
One Like No Other

surviving airplane crash in the middle of the storm, Rick found himself in another world. it is a different, yet somehow have a semblance of earth. trapped with no way back to earth, heart broken and desperate, Rick tried to rebuild himself into someone new. he will face difficulty, challenged beyond his limit, but in the end of the day he will do anything. he will be the One Like No Other

Northsouth · Fantasy
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14 Chs

ep 11 lion

a muscular young lion named Muscled Prairie Lion.

the name sounds lazy but it did describe the major property it have.

'this muscle bro lion can slap me and I'll become less than squashed fruit. worst I'll be as squishy as jelly fish if i ever get hit. ' Rick thought.

"okay i will take this lion, but i will need some preparation first. " Rick said to Gunda.

"sure! here let me help you a little. " Gunda said as he make a circular moves with his palm.

a black circle appear and Gunda put his hand in it. after doing something like trying to pick an item from a box, he take out a dagger. then he take out armor, boots, reinforced gloves, and a few pieces of paper.

"Gunda, what are you.. "

"i am just excited Rick. it not every day i see a young man have to almost literally kill himself for power. and even better, you are forced to do it else you will not grow. and your arts also very unique, like no one else ever have. " said Gunda as he take out some more item, half of it is food and drinks.

"is this bad habit of yours? " Rick said as he watch Gunda reaction carefully.

"hmm maybe not, i don't know. i just like to see someone trying so hard. " Gunda said as he shrug his body.

then Rick goes picking up armors and boots provided by Gunda. he also pick a four dagger, a short blade and spiked knuckle. then Rick take some food, to Gunda displease, but cannot do anything because he wished for a good fight and Rick said he cannot fight better with empty stomach.

fully prepared with equipments and weapon, Rick feels like he goes back to his time as assassin. but this time his target is huge lion with ability to kill him with a swipe.

'feels bad to go back to the old times, but it is needed. just one last time' Rick thought.

"good luck" said Gunda as he goes further away from Rick and take a good sit with some snack beside him.

'here i go'

Rick begin to approach the lion as stealthy as possible by crawling on the grassy ground. moving slow to make as few noise as possible, Rick only going faster when wind blow hard enough to make rustling sound on the grass.

after about ten minutes of careful crawling, Rick finally close enough to engage. taking out two daggers, both closely identical to each other in size, Rick wait for a blow of wind that goes to the lion direction then throw both daggers at the same time.

with enhanced physical ability thanks to his core and his skills, both daggers stab the lion back even before the lion recognize his smell and consider him a threat.

roaring painfully, the lion rise up and turn back to face Rick who remain crawling. due to the lion position that is lower in the curve, it cannot see Rick right away. but the lion know where the attack come from so it begin running to that direction.

thumping sound of the lion heavy step become the clue for Rick to count the distance between him and the lion.

'this lion sure is heavy. that muscle is no joke. '

counting the distance, Rick rolling to the side at the very last moment while drawing his short blade and slash to the lion front leg.

the slash manage to cut but the force of lion movement along with its mass make Rick unable to hold his short blade for longer and have to let it go.

hurriedly standing up, Rick prepare himself as the lion turn back and charge at him. even with wounded front left leg, the lion looks like it doesn't feel any pain and charge with madness.

drawing his last two dagger, Rick jump back at the same time as the lion jump on him while throwing one of his dagger to the lion chest. the dagger stabbed nicely and blood dripping from the wound.

rolling back hard toward the curve, Rick can still see the lion chase after him. as he reach the bottom of the curve, he push away and jump back in time to avoid the lion's claw swipe.

roaring in anger the lion keep on charging at Rick while he push all his muscle on his leg to jump as far as he can. until Rick suddenly make a ninety degree turn and quickly reach the lion side and stab his last dagger to the lion back foot.

now wounded on its back, chest, back leg and front leg, the lion become wary for Rick and limply going circle around him. Rick use this time to wear his last weapon, the spiked knuckle, and use his battle stance.

'i wound it enough to restrain its movement and with the weapon remain embedded on its body, the wound will not closing anytime soon. this is the prime time for direct combat. ' Rick thought.

seeing Rick wearing his spiked knuckle, the lion become agitate and decide to activate his full ability. all this time the lion only see Rick as a naughty prey and decide to entertain him. but not it got a lot of wound, but it also begin to see its own demise in Rick hand.

'time for round two' said Rick in his mind.