
One night with Mr. Billionaire

ANNOUNCEMENT: Before you start reading, go through the content,that is, the chapters I have uploaded. Some chapters have been tagged “ DO NOT READ”. Please skip those chapter and do not unlock them. Thank you. Do you realize you just played with fire?” He asked in a deadly tone but Maya was too drunk to know what was going on. “Yh, and I loved the heat.” She replied drunkenly, wrapping her hands around his neck. “You’re going to regret this when you sober up,” he said, trying to peel her off him but she pouted and shook her head like a five year old whiles settling on his lap more comfortably. At least, comfortable for her not him because he was having a hard time controlling his little guy down there. “I need you to show me all the fire you possess, handsome,” she says before giving him a chaste kiss on his lips. “Was that supposed to be a kiss?” He asked with furrowed brows. “Uh...huh,” she nodded with a smile. “Lemme show you how it’s properly done,” he said pulling her chin closer and claiming her lips fully. ———- “The divorce papers will be here soon, make sure you sign them,” Damian said bitterly, without sparing her a second glance. Maya’s mouth opened and closed but no words came out. This came as a pure shock to her. She wanted to pinch herself so hard to wake up from this nightmare. Is this the same man she got married to? Is he the same person who swore his undying love for her? The one who promised to be by her side no matter what? The one who swore to trust her no matter what? “I thought you said you trusted me,” Maya said, her voice coming out in a whisper. “Where did all that disappear to?” “I did Maya.....” “Maya? So it’s Maya now?” Maya cut him off. He had never called her by her biological name ever since they got married. It was always ‘wife’. So what happened now? “It’s no more wife?” She said a drop of tear rolled down her left cheek. “I can’t be married to a murderer,” Damian said coldly and Maya’s already broken heart shattered into pieces. It felt as if her heart had been ripped out. She just wanted to fall on her knees and shout till her lungs hurt. “I’m a murderer now? Is that what you call me?” Maya asked, pain evident in her voice. “That’s what you are,” Damian yelled making her flinch. “I won’t explain anything to you again Damian,” Maya chuckled sadly. “But the day my innocence is proven, this is a promise I’m making to you Damian. I’ll walk out of your life just like you’re doing now and I won’t come back again,” Maya said determination filled her voice. “I’ll wait for that day,” Damian said coldly and turned to leave. The tears Maya had fought so hard rolled down her cheeks as she stared at his retreating back,this was the man she had given her all to. The man she fell blindly in love with and this is how he pays her back??? Filled with an unknown but strong determination, Maya decides to do whatever it takes to prove her innocence even if it means getting help from an unlikely source. **** Maya’s world came crushing when she finds her fiancé in bed with another woman. Out of sadness, she goes to a bar that same evening to drink her sorrows away. What happens when an out of control drunk Maya ends up on the laps of a cold hearted CEO. A dark night, series of misunderstandings, a contract, what happens after she sobers up and realizes what mess she has gotten into. Will she succeed in thawing the cold CEO and make him a bit soft and gentle? He tasted her and now he feels addicted. If her lips and innocent kiss could make him feel this way then what if he went further? What would happen to him if he crossed the forbidden gates. He’s been with a lot of women but no one has made him feel this way. He feel the walls he has built around him crack and his stone cold heart thaws whenever he’s with her. He wants her and would do anything to to have her and make her his. ****** BOOK COVER OR IMAGE ISN’T MINE. CREDIT GOES TO GOOGLE.

Aishat_isd · Urban
Not enough ratings
118 Chs

Chapter Sixteen:

"So now that you know I'm right, tell me what you're hiding," the old man pulled Damian out of thoughts. Damian sighed and sat on his desk.

"Grandpa I....I think I'm in love," he said searching for an unknown something in the old man's eyes.

"I knew it," Master Dan grinned. "So why don't you tell her?" Master Dan suggested.

Damian let out a sigh and shook his head.

"What if she doesn't feel the same way? That means I will lose her and I don't want that to happen," Damian said and Master Dan chuckled.

"I thought I raised you to take risks and always get what you want," he said and a faint smile played on Damian's lips.

"This is about love grandpa."

"Are you trying to say I know nothing about love?"

"Not really," Damian shrugged with a teasing smile.

"And Maya is going through a really tough time right now," Damian said, his smile suddenly disappearing.

"She never told me," Master Dan said.

"Her fiancé cheated on her with another woman the night before their wedding or so..."

"That bastard doesn't know what he lost," the old man scoffed. "And that shouldn't be your headache right now son, you need to win her love as soon as possible," Master Dan said with a smile.

Before Damian could say another word, his phone rang. It was Ron calling him and Damian frowned before accepting the call.

"Sir Amber has been spotted in town. I think she's with Oliver." Ron said immediate his boss answered.

"You think? What have I told you about confirming something before telling me?" Damian said sending shivers down Ron's spine.

Ron knew he was supposed to get used to his boss's ways but something he couldn't help himself. Even on phone, Damian still found a way to instill fear into him. 'I really hope Madam Maya melts his stone cold heart'

"Did you hear me?" Damian's voice echoed through the phone bring Ron back to the present.

