
One Million Skill Points at the Start of One Piece

Ron, an ordinary student from the 21st century, has been surviving in the Pirate World for a year. One day, as he is being chased by navy soldiers, a point of light in his mind starts to flicker. This light represents a powerful system that has finally integrated into the world after a year of flickering. Ron is excited to have finally obtained a golden finger as a crosser. The system informs him that he has a hundred billion skill points waiting to be claimed. Ron collects them and learns that he can use them to upgrade any skill that he has learned. The skill points can be used to add points until the skill reaches full value. The only limitation is the host's learning ability. Ron checks his data panel and sees that he has billions of skill points left. He realizes that he has essentially infinite skill points and can use them as long as he can learn the skills.

Hopp · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


"Big, big, big sword???"

Grace spat out a few words with great difficulty, his eyes fixed on Ron, trying to get his exact answer.

"Hmmm!" Ron nodded calmly and didn't say anything more.

Grace heard the words, his lips trembled, and then he closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and it was difficult to calm his trembling state of mind.

Over there, the teenagers were stopped by Grace's drinking, and one by one they were still a little dazed.


What's going on?

The teacher obviously won, how could he have a solemn look, and also stopped himself and others from talking and admiring!

Well, the teacher must be humble, yes, it must be!

"Teacher, you've already won, what a humble thing!" A short and fat teenager couldn't help but say: "This guy is not your opponent at first glance, you can shoot, but it is already giving him face… "

"Shut up!" Grace sighed coldly, "You know what? I've just lost! "

"Huh? Losing, losing? "

"How can I lose?"

"Wouldn't you?"

The teenagers were stunned, and they couldn't see that the two of them had just made a move that Grace had lost.

"Mr. Ron, ignore these little guys!" How could Grace say that he was also a famous swordsman in Rogue Town, and the teenagers didn't have that eyesight, didn't he know it himself?

At the moment when the sword drawing technique was just shot, he slashed at Ron's arm holding the sword with a sword but was blocked by Ron with the sheath of the sword, and the terrifying power contained in the sheath completely cracked the drawing technique of his strongest blow, making his move fruitless.

Most importantly, at the moment of cracking the drawing technique, Ron's unsheathed blade gently clicked on his forehead, and at that time, the electric flint, except for himself, the teenagers present had no idea what was happening at that moment.

Grace had sweat on his forehead, this Ron looked like a teenager, but in fact, his swordplay had reached such a high and profound level.

It was too terrible, with his eyes, he could see at once that Ron's strength was definitely not only at the level of the Sword Hao but should have reached the level of the Great Sword Hao!

Great Sword Hao, is the name of the great swordsman whose strength and fame have reached the level of the four seas and even the great voyage.

Fame may be one thing, but strength is the most important thing, Ron, this seemingly young teenager, surprisingly, has reached this realm.

Oh my God, how old is he!??

Horror is like that, horror is like that!!!

The shock in Grace's heart was difficult to calm down, and the excitement that had just been hard to suppress surged again.

"Mr. Ron, though you are strong!" Grace looked up suddenly, and his already indifferent face suddenly became very excited: "But I still have a two-sword flow sword technique, and I want to ask you for the advice!" Please don't hesitate to teach! "

Ron's face was calm, even with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Oh? Yes, the competition between swordsmen is very normal, make a move! "

"Please, Mr. Ron, be careful!" Grace said in a deep voice, although he now knew that he could not defeat Ron when he encountered such a powerful sword master, he was not willing to let go of the opportunity to ask for advice, he wanted to try it, he went all out, to what extent, he wanted to know how far away he was from the Great Sword Hao!

And the teenagers in the Kendo Hall next to them looked stunned at the moment, what did they hear?

Did they actually hear the powerful Teacher Grace pleading?

Teacher Grace wants to ask the young man in front of him for swordplay and ask for guidance.

Hey, hey, hey…

Didn't you turn it back?

This is not right, this situation is not right!

The teenagers are a little confused!

"Mr. Ron, please take the move, two knives flow, two blades!" Grace pulled out another long sword from his waist, with two swords in his hand, Grace's momentum was sharper than before, and with a broken drink, his figure had already rushed towards Ron, two long knives in his hand, as dazzling as the silver moon under the night of two knives.

Ron moved out of the corner of his eye, feeling the breath on Grace's body, it turned out that this Grace was not the best at drawing the sword, but the second knife flow, was not bad!




Ron no longer despised his opponent, he himself was a swordsman, and he still had to give some respect to Grace, a swordsman who was going all out, so he drew his sword and was ready to use thirty percent of his strength to deal with Grace's attack, instead of not even sheathing his sword just now.

Ron Ghost came out of its sheath, and a sword groan sounded like a cloud dragon flying in the air, roaring in the sky, and the sword qi soared into the sky, shaking the entire town of Logue!

After two subsequent clangs, the two long knives in Grace's hand flew out and slammed into the ground not far away.

Looking at his empty hands, Grace was shocked, and the teenagers who watched were also shocked!

If they hadn't seen it clearly before, then now, their foreheads still hadn't seen clearly, but they had seen the result, and the result was that Teacher Grace's double knife had fallen out, and Ron, with a click, slowly sheathed the ghost in his hand, his face was still calm and indifferent, and even the corners of his mouth still had a gentle smile.

"I, lose!" Grace said calmly, and then bowed deeply to Ron, "Mr. Ron is powerful and worthy of the name of the Great Swordsman!" Grace is convinced! "

"Lose, lose…

"The teacher lost?"


Ron smiled slightly, stepped forward to support Grace's bowed body, and said gently: "Mr. Grace, please don't be polite, although the strength of the juniors has reached the level of the Great Sword Lord, there are still many people who do not understand swordplay, and I hope that Mr. Grace will not hesitate to point out to me!" "

"This… Me, where am I qualified to direct Mr. Ron! Grace said with a somewhat dim face, he was really hit today, such a young teenager, actually has the strength of the Great Sword Hao, and his old swordsman who has studied kendo for decades is still one hundred and eighteen thousand miles away from the Great Sword Hao, how can he be qualified to guide such a strong man?

"Mr. Grace is very kind!" Ron said calmly, "I have a lot of admiration for Mr. Grace's sword drawing skills and two-sword flow sword skills, and I don't know if Mr. Grace is willing to abide by the agreement just made and teach me these two sword skills?" "

"Oh, Mr. Ron, it is the honor of our kendo hall to teach me these two sword skills, and it is also the honor of my Grace, Mr. Ron, please come into the house and speak!" Grace led Ron into the house, leaving the Kendo Hall boys, who were still sluggish and unable to return to God, standing silly in the courtyard.

At the same time, the town of Rogue, the naval base, and several admirals who were proficient in seeing it suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of the kendo hall, and the soaring sword qi just now made their hearts feel something, and all of them trembled.