
One Million Skill Points at the Start of One Piece

Ron, an ordinary student from the 21st century, has been surviving in the Pirate World for a year. One day, as he is being chased by navy soldiers, a point of light in his mind starts to flicker. This light represents a powerful system that has finally integrated into the world after a year of flickering. Ron is excited to have finally obtained a golden finger as a crosser. The system informs him that he has a hundred billion skill points waiting to be claimed. Ron collects them and learns that he can use them to upgrade any skill that he has learned. The skill points can be used to add points until the skill reaches full value. The only limitation is the host's learning ability. Ron checks his data panel and sees that he has billions of skill points left. He realizes that he has essentially infinite skill points and can use them as long as he can learn the skills.

Hopp · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


"Huh? Speaking of the first generation of ghost Che, this top-notch, there are only twelve supreme fast knives in the world, I don't know where casting skills can be learned! "

Ron suddenly remembered, Ma Egg, Yu He was looking for those famous knives everywhere, it was better to cast them himself, as long as he learned the casting skills, and instantly added the casting skills to the full level, what the first ghost thorough, what supreme big fast knife, he can directly give it mass production!

Thinking of this, Ron was suddenly happy, he was still a little unaccustomed to Goldfinger!

So, while casually carrying three generations of ghosts, Ron was wandering around the town of Rogue, where One Piece lived when he was a child, and not long after, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Kendokan… Well, this kendo hall seems to be somewhat famous in Rogue Town, and the curator inside seems to be a famous swordsman in the East China Sea! Ron touched his chin, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, thinking that this kendo hall would not disappoint him.

Ron stepped into the Kendo Hall, where some thirteen- and fourteen-year-old teenagers were sweating and wielding wooden swords in their hands.



Standing in front of a group of teenagers was a stout middle-aged man with two real swords pinned around his waist, the man with a cold face, calmly watching the Daoist students doing their daily homework.

"Huh?" The middle-aged man suddenly looked moved and skimmed the door of the Taoist hall, he saw Ron slowly walk in, and skimmed glanced at the famous knife that Ron was carrying in his hand, the middle-aged man's eyes narrowed slightly, but did not move, and continued to supervise the cultivation of the students.

Ron smiled slightly, did not speak, but quietly watched the cultivation of the teenagers from the side.

A year ago, when he first came to the pirate world, during the difficult and difficult period of his life, he secretly peeked at others practicing kendo, hid with a wooden stick as a long sword, and continued to cultivate, and finally, even his hands were broken.

During a peek, the old man who taught the children in the village to practice kendo found that the old man silently gave him a wooden sword, turned away, and did not say that he would accept him to cultivate together, but he did not drive away the person who peeked at the cultivation every day, so after the other children started for half a month, it took him more than three months to start the basic sword cultivation.

Subsequently, the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment came, after a robbery, the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment did not kill the killer, but spared the lives of the villagers, in order to become stronger, Ron joined the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment, not only him, but also some villagers and teenagers also joined the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment or the Navy, Ron was to become stronger for himself, and the village teenagers were to protect the village.

"Alas, the past is hard to look back on!" Ron shook his head, dispelling the memories in his mind, and then stood with his sword in his arms and looked at the kendo hall with a faint smile.

"Hard, haven't you eaten?" Suddenly, the indifferent middle-aged man stopped drinking, and even took a step forward, kicking down a weak teenager who was breathing heavily: "Is such a weak hand also worthy of holding a knife?" Do you still want to become a sword hero just because of this? Bite off more than one can chew! "


The weak teenager grinned, and although he was kicked, he did not feel too much pain, he knew that the teacher did not exert force, otherwise, with the strength of the first sword the teacher Rogue Town, he could definitely kick himself to death at will.

"Get me up and continue cultivating!" The indifferent man snorted.

The weak teenager got up and continued to cultivate.

After a while, the indifferent man nodded and said, "Okay, I'll get here first in this morning's class, and you will retreat to the side first!" "

"Yes, teacher!" The teenagers stepped aside, gasping for breath and resting while also looking curiously at Ron, the uninvited guest.

"Hey, what do you say this man is here for?"

"Don't know? It seems to be standing next to it just now! "

"Did you also come to worship your teacher and want to learn kendo?"

"Well, I think it's very likely!" A tall young man with a glint in his eyes looked at the indifferent middle-aged man and whispered, "Our teacher is the most powerful swordsman in Rogue Town, and it is normal for kendo masters from other places to come and ask about swordplay!" "

"Haha yes, the teacher is a famous swordplay master!" This guy came all the way to ask the teacher for guidance on swordplay, and that was very, very likely! The other teenagers smiled, and one by one they were also a little excited in their hearts, after all, the stronger the teacher who taught them kendo, the higher their future achievements might be, thinking of this, the teenagers suddenly looked at Ron standing proudly with their swords, and an invisible sense of superiority suddenly appeared.

"This gentleman!"

The indifferent middle-aged man walked two steps in his clogs and came to three meters in front of Ron, this position, just now he was in the strongest position in the power of his sword drawing, and the middle-aged man naturally stopped in this position.

"Did you come to our kendo gym for anything?"

Ron smiled slightly and said politely, "I heard that Mr. Grace is a member of the Rogue Town Kendo Family, and the junior Ron has come to ask for advice, and I hope that Mr. Grace will not hesitate to point out!" "

"Ask me for advice. Point? The indifferent man's heart moved, and the cold glint in his eyes flashed and he carefully took a large number of Ron.