'He was saying something? How long has he been talking? Oh God, I'm screwed. I didn't hear a thing," Ron gulped in fear because Damian wouldn't repeat whatever he said and it was up to Ron to figure out what instructions he had been given.

"S...s.....Sorry Sir.The line wasn't quite clear so I didn't hear....."

"I said follow her and find out what she is up to and make sure to report everything to me ASAP," Damian said, clearly it pleased that he had to repeat himself.

"Ok sir."

The call immediately ended and Ron let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. 'That goodness that worked, else I'd be so dead right now,' Ron thought before driving away.


Master Dan and Damian walked back to the living room after their talk to meet a sleeping figure in the couch.

"How long were we in there?" Master Dan whispered, not wanting to wake her up.

Without a word, Damian walked to her and carefully carried her bridal way.

MasterFan followed closely behind him and help with pushing the buttons on the elevator. The door opened and Damian stepped in followed by Master Dan. The elevator ride was a quiet one, the only sound that could be heard was Maya soft breathing which sounded like a soothing music to Damian ears. He could be like this all day without worrying.

The door stainless steel door of the elevator opened as soon as they reached their destination and they all walked out, Damian first them Master Dan.

"I'll see you later son," Master Dan said and walked to his room.

As quietly as he could be Damian walked inside his room and gently placed placed Maya in the bed. She groaned slight and snuggled close to him, making her hair get tangled in his left cufflink.

"Shoot!" He cussed as he bent a little with the fear of hurting her or waking her.

He tried several ways in an attempt to untangle her hair but failed miserably so he had no choice but to removed his cufflink. He found it easier to untangle her hair this way.

Maya's eyes suddenly flew open and she gasped in at how close Damian's face was close to her.

"What are you doing?" She whispered, trying to sit up. Their foreheads collided and Damian stood up immediately. Maya sat up and placed her palms on her racing chest.

"You....you fell asleep on the couch so I brought you inside. But then you hair got caught up in my cufflink....." Damian said moving to the bed to pick the diamond item up.

"See?" He held it up in the air.

"Oh.....I.....am sorry," Maya said forcing a smile.

"It's fine, go back to sleep," Damian said pressing his lips in a thin line.

"I don't think I can sleep again," Maya chuckled.

"Can I take you out tonight?" Damian suddenly asked shocking himself to the core.

'Stupid me!' He scolded himself inwardly.

"Yeah, sure."

"Huh?" Damian asked. He couldn't believe she had just agreed. 'Or I'm just daydreaming?"

"I said I would like to go out with you tonight," Maya smiled brightly.

"Ohh...okay so be ready at 7:30. I'll pick you up after I finish with some work," Damian said and walked out.

Once alone, Maya pulled out her new phone out of her pocket and smiled as she turned it on. She logged into her instagram account and was greeted by a thousand messages from her best friend. Maya didn't know how to reply to all those messages so she decided to have a video call with Maddie instead.

"Oh my goodness, where have you been?" Maddie's asked as soon as her face appeared on the screen. "And what is this I'm hearing about Alfred and Amanda being engaged. That witch stole him from you didn't she? Awwwn, you must be heartbroken," Maddie kept speaking without giving Maya the chance to speak.

"Maddie, can you let me talk?" Maya whisper-yelled.

"Ok. My bad! Go on," Maddie giggled.

"Ok so here's what happened..."

Maddie listened attentively as Maya told her all that happened and her jaw dropped to the ground. She couldn't believe all this happened within a short period of time and she just wished she could break Alfred nose. 'But who said she couldn't? She was back in town now and she could teach Alfred a good lesson for messing with her friend,' Maddie thought with a mischievous smirk.

"Maddie," Maya voice pulled her out of thoughts.

"I know there's something going on in that mind of yours but please don't do anything stupid," Maya warned but Maddie just chuckled.

"That son of bitch deserves whatever is coming to him," Maddie smirked.

"Maddie let it be. Beside.....I'm also getting married to....."

"What?! So soon? What the hell is going on here?" Maddie yelled cutting Maya off. "I think we need to meet in person to talk about all this so why don't we meet at our usual spot?" Maddie suggested.

"Uhhh.....I have some things to take care of so let me call you back," Maya said and hang up knowing very well that Damian wouldn't allow her to leave the house. She decided to call and ask for his permission.

Just then, the door flew open and Damian appeared.

"I....." they both spoke at once.

"Ok go first," Maya said and Damian nodded.

"I have called our family's beautician and she'll be here soon to help you get ready for tonight."

"Oh ok, that's....cool," Maya shrugged.

"What do you have for me?" Damian asked.

"My best friend is in town and I was wondering...."

"Yeah, you can go see her," Damian agreed before she could complete her sentence.

"Really?" Maya's face lit up.

"Yeah. The driver will drive you there and bring you home after you're done," Damian said.

"Yay.....thank you so much," Maya squealed in excitement and rushed to hug him.

Damian and Maya: Uhhhhhhh....... What just happened?????

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