
So be it.


The sound of water dropping alerted our protagonist here that somehow

she is still breathing.

She tried to open her eyes but were unable to find any of the strength necessary to do so,

it was after a while that she managed to do so.

'Where...am I? How..wait who am I?' a myriad of emotion assaulted her and it took a long while

for her to calm down and think rationally, her eyes widen a bit as she recalls her memory.

'Yes...Jeanne..my name..let's take a look around first.' Jeanne then proceed to look around but

pure emptiness can only be found.

'Not kidnapped..no one can survive an explosive point blank...is this where the dead rest eternally?

Not what I imagine...Oh well, an eternal rest does not sound so bad after what happened.'



Jeanne while being gagged and bound on a chair remains silent but no remorse could be found

within her eye, only indifferent. 'If I remember correctly, her name should be Lelia. She was the heiress

towards the Axel cooperation or should have been, she was disowned after she was arrested for the crimes of murder.'

"No words huh....just that silent stare still?..it was you...who was suppose to be arrested...IT WAS YOU NOT ME I SHOULD BE THE HEIRESS THE PRINCESS THE QUEEN...BUT NO...ALL BECAUSE OF YOU."

Lelia who was once an elegant and polite girl who was thought to be on par with Jeanne had now become a disfigured and skinny girl.

Jeanne simply stays silent. 'Hmm...I should hire a security team after this, I had managed to call the chief of police who is on my payroll, I estimate another 4 min for them to reach here.'

"You are probably thinking about how to escape from here...but you shall not....not this time. Your cousin had warned me of your troublesome connection and that is why I will end it right now."

Lelia's grin only gets even wider when she saw Jeanne losing her composure for the first time.

She then pulls out a grenade and pulls the pin out holding it tightly. "If I can't live well then neither should you!" Lelia's tone turns into a maniac and pounces towards Jeanne who had since closed her eye accepting the result.

Jeanne could only hear an explosive sound before everything turns black.

(End of Flashback.)

'So...a warning from my cousin towards her...heh...they aimed for my wealth yet they shall get nothing, good thing I had made my will in secret just in case something like this happens.'

Jeanne sign heavily, knowing this day would one day come and yet she could only hope it didn't but alas.

Jeanne then wanders through the endless void aimlessly hoping to forget what had happened.


After wandering for god knows how long, Jeanne decides to stop. It is time for her to enjoy a good long rest. As Jeanne wiggle around to make herself comfortable a voice suddenly reaches her ear.

"A mortal able to survive the endless void? How curious." The voice was very soothing and calm, it reminded Jeanne of a friendly auntie who always greeted her no matter her status."

Jeanne then immediately recall those reincarnation novels which she had always dream of back in her childhood.

The voice continues to speak regardless if Jeanne was listening or not. "Your soul is that of a higher tier than even high human of old...Interesting I shall...stop it...yes I can read your mind."

Jeanne immediately stops thinking about the various delicacy that she had eaten.

"So, let me guess, a wish?"

The voice immediately replies "Yes, it is not often that a mortal soul managed to somehow awaken me from my deep slumber, so speak of your wish and destination.

Jeanne first thought was immediately a system but then shake her head. She wanted freedom and the ability to do anything she wants, a system will not allow that. After thinking for a long while, she then decided on her wish.

"I wish to have the power of the force, unequaled in both prowess and control of it and it shall serve me as a loyal knight above others."

"Granted....oh if you want to rip a portal to another dimension of your...anime and stories, using the force, you could but remember to close it up after you enter, I shall send you to a random world shortly." After the voice finish speaking Jeanne could feel a strong connection, she could feel it's loyalty and love somehow, Jeanne deduced this must be the force and begun to familiarize herself with the force with the time left before she is sent to a new world soon.