
One Like No Other

surviving airplane crash in the middle of the storm, Rick found himself in another world. it is a different, yet somehow have a semblance of earth. trapped with no way back to earth, heart broken and desperate, Rick tried to rebuild himself into someone new. he will face difficulty, challenged beyond his limit, but in the end of the day he will do anything. he will be the One Like No Other

Northsouth · Fantasy
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14 Chs

ep 6 learning

the house is just 1 story house that is quite wide and made entirely of wood. then there is some empty space that is quite wide before reaching thick wooden wall and a pair of heavy door.

Rick and Gunka take a tour inside the house Gunda made. there are living room, some sleeping room, kitchen with table to eat, training hall with some gym equipment, and several empty room with a platform in the middle.

after admiring the house for a bit, Rick and Gunka go back outside to where Gunda wait for them.

"Rick can stay here from today. the house still need some stuff but at least you will have somewhere to go back to. "

"now for your training, we will start the training tomorrow morning at the first light so be ready else i will shake that house until you are thrown out" explain Gunda.

"now i will leave you here to settle. Gunka you coming? "

"no dad i will stay with Rick here. he may need something from the village and need me to guide him" said Gunka refusing his father invitation.

"ok then, get home soon because you still need to train. " said Gunda as he dissapear from his location.

after that Rick and Gunka spend the rest of the day to list the things Rick need for his new home and buy it with Gunka, with using Gunka money. Gunka will still feel bitter about this for years later.


the next morning, early morning

Gunda already stand ready on the opening in front of Rick's house, waiting for Rick to come out of his house. luckily Rick got out soon so Gunda don't need to wait for long.

" today we will start your training.

the training you do will be separated into two parts. the first will be inner power awakening, which will be done by doing meditation for now. the second part will be physical awakening, which will be done by doing many kind of physical training including weapon training.

when you finally ready to start your journey as a cultivator, the universe will give you the sign. the sign will be like being sent to dark empty space where you will be given the knowledge about Cultivation Arts. but it can be different, so do anticipate for such situation. " explain Gunda.

"now let's start with meditation.. " then Gunda explain about how to do the right meditation and what to expect from it.

"try to imagine something like a core inside your body. it can feels like a burning fire or frozen ice, so keep your imagination active and focus. "

Rick sit on lotus position. his eyes closed and his mind trying to create and image of a core, spherical object that will fit in the middle of his chest. after having a clear image of a glass sphere called core, Rick focus his mind to feel inside his chest where the core suppose to be located while also keeping the image of his core.

suddenly Rick feels like he forget about the concept of time and appear in a void space. his body floating away with nothing to orient himself. Rick cannot move his body or feel it. he just float.

then suddenly a transparent glass sphere appear in front of him. it is not too big, just as big as his fist. it float in front of Rick and stay still. Rick feel curious about it. he remember that he suppose to cultivate his inner power and create his core.

is this his core?

why is it transparent?

what should i do with it?

then a voice is heard in Rick ears.

"imagine your core start absorbing energy outside."

absorbing energy? from outside? which outside?

Rick somehow forget that he is a human being and currently in the middle of meditation, his awareness is dulled and he can only understand what in front of him.

then an idea appear in Rick mind. like a sponge that can absorb water, the core can absorb energy. so maybe outside is water and his core supposed to absorb it. so Rick will his core to absorb anything that is outside into his core.

back to the real world.

Rick who is sitting in lotus position is creating a phenomenon. the air is twisting with Rick at the center. anything withing the radius of 10 meter is dragged away by the small hurricane. as time goes, the hurricane goes faster. so fast that Rick body started to levitated while the ground beneath him got pulled up.

Gunda seen with with awe and respect.

there is only a few person who can create such phenomena when they doing meditation. the requirement is so difficult but the result will also be very amazing.

such phenomena can only be achieved by a person who have a very high talent for cultivating, and hold himself from cultivation for long enough until his body is already at the level of cultivator. the body will then become like someone who lost in the dessert, so thirsty and hungry that they will drink and eat anything edible they can find.

so far Rick already absorb energy from wind element, rock element, and tree element. but Gunda believe he also absorb fire element from sunlight and water element from vapor in the air that is invisible from human eyes.

back to Rick inner world.

Rick is happy that his core is filling fast with energy. as second passed, his small core is filled more and more. until finally it become full and started to glow. Rick can see a halo appear around his core.

then something happen to the core. the halo around Rick's core slowly become solid until it finally become a new core. one that is bigger than the one inside.


the smaller glass core shatter so suddenly. but the energy within it remain while the core begin to absorb new energy, slowly this time.

and like being sucked into a black hole from behind, Rick Consciousness is jolted and he awake from meditation.