
One Night Stand with a Stranger

In a dim, noisy, chaotic, and smoky place, Miguel first met a woman who made his heart beat faster. Back then, he was just looking for a companion because all of his friends had someone with them while having fun inside the bar, and he was the only one alone. So, he decided to walk around hoping to find someone. And while he was searching, he saw a woman in a red dress with a dahlia flower in her ear, dancing in the middle with men dancing alongside her. Until their eyes met, and he was captivated. And because of that moment, Miguel felt a strong electric shock and warmth in his body, making him instantly drawn to the woman. He didn't hesitate and quickly ran towards her, fearing she might end up with one of the men surrounding her. He didn't care about bumping into people as he passed by all he could think of was getting closer to the beautiful woman he saw. He successfully approached the stunning woman! But...another man seemed to be catching the attention of the beautiful woman, which made Miguel's blood boil. Seeing the man about to take advantage of the unaware woman, who seemed drunk and disoriented, made Miguel lose his temper. Without further ado, he delivered a solid punch that made the opportunistic man fall to the ground, resulting in a big brawl inside the bar. Luckily, Miguel was known in that bar, so some security guards quickly protected him and he managed to escape. Carrying the beautiful lady, they safely exited the bar. Feeling breathless as he reached his car, the woman he carried fell asleep, so he gently placed her in his luxurious car and left shortly after...

sunjaystories · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


**WARNING: 18+ MATURE CONTENT (RATED SPG Warning: Not suitable for young readers or sensitive minds. Contains graphic sex scenes, adult language, and situations intended for mature readers only!)**





I was in a state of extreme drunkenness, barely cognizant of my surroundings as I surrendered to the pulsating rhythm of the music. Strangers approached me, some joining in the dance while others attempted to touch me, but I paid little heed, lost in the euphoria of the moment.

Then, amidst the cacophony of the club, a deep voice whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I felt the warmth of his breath against my skin as his body pressed against mine from behind. His hands found their way to my waist, but in my intoxicated state, I brushed it off, continuing to sway to the music.

However, my blissful reverie was shattered when I felt his hand sliding down to my buttocks. Reacting instinctively, I forcefully pushed his hand away, my voice laced with fury as I confronted him.

"What the hell! Get the f*** off me!!"

Before I could comprehend the situation, chaos erupted. The man who had accosted me suddenly crumpled to the ground with a sickening crack, as if struck by a powerful blow. Confusion reigned as more individuals converged on the scene, igniting a violent altercation that engulfed the club.

Lost amidst the tumultuous brawl, I became enveloped in the throng of people, uncertain of what transpired in the chaotic aftermath.




As I watched from a distance, my fists clenched with anticipation as I witnessed a tall man approach Dahlia, his intentions clear as he reached out to touch her. Without hesitation, I delivered a powerful punch to his jaw, causing him to crumple to the ground with a resounding thud. The sudden act of violence triggered chaos within the bar, prompting a brawl to erupt among the patrons.

Thankfully, a bouncer swiftly intervened, shielding me from the escalating altercation and ensuring my safety amidst the frenzy. Amidst the tumult, my priority remained Dahlia, who I spotted sitting on the floor, visibly intoxicated and vulnerable. Without hesitation, I scooped her up onto my shoulder and made a beeline for the nearest exit, determined to get her to safety.

Outside the bar, I struggled to catch my breath as I balanced Dahlia's weight on my shoulder, hastily scanning the area for my parked car. With relief, I located it nearby and carefully placed her in the backseat, her inebriated state making the task more challenging than anticipated.

However, my attempt to discreetly handle the situation was thwarted when my friends, panting and bewildered from the chaotic scene inside, caught up to me. Aware of their prying eyes, I moved to block their view, but Vonn's sharp intuition caught on to my ruse.

"Wait, is that a girl?" Vonn inquired, attempting to peer past me.

Before I could deflect his questioning, Dale and Steven joined the fray, their curiosity piqued by Vonn's observation. As they uncovered Dahlia's presence in the car, their amusement was palpable, teasing me mercilessly about the predicament I found myself in.

Annoyed by their jests, I assured them that Dahlia was merely intoxicated and unharmed, dismissing their concerns with a wry smile. However, their banter persisted, with Vonn boasting about his conquests and teasing me about my unconventional choice of companion.

Defiant in my belief that Dahlia was special, I stood firm against their mockery, convinced that there was more to her than met the eye. Despite their skepticism, I remained steadfast in my conviction, unwilling to let Dahlia slip away unnoticed.

As my friends continued to rib me, their laughter echoing in the night air, I ushered Dahlia into the car and made a swift departure, eager to ensure her safety and privacy away from the prying eyes of my companions.

As I carried Dahlia into my condo, her weight was a tangible reminder of her vulnerability in her intoxicated state. Despite the physical strain, I was determined to ensure her safety and comfort, guiding her gently to my room and settling her onto my bed.

As she lay there, peacefully asleep, I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. Even in her current state, she exuded an undeniable allure that left me mesmerized. With a tender gaze, I admired her flawless features, marveling at the ethereal quality that seemed to emanate from her.

Noticing a fallen flower from her hair, I carefully retrieved it and placed it on my bedside table, its delicate petals a poignant symbol of her presence in my life, even if only for the moment.

"Dahlia," I whispered softly, the name rolling off my tongue like a cherished melody, a silent acknowledgment of the connection I felt to this enigmatic woman.

With a sigh, I turned my attention to my own disheveled state, realizing the need to cleanse myself of the lingering scents of smoke and alcohol. With determined steps, I made my way to the bathroom, eager to wash away the remnants of the chaotic night and prepare myself for the quiet solitude that awaited me.



