
One night with Mr. Billionaire

ANNOUNCEMENT: Before you start reading, go through the content,that is, the chapters I have uploaded. Some chapters have been tagged “ DO NOT READ”. Please skip those chapter and do not unlock them. Thank you. Do you realize you just played with fire?” He asked in a deadly tone but Maya was too drunk to know what was going on. “Yh, and I loved the heat.” She replied drunkenly, wrapping her hands around his neck. “You’re going to regret this when you sober up,” he said, trying to peel her off him but she pouted and shook her head like a five year old whiles settling on his lap more comfortably. At least, comfortable for her not him because he was having a hard time controlling his little guy down there. “I need you to show me all the fire you possess, handsome,” she says before giving him a chaste kiss on his lips. “Was that supposed to be a kiss?” He asked with furrowed brows. “Uh...huh,” she nodded with a smile. “Lemme show you how it’s properly done,” he said pulling her chin closer and claiming her lips fully. ———- “The divorce papers will be here soon, make sure you sign them,” Damian said bitterly, without sparing her a second glance. Maya’s mouth opened and closed but no words came out. This came as a pure shock to her. She wanted to pinch herself so hard to wake up from this nightmare. Is this the same man she got married to? Is he the same person who swore his undying love for her? The one who promised to be by her side no matter what? The one who swore to trust her no matter what? “I thought you said you trusted me,” Maya said, her voice coming out in a whisper. “Where did all that disappear to?” “I did Maya.....” “Maya? So it’s Maya now?” Maya cut him off. He had never called her by her biological name ever since they got married. It was always ‘wife’. So what happened now? “It’s no more wife?” She said a drop of tear rolled down her left cheek. “I can’t be married to a murderer,” Damian said coldly and Maya’s already broken heart shattered into pieces. It felt as if her heart had been ripped out. She just wanted to fall on her knees and shout till her lungs hurt. “I’m a murderer now? Is that what you call me?” Maya asked, pain evident in her voice. “That’s what you are,” Damian yelled making her flinch. “I won’t explain anything to you again Damian,” Maya chuckled sadly. “But the day my innocence is proven, this is a promise I’m making to you Damian. I’ll walk out of your life just like you’re doing now and I won’t come back again,” Maya said determination filled her voice. “I’ll wait for that day,” Damian said coldly and turned to leave. The tears Maya had fought so hard rolled down her cheeks as she stared at his retreating back,this was the man she had given her all to. The man she fell blindly in love with and this is how he pays her back??? Filled with an unknown but strong determination, Maya decides to do whatever it takes to prove her innocence even if it means getting help from an unlikely source. **** Maya’s world came crushing when she finds her fiancé in bed with another woman. Out of sadness, she goes to a bar that same evening to drink her sorrows away. What happens when an out of control drunk Maya ends up on the laps of a cold hearted CEO. A dark night, series of misunderstandings, a contract, what happens after she sobers up and realizes what mess she has gotten into. Will she succeed in thawing the cold CEO and make him a bit soft and gentle? He tasted her and now he feels addicted. If her lips and innocent kiss could make him feel this way then what if he went further? What would happen to him if he crossed the forbidden gates. He’s been with a lot of women but no one has made him feel this way. He feel the walls he has built around him crack and his stone cold heart thaws whenever he’s with her. He wants her and would do anything to to have her and make her his. ****** BOOK COVER OR IMAGE ISN’T MINE. CREDIT GOES TO GOOGLE.

Aishat_isd · Urban
Not enough ratings
111 Chs

Chapter Ten:

Maya heaved a sigh as soon as Damian disappeared. He didn't say anything about her being downstairs so that meant the maids in charge we're not in trouble.

'Thank goodness, I don't want another person getting shot because of me," she mumbled. She picked up the remote of the giant T.V that was sitting in front of her and soon she was browsing through channels looking for something to watch. After browsing through serious of channels she felt bored and turned it off. Just when she was about to drop the remote, the cover page of the newspaper caught her eye.

"CEO OF TRUTH ENTERPRISES ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT TO AMANDA AMANDA." She read with her eyes wide. Alfred and Maya are engaged? So this was their plan all along. She always knew Amanda and her mother were up to something but to do this to her? Tears blurred her vision as her father cold words hit her again. She had herself countless times not to cry because they didn't deserve her tears. None of them, including her father.

She should be mad at her father. He broke his promise to her mother. He told her he was always going to take care of and love their only daughter yet he chose a stranger over her and disowned her as well. He has even gone to the extent of getting his other daughter engaged to Maya's ex-boyfriend. She stared at how bright their smiles were and wondered if her dad thought about her sometimes. If he wondered where she was and how she was surviving.

Maya didn't know she was crying until a drop of tear fell on the paper she was holding. She sniffed and wiped the tears off her eyes.

"Don't cry it's all right," she told herself and was a lot calmer after that. She dropped the newspaper on the table and went to the kitchen to get some water.

