
One Night Stand With The Mafia's Daughter

How could a one-night stand turn into something more? Meet Li Ruolan, an ordinary girl who works multiple jobs just to provide for herself. Her parents both died in a car crash resulting in her being an orphan. She's a 3rd-year college student who's doing well in her school. But what will happen if one day, someone came and ruin her life? Or, makes her life better?

Quinn_Blite · LGBT+
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49 Chs

Meeting The Fiancee

Marriage is a big decision, and Roulan isn't ready for it. She doesn't even see herself getting married at this age.

All she knew was that she'd have fun at university, graduate, find a job, and finally find someone she'd spend her life with.

Also, at this age, she's broke and wouldn't want to see her loved one suffer because she couldn't make ends meet.

But all she knew about this person, of whom she wasn't sure who it was and who would probably be someone in their late 20s who looked a little groggy, was that they were rich.

Heck, considering she already met the father—well, her future father-in-law—she could only imagine the image of his daughter and Roulan's face twitching into one of the most disgusted expressions she could create.

But that would be impossible since Shihong doesn't look that bad himself and seemed to be a bit narcissistic when she first met him.

Roulan sighs before looking at the box lying on her couch. Someone aggressively knocked on her door earlier and delivered the box, saying that would be her outfit.

She sighs before opening the box, seeing a black cloth inside.

"Ok, I'll be wearing black, so great."

Roulan smiles widely, seeing the color she loves as she picks up the cloth, which is later identified as a long coat.

She nodded before putting it away, seeing another black cloth that was identified as a turtleneck sweater.

She shrugs and continues to rummage through the box, grabbing everything out in a few more minutes before laying all the clothes in front of her.

As she finishes, she takes a final look at it and smiles widely at the outcome of the outfit.

Like what was said earlier, the outfit consists of a long black coat and a black turtleneck sweater for the top that is paired with a silver chain necklace.

At the bottom, Shihong is kind enough to give her a set of belts that might look great with the black-fitted trousers and another silver chain for design purposes.

Shihong didn't forget about the shoes, as she was given black boots that complimented her black-on-black outfit.

Overall, she'll give it a five out of five with the watch, which is also provided by Shihong himself.

"Not bad for someone at that age and style of outfit."

Roulan said, giggling upon remembering the colorful suit Shihong once wore when they met.

She shakes her head before going inside the bathroom, getting herself ready for the most unexpected decision she has ever made as she feels threatened.


The ride towards the restaurant was nerve-racking for Roulan. She couldn't help but want to open the car's door and jump out to escape.

She also keeps thinking about what could have happened that evening. Is it going to be alright? Will she be alive in the morning? What shall she say to her fiancee?

Wait, why is she even thinking about what to say to her fiancee?

She just wanted to be civil to her if they ever got married. She didn't want to suffer at the hands of someone she barely knew.

Who knows, the woman might have wicked plans in her mind to torture Roulan in their marriage life.

Wait, why is she even marrying the woman? It's not like she got her pregnant, because that would be impossible; they're both girls.

Though Roulan would love to have her child come from another woman,

Roulan felt the car stop, and the guy in the passenger seat walked out to open her door.

She sighs before walking out of the car, seeing a familiar restaurant in front of her.

She shrugs her shoulders, shaking off the impossible idea she got in her mind before she was about to walk inside when the guy from earlier called her attention.


Roulan looks at her back, confused as to why the man stopped her.

He walks towards her and grabs something from his pocket before presenting it to Roulan, bowing in the process.

"Master would love for you to take this and give it to the young mistress, Young Master."

Roulan flinches at his words. Wait, the man already ordered his employees to respect her!?

And she's even called "Young Master," as if she were the man in the relationship.

Wait, could it be that she will be the man in the relationship? The woman is probably too girly to stand up like a man in a relationship.

Or it could be that the woman is too submissive to be someone who stands like a man in the relationship.

Either way, Roulan didn't protest, as she mostly likes to be the "man" in the relationship.

Roulan looks at his hands before grabbing the red velvety box from him as she bows down a little, to which he replies with a more profound bow.

"Go inside now, Young Master; the Master and Young Mistress are waiting for you."

He said this, bowing for one last time before walking towards the car, which quickly drove away.

Roulan sighed before looking at the box, opening it a little to see the ring Roulan and Shihong bought yesterday.


Yanmei and her father reached the restaurant in no time, and upon looking at it, Yanmei couldn't help but feel a little agitated at the memories flooding her mind.

"Why would we need to go to this restaurant?"

She spoke, her father looking at her before he walked out and opened her door, making the girl walk out of the car and look at her father, waiting for his answer.

Shihong didn't do anything but smile widely, not wanting to answer his daughter's question.

"Just wait."

"Dad, this restaurant caused my mood to go down yesterday."

"Oh, honey, it'll go up today, I promise."

He said this, grinning widely, causing his eyes to turn crescent as he proudly showed his pearly-white teeth.

Yanmei scoffs before walking away from her father, holding tightly onto her purse as Shihong orders his men to drive away before walking behind his daughter.

"I hate this place."

"What? I thought this was your favorite spot."

Yanmei looks at her father before scoffing, crossing her arms as the employees bow to show them respect.

"Not anymore."

"Rejection may be hard, but this place is great, and you'll change your mind later on."

Shihong looks at his daughter before patting her back and walking forward toward the reserved area.

Yanmei stomps her feet before groaning and glaring at her father's back.

"Did he seriously ask someone to follow me and know my situation so he could arrange me with someone?"

She scoffs before walking towards their table; seeing her father grinning makes her blood boil in anger.

"Princess, you should walk like a lady."

"Dad, I don't care who that person might be, but I won't agree to date that person."

Shihong looks behind her back, seeing the familiar kid walking towards their table with someone guiding her. Her face frowned upon seeing the familiar back of a girl before looking back at the man sitting in front.

The familiar kid shakes her head before standing just behind the girl, clearing her throat, causing the girl to look back and her mouth quickly drops to the ground.



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