I call back. I sit up stretching my arms and rubbing my eyes in an attempt to wake myself up fully.

"Ughh!! School today, " I complain to no one in particular. I don't like going to school. It's not that I get bullied or everyone hates me or anything but rather it's me. I hate everything and everyone. I just don't like being around so many persons especially when the female population spends their free time hating me and the male population tries to get my attention. I've always had the problem of girls hating me because all the boys were head over heels about me, but little did they know I didn't care about relationships or boys. I just needed my full scores and my cash at the end of the day. Yes, I have had many one-night stands and relationships here and there but I always just leave. I'm not interested in dating.

As everyone knows, I have loads of money. My parents own the biggest publishing company in the USA and although I was never short of anything, I still liked to make my own cash. It's more satisfying when I work for it, so I took over the financing sector of my parent's business. Yes, yes, I know! I work for my parents but it's because I want to and I'm also the owner of one of the best nightclubs in this part of the world, Luxe, which I planned on expanding by the end of the month. Impressive isn't it? I'm only 22, I go to University and I work plus, I'm an entrepreneur.

Anyways enough about me. I must get to school. I quickly shower and got dressed in black ripped jeans and a white T-shirt with a black leather jacket, slipping on my black and white Adidas to complete my outfit. I brushed my hair, letting the long waves fall down my back. Oh, how I love my long, beautiful hair!!

"Morning mum, " I say as I walk into the living room. Our house is more of a mansion, so we have a live-in maid, Isabel, with us to take care of cleaning since my parents are always busy.

"Morning honey, " she says sweetly, getting up to hug me. "Isabel left your breakfast on the counter. Go eat quickly and get going. Oh, and your father said to drop by after school to pick up some paperwork. "

"I have a meeting with the staff at Luxe after school, mum. Is it okay if I go over there before I head to school?"

"Sure, honey. But remember you can't be late for school. So, make it quick."

"Will do, mum," I say as I walk to the kitchen, plopping down on a stool by the island to have my breakfast. I pick on my eggs and bacon while I read a novel, After by Anna Todd. I spend most of my time reading and listening to music, aside from going to the gym and running my business. I work from home for my parents so it's not such a big deal. I finish up my breakfast and place the dishes in the dishwasher as I make one last check to ensure my outfit is okay before I leave. I'm a perfectionist and I love it. Although sometimes I can be a careless idiot.

"Bye mum, " I say as I grab my keys and head out the door.

"Bye honey! Drive safe," I hear her say as I close the door behind me.

Looking up into the bright sky, I inhale deeply, taking in the fresh morning air. I was never a morning person neither a natural person. I prefer to sleep during the days and work at night in the dark cool. The darkness has always been my happy place. My mom says it's not good, but I feel safe and happy in the dark. I feel at home.

Hopping into my car, I rev the engine of my brand-new Lamborghini Aventador and turn up the music to blast as I race down the roads of Manchester Avenue. I'm supposed to pick up some paperwork from the office, so I head there before school. Usually, I'd leave it for the afternoon, but I have a meeting with the staff at Luxe right after my last class today, so I won't get the time. Then I'm supposed to meet up with a friend for dinner to discuss our next business venture.

Pulling up in the parking lot outside Queen's publishing, I notice that there's a strange car parked in my usual parking spot. Being the daughter of the owner has some advantages, like having your own parking spot. It makes it easier for me to stop by quickly and grab my work, so I won't be late for anything if necessary but today well some idiot took it.

"Who's this fool?" I mutter to myself as I pull into the spot right next to mine. I'm greeted by everyone as I march up to my father's office.

"Good morning, Ms. Knight," his secretary says as I approach her desk.

"Morning, Sasha. Where's padre?"

"He's in his office. He..."

"Thanks, Sasha," I say before she could continue and walk down the hall to his office. She has a habit of talking unnecessarily sometimes and I don't like talkative people.

I walk into my dad's office expecting to see him at his desk hard at work, but instead, I'm stunned out of my mind at the sight in front of me. I take a step back, bumping into the door and causing him to lift his head and look at me. Our eyes met and my anger boil. Turning around, I run through the door and straight to my car as I hear him calling after me to stop.

When safely in my car I felt tears roll down my cheek and the sudden urge, scratch that, NEED to punch something raised in me, the need to hurt someone or something.

I used to think my father was the ideal man, only to come face to face with the demons of my dreams. He disgusts me and made me ashamed to call him my own father. How could he do this? How could he do this to us? How could he do this to mum? Why is life so fucked up? Why are people so fucked up?

I remember the first time I found out what he did. I will never forget that day. I was 10 years old, 2 days before my 11th birthday when I found my mother crying on the floor of the bathroom with her wrists bleeding. By the time they got her to the hospital, she had lost so much blood and she fainted. Earlier I had overheard her and padre quarreling about some woman. They were saying very mean things to each other and she was telling him to go to some woman and then he left slamming the front door. I realized she was talking about him having another woman.

After he left, I went into the room to comfort my mum but instead I found her in their bathroom bleeding. When she got back home, she had explained what happened to me and I remember feeling the hatred and anger build up in me. The same feeling of hatred and anger building up in me right now. He had promised us that he won't be like that again and my mum, blinded by her love for him, continued to believe him. I, however, never trusted him or anyone again, just like he thought of me.

It makes me sick to even think about him at this moment. I've never felt such anger and hatred before, and I know this isn't healthy, but I couldn't contain it. I had tried all these years to think of him as a better man, but he proved today that he's not.


Hey guys. Well, what do you think she saw?

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