**RATED SPG Warning: Not suitable for young readers or sensitive minds. Contains graphic sex scenes, adult language, and situations intended for mature readers only!**




Damn, my head is killing me...

When I opened my eyes, everything was spinning. I had to sit down until the dizziness passed.

Looking around, I realized I was in a fancy house. It was huge and immaculately clean, with a pleasant scent wafting through the air.

Wait, where am I? This place is so pristine, unlike our messy apartment... Oh my God, is this heaven?

Then, a strikingly handsome man appeared, wearing an unbuttoned white shirt. He exuded confidence, and his piercing blue eyes took my breath away. Is this what angels look like? I never imagined they'd be so... attractive.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. His six-pack abs were on full display, and I couldn't help but count each one in awe. It felt like a test from God himself, but I couldn't resist the temptation, especially when I noticed the bulge in his pants.

He caught me staring and flashed a smile, clearly pleased with my reaction. I blushed and looked away, but he gently turned my face back towards him.

"Enjoying the view, sweetheart? You look adorable when you blush," he said before leaning in to kiss me.

His lips sent electricity coursing through me, and I couldn't resist. I closed my eyes and surrendered to his kiss.

"I love your scent," he whispered against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His touch ignited a fire within me, and I moaned in pleasure.

"Can you stand?" he asked after kissing me, but I shook my head, still dizzy from the alcohol.

"I'm going to pleasure you," he declared, and despite my hesitation, I found myself unable to refuse. His seductive gaze drew me in as he spread my legs and began to explore.

The sensations were overwhelming as he pleasured me, and I couldn't help but moan loudly. But amidst the pleasure, a thought nagged at me.

"Wait, are we allowed to do this? Won't God punish us if he finds out?" I asked, but he brushed off my concerns.

"This is heaven, baby. Don't worry," he reassured me with a smile.

As he continued to pleasure me, I couldn't help but give in to the moment. But when he moved to take things further, I hesitated.

"It's my first time," I admitted, feeling nervous.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle. You won't regret this," he promised, his sincerity convincing me.

Laying down, I braced myself for what was to come. Despite the pain, I found pleasure in his touch, and soon, I was lost in ecstasy.


"Please be gentle with Pinky, okay? She is so precious. Don't let her get traumatized." He suddenly smiled.

"Wow, okay, Pinky. That was a good one. Don't worry, my guy Burrito is gentle; I know you will love him for sure." We both smiled and shook our heads.

And then I felt Burrito touching Pinky.

"Mmm..." I moaned with my eyes closed.

He teased it until he slowly entered. Sh*t! it hurt so much even at the tip. I bit my lip at the pain of his slow entry.

Until I screamed... "Ohh Fck!!" as he successfully penetrated my womanhood.

He continued thrusting in and out...

"Ahh… Aww…Mmm... Sht!!" I groaned because it was really painful, and I couldn't help but cry from the pain.

He suddenly stopped and wiped the tears from my eyes, kissing me on the lips, which somehow eased the pain.

"Let's do it again," I told him when the pain subsided.

He gave me a big smile and quickly thrust in and out of my womanhood.

F*ck! It still hurt, but gradually, it started feeling good, and I could feel Pinky getting wet...

"Ahh! Ahh yes, Miguel… Ohhh… Faster! Go faster!... Miguel," I screamed, gripping the bed.

" Wow, how did you find out my name?" he asks while moving up and down.

Then I pointed out at his graduation picture with his name under it.

But then, I just came to realize that this guy on top of me might not be a real angel. So, therefore, I am not dead too?! Holy cow! But sh*t he's getting faster and I can't resist the good feeling that I'm in right now.

" F*ck you, Miguel, f*ck you, Miguel!" I shouted in anger but also moaning at the same time.

And It lasted for about ten minutes until...

"Ahh… I'm about to cum… Ohh shit!... ahhh…". My eyes widened as the white liquid came out of me.

Miguel collapsed on top of me, both of us panting.

" F*ck, that was a good one." He said panting, then he smiled at me and hugged me.

And due to my extreme fatigue, I didn't realize that I had already fallen asleep.


Tomorrow morning...

I woke up to blinding light, and as I opened my eyes, the white surroundings greeted me once more.

"Oh, f*ck! I'm still here."

I quickly jolted awake, even pinching myself to ensure it wasn't a dream. Facing the mirror, I was shocked by my appearance. Clad in nothing but a long white shirt, I felt exposed and vulnerable.

A slight pain in my womanhood caught my attention. Upon inspection, I found no blood, but the soreness was undeniable. Tears welled up as I examined the changes.

"Damn it... I'm sorry, Pinky," I whispered, sitting on the bed, staring at my reflection.

Despite the soreness, Pinky still looked pretty, though not as tight as before.

As memories of the previous night flooded back, I scolded myself for giving in so easily.

Outside, I heard loud arguing and shouting. Unsure of the situation, I dressed quickly before stepping out of the room.

To my surprise, I found a woman and a man downstairs.

Wait?! That guy.

Their argument escalated, with the woman accusing the man, Miguel, of bringing me to the condo.

"See?! You're a f***ing liar!!! You even brought her here to the condo?!!" she yelled, punching Miguel, who staggered back.

Miguel's eyes met mine as I approached.

"Wait, Dhalia, where are you going? Don't leave me, please, let me explain," he pleaded tearfully.

But what he did was unforgivable. Without hesitation, I slapped his face, the sound echoing in the room.

"That's what you deserve! Liar!" I yelled, leaving them behind.

