
Interrupted Death

As I took my last breath and waited for death to come it never did, looking up at the surface of the lake I could see the beautiful blue, full moon, I smiled, my eyes swollen from the water. Closing my eyes I began to float to the bottom, the last air bubble rising out of my lungs, but before I could do anything else, the warmth of someone else's arms pulled me up and I blacked out.

Waking up in a big, fancy room my vision was blurry but I was able to make out a few things in the room. Trying to walk out of the room I stumbled and was able to make no more than a few feet from the bed, a warm hand was placed around my stomach, then I was placed right back on the bed, rubbing my left eye trying to get rid of the sticky and scratchy substance that had been placed over my eye, but in the process I was stopped and told, "don't rub your eye I'll take the bandage off." as the figure slowly started taking off the bandage my vision returned and tears began to fill my eyes, " M-mike is that you??"