
One Like No Other

surviving airplane crash in the middle of the storm, Rick found himself in another world. it is a different, yet somehow have a semblance of earth. trapped with no way back to earth, heart broken and desperate, Rick tried to rebuild himself into someone new. he will face difficulty, challenged beyond his limit, but in the end of the day he will do anything. he will be the One Like No Other

Northsouth · Fantasy
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- Chimera Body Cultivation Arts Volume 1

the Cultivation Arts for human to wield the power of the beast. unlike a tamer that let their beast fight while giving command from behind, Chimera Body Arts allow the practitioner to become the beast itself. as the practitioner skill and control increase, the user will be able to combine power from more than one beast. taking all the advantage of their ability while removing the disadvantage from them.

now user may choose your main body! -

voice appear in Rick head. explainin an arts that somehow already exist in his head.

Chimera Body? choose main body? what?

then the voice continue.

- available forms for Chimera Body Cultivation Arts

Predator Form

Prey From

practitionermay choose the form -

' i need to talk to Gunda ' Rick thought.

in hurry he clean up his body and get dress then soon after he run at top speed to Gunda's house.

it take hours to reach Gunda's house. but by the time Rick arrive there, he can't even think how tired he is after running for so long.

"GUNDA I NEED YOUR HELP! " Rick shout.

"what happen! " Gunda response by suddenly arrive at Rick side. he arrive so fast Rick got knock back by the wind pressure he create.

after sometime and Rick has already standing on his feet again, he begin to explain the voice he heard and how it tell him about arts and form.

"Chimera Body Arts, i never heard about that before. are you it is the right name? " ask Gunda.

"yes i am sure. it is in my head and i can remember it clearly. what should i do? "

"relax Rick. there is nothing gonna happen until you make a decision.

we know for sure that this Chimera Body Arts is your Cultivation arts that we have been waiting for. you just panic and surprised because it happen so suddenly.

i suggest you to go back home and take your time to explore about it. try to dig into your memory and find all the explanation you can get.

everything is in your head already. you just need a little digging in there. " ensured Gunda.

"you think so? but what if i cannot dig deeper into my memory? Rick asked again.

" just do it while meditating. it will help.

now go! i will be waiting for your story about the arts! " said Gunda as he push Rick gently to go out and back home.

unsure about how to proceed, Rick decide to go back home and try anything that comes to mind later. its not like this will be his first time doing meditation.

- available forms for Chimera Body Cultivation Arts

Predator Form

Prey From

practitioner may choose the form -

the sound in Rick head is heard once again, like urging him to choose from the option that it gives.

'let's do it while meditating then.' Rick think.

as he finally arrive at home, Rick didn't immediately go to meditation but take his time to calm his mind by cleaning the house first. Rick never have this habit but somehow now he enjoy it quite much.

after he is done cleaning his house, and after some more reminder from the sound in his head, Rick finally go to meditation and try to inquiry further about his option.

'i want explaination about the forms given to me' Rick try to think.

at first there is nothing. no response from the voice or idea like situation popping in his head. but Rick take his time and try to find the answer as if he already know it and just trying to remember it.

then after what feels like an hour later, the answer pop into his head like an understanding.

- Predator Form will allow the practitioner to take the shape of Predator Beast like Tiger, Lion, Fox, Eagle, and so on. The advantage of this form is the practitioner will have an extra edge to kill their opponent.

Prey Form will allow the practitioner to take the shape of Prey Beast like Deer, Cow, Buffalo, Squirrel, and so on. the advantage of this form is the practitioner will have an extra edge to survive and defend itself against opponent. -

' a predator with extra attack power or a prey with extra defense and survivability. interesting. but i need to inquiry more.' Rick think.

'i want to know the progression of the arts. what will i get after i learn the arts more.'

- until stage 10 practitioner can only be able to take form based on a single beast.

after stage 10 there will be specific benchmark and requirement to increase the number of beast added to practitioner body, that in the end will turn the practitioner body to resemble a chimera. -

' so i have to stay in one form for the whole stage level then i will need to clear some task and mission for extra power. that sounds fair but also slow. ' Rick think in contemplation.

Rick don't need to ask for more as he think the question is enough for him. he still need an arts technique to become a cultivator, and now that he have one he will not waste it by doubting it.

the problem now is about form. he likes extra damage but somehow feel that defense and survivability is as much if not more important than attack. Rick put the decision in hold and then decided to take some rest. he already meditating long enough and know that to access the knowledge didn't require as much focus as when he is meditating.

as Rick have some food for himself, he still think about the forms. both choices is enticing and he seems to wish to have both at the same time.

after Rick done with his food and clean up, Rick go back to his room and finally have a decision.

' i will take the predator form '

- the predator form available given to practitioner by heaven is as follow :

- Lion Form

- Tiger Form

- Eagle Form

Practitioner may choose the form they wish to learn. -

'now that is tiring. a choice after a choice. ' Rick think.