
One Night With The Alpha

Preview Into the book; Today I turned 19 and I decided to do something, crazy. I was still a virgin so going with my crazy idea seems like a fitting piece in the puzzle in my still great but boring life. I know what you're thinking but don't judge after all I had nothing to lose except my sanity. Why did I choose to lose my virginity to some random guy? What the hell was I thinking? I was thinking about all these things when I walked into the bar. I looked around but none of the men in the bar stood out. They were all either too old or too unattractive to grip my attention. I was beginning to think it was a waste coming to the bar up until he walked in. Everything about him was sexy. I smirked a little as my eyes zoomed in on his butt. I watched as he found a seat. " Target acquired. " I say under my breath. Being a little discreet I went to the table opposite where he was sitting. Once I was seated both of our eyes met and it was as If everyone in the bar disappeared and it was just me and him. His heated gaze stayed on me and I had to force myself to look away from him. " Pure Alpha male" I murmured to myself as I tried to catch my breath. I was aroused and all he did was look at me. It's clear that I want him. Gesturing with one finger he calls to me. I slowly got up and walked over to his table. Once I was close enough he says, " Join me. " I nod, smile, and then I sit down next to him. His scent immediately draws me in, he smelled amazing. I lean into him without even noticing that I did. " Can I get you something to drink? " He offers and I nod unable to form a coherent word in my mind. " What would you like? " He asked looking at me. Mesmerized by his eyes I said the first thing that came to mind. " Surprise me. " His lips tugged up into a smile it was clear he liked my answer. He bought me a shot of whiskey and honestly it was my favorite drink. I used to steal a little from Dad growing up. Smiling at the memory I shot down the whiskey.

HaveSomeFaith · Fantasy
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Today I turned 19 and I decided to do something, crazy. I was still a virgin so going with my crazy idea seems like a fitting piece in the puzzle in my still great but boring life. I know what you're thinking but don't judge after all I had nothing to lose except my sanity. Why did I choose to lose my virginity to some random guy? What the hell was I thinking? I was thinking about all these things when I walked into the bar. I looked around but none of the men in the bar stood out. They were all either too old or too unattractive to grip my attention. I was beginning to think it was a waste coming to the bar up until he walked in. Everything about him screams sexy. I smirked a little as my eyes zoomed in on his butt. I watched as he found a seat.

" Target acquired. "

I say under my breath.

Being a little discreet I went to the table opposite where he was sitting. Once I was seated both of our eyes met and it was as If everyone in the bar disappeared and it was just me and him. His heated gaze stayed on me and I had to force myself to look away from him.

" Pure Alpha male"

I murmured to myself as I tried to catch my breath.

I was aroused and all he did was look at me. It's clear that I want him. Gesturing with one finger he calls to me. I slowly got up and walked over to his table. Once I was close enough he says,

" Join me. "

I nod, smile, and then I sit down next to him. His scent immediately draws me in, he smelled amazing. I lean into him without even noticing that I did.

" Can I get you something to drink? "

He offers and I nod unable to form a coherent word in my mind.

" What would you like? "

He asked looking at me. Mesmerized by his eyes I said the first thing that came to mind.

" Surprise me. "

His lips tugged up into a smile it was clear he liked my answer.

He bought me a shot of whiskey and honestly it was my favorite drink. I used to steal a little from Dad growing up. Smiling at the memory I shot down the whiskey. I started to feel the whiskey or was it him? I'm not sure but I leaned into him, even more, placing my head on his chest my fingers unbuttoning his shirt. When I couldn't access more buttons I got up and sat on his lap like how you would straddle a horse. I bite my lip as I looked at him, his eyes zoomed in on my lips and a small whimper left my lips.

" Let's get out of here. "

He suggested and I nod, as he got up I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked out the bar I stuck my head in the crook of his neck. Once we were outside he headed straight for a black SUV.

" Drive. "

He said ordering someone before he locked lips with me.

" Where to? "

Someone asked causing to growl and let go of my lips.

" Home. "

He says to whoever it was. He then reclaimed my lips causing my core to become even more heated.

" I want you. " I say in a shaky breath.

He stops the kiss and pulls away to look at me to say,

"You'll have me, soon I just don't want to take you in the back of an SUV. "

Regretfully I shake my head. He was right we had all night. I tried calming my breathing but nothing worked. I was to aroused and I needed to cool down. When he noticed that I was having difficulty calming down he looked at me and started a conversation.

" What's your name kitten? "

He asked raising my chin to look at him.

" Arabella," I say around a frustrated whimper.

A smile crossed his face instantly.

" I'm Caleb. "

He says introducing himself. In frustration, I moved up and his member wanting it inside me. I never felt this way before. He seemed to like what I'm doing because he pulled in a sharp breath and held my waist still.

" If you don't stop what you're doing kitten I'll take you right here and now. "

He says nibbling at my lips when they formed a pout. When I looked in his eyes they were both dark with need. I didn't know how long it has been but the vehicle stopped and someone came to open the door.

" We're here Alpha, you're home. "