"I hope she isn't like Madam Amber," Maya overheard one of the maids saying.

'She? Was she referring to her? And who is Amber? Why are they hoping she wasn't like Amber?"

"I don't think so. I can a vast difference in attitude between the two. Can't you see the way she stood up for the poor guard last time? Amber would never do that,"the other maid said. Hearing that, Maya was convinced the two were talking about her. Now her main question was who Amber was and why did they speak so badly of her.

"What if she just pretending? Remember Amber was so sweet when she first came here," the first maid scoffed.

"I don't think she's like Amber. She's so different and I think the boss is beginning to fall in love with her," hearing this made Maya choke on her saliva. She coughed loudly, startling the two maids who didn't notice her.

"Ma.....madam is every thing alright?" The one with the dark brown hair said feeling embarrassed.

"I just came to get water," Maya said hitting her chest slightly.

"You should have called us," the brunette quickly said faking a smile.

"Why? It's just water. I don't want anyone treating me like a princess or something, besides you ladies have done so much for me and I don't want to stress you," Maya smiled sweetly instantly making any doubts they had about her disappear into thin air.

She opened the fridge and poured a glass of water, finishing the glass instantly. She cleaned the glass and placed it clown carefully and just when she was about to leave, she heard Ron's voice.

"The boss hasn't eaten anything since yesterday and..."

"Why?" Maya asked with a deep frown. Ron smiled sweetly and turned his attention from the maids to her. "Yes ma'am the only thing Damian has been taking since yesterday was red wine. He doesn't listen to anyone," Ron smiled hoping Maya would do something about his bosses stubborn nature. He had seen how he immediately obliged when she wanted to clean his wounds. "Maybe this woman will change the boss back to the lively person I knew."


Ron was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't hear the series of questions Maya had asked until he heard Damian's voice from the intercom.

"I'll talk to you later ma'am," Ron said and quickly left.

"What food does Damian like and what is he allergic to?" Maya asked the two maids whiles leaning in the counter.

"He has no allergies," one of them answered.

"Ok then, I'm going to start cook,"Maya said, picking up an apron. The maids quickly stopped her when she was about to put it on.

"Boss is going to kill us when he walk in to meet you cooking," the maid said with a pleading look.

"It'll be fine. I won't let him do anything to you. How have some rest, I'll do the cooking," Maya smiled and the maids reluctantly left the kitchen.

All alone in the kitchen, Maya laid out the needed ingredients she was going to use which included, potatoes, olive oil, red onion and garlic and started her mission of preparing stuffed sweet potatoes.

Minutes later she was done with the stuffed potatoes so she set out to frying chicken wings.

Damian was talking to Ron when he heard a knock. A naughty smirk played on Ron lips instantly making Damian looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Are you up to something?" Damian asked but Ron just shook his head.

"Come in," Damian said his eyes never leaving Ron's.

Maya walked in with a tray filled with food, a glass of orange juice and water.

"I made this for you," Maya said putting the food on Damian desk.

"I didn't asked for food," Damian said coldly making Maya frown.

"A little appreciation will be appreciated," She replied and Ron laughed. Damian shot him a glare and Ron quickly run out.

"So are you going to eat?" Maya asked folding her arms across her chest.

"No. I don't have time for this. I have important stuff to take care of," Damian replied, pulling out a file from his drawer.

"Work can wait, eat first," Maya said snatching the file from him. "You've been drinking wine for a day and...you're acting like a kid," Maya said rolling her eyes.

Damian instantly grabbed her wrist, locking eyes with her, he hissed:

"Say That Again."

Maya gulped in fear as she looked into his eyes. She knew she had pissed him off and he could blow her brains out any moment but she didn't want to back down.

"Eat," she said letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "The food is waiting," she added freeing herself from his grip.

"Fine, I'll eat," Damian said with a sly smirk.

"Good for you," Maya faked a smile.

"If....you agree to feed me and give me a massage later in the evening," Damian smirked.

"Too bad I'm not doing any of that," Maya said, her fake smile still plastered on her lips.

"Well, take your tray with you," Damian said turning his attention back to his file.

Maya looked at Damian and some part of her just wanted to slap the annoyance out of him. She knew how stubborn he was and he wouldn't rest until he got what he wanted so though she didn't want to, she decided to feed him.

She reluctantly picked up the spoon and scooped some potatoes.

"I knew you'd come around," Damian smirked. Maya fed him silently and thankfully Damian didn't make it difficult for her. He would occasionally request for juice and water, whiles he read through his files.

Jut then the door crew open and a loud:

"Grandson." Was heard through the door. Maya stared at the old man in confusion while Damian wore a slight frown.

Damian: Gosh this old man is going to create problems for me. Why didn’t he even call before coming? Don’t get me wrong, I love my grandpa.

Ok so I would really urge you to add this book to your library.

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4. Tell Maya I love her

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