

Hey guys (and gals if I'm lucky enough to have some of the fancier sex reading this novel), here is a bit of some basic information about this novel, how everything works on WN (the site you are reading on), and general information that you may or may not know so far.


Minimum: 1 chapter a day, 1k+ words

Average I aim at (and, for the most part, manage to keep up) 2 chapters a day, 1k+ words each

Release rate whenever I have a better day: 3 chapters a day, 1k+ words each

- If a chapter turns out to be super long (for example, 1800-1900 words), I might end up doing 1 chapter in a said day instead of two.

Chapters for reader's engagement:

So far I do not have anything of that sort planned. But the more the novel grows, the more inclined I will be to consider it. In case it ever happens, there is a chance You guys will be able to:

Vote with power-stones to get more chapters

Help the novel climb win-win ranking to get more chapters

Participate in events organized by the site itself to get more chapters.

There might be some occasional mass releases or unannounced bonus chapters.

Now, for the less pleasant part.

As of 16.12.2021, this novel turns into a premium novel. That means, once you reach chapter 55, any further chapter will be locked behind a paywall. In order to read those chapters, you have basically 2(3) options:

- Use your Fast Passes - they are basically tokens provided by Webnovel that grant you the opportunity to unlock a premium chapter completely free of charge. They can be obtained by fulfilling daily missions on your account. Keep in mind, chapters unlocked by Fast Passes do not contribute to the novel AT ALL.

- Use your bonus coins - Those can be obtained by participating in contests, events or by unlocking a membership. In essence, those are coins that WN will reward you for doing all sorts of stuff. Most often than not, though, you will need to spend real money on real coins first to be given some of the bonus coins (In addition to the real ones). For example, using money to participate in various gacha events, buying paid coins in bulk, etc. Just like with Fast Passes, to the author and Webnovel itself, those are basically worthless.

- Use your paid coins - this is the real currency that the webnovel operates at. Unlocking chapters of the novel with them actually supports both the author and the site, allowing me to pour more passion and energy into this novel. Those can be obtained ONLY by purchasing them through the site. Contrary to all the other means, those coins DO contribute to the novel.

Now, the hot potato. Privilege.

What is privilege?

- Its a system Webnovel came up with, to allow more passionate readers to support their chosen authors even further, in return, receiving the right to read the chapters in advance.

Let's imagine a situation where a novel has 50 chapters and 2 chapters release rate. Then one day, an author comes and drops 20 chapters (hidden behind privilege). What does that mean?

Normal readers (those who do not unlock priv) will still be able to enjoy the novel at the normal pace of 2 chapters a day. For them, the drop of 20 chapters could not happen at all.

But those who decide to get themselves a privilege, they will be able to unlock those chapters RIGHT AWAY!

WARNING: A privilege last a FULL CALENDAR MONTH. Not 30 days, not 31 days, but a calendar month. That's why I HIGHLY ADVISE everyone interested in getting one, to wait till the new month begins before actually unlocking the priv. In this way, you will get the most value out of it.

Additionally, because of how WN currently operates, getting privilege is the best and most direct way to support the author and the novel. Its the number of priv chapters unlocked that decides the allocation of the feature slots (visibility to the novel) and helps WN decide which novels are worth promotion (as such, making them more viable for proper development) and which are not.

That's why, as long as you believe its within your means to engage with the privileged content, I would be more than thankful if you did <3< p>

How are the chapters prized?

This is a common question that I believe only those new to webnovel might not know the answer to. As to avoid any misunderstanding, here is a simple truth:

I do not decide the cost of the chapter. I mean, not directly. The chapter costs always follow the formula of x words/200 and rounded up. In other words, for every 200 words, the chapter has, its price goes up by a single coin. A few examples:

- A chapter with 1337 words will cost 7 coins

- A chapter with 1420 coins will cost 8 coins

- A chapter with 1696 words will cost 9 coins

In other words, if there will be a costly chapter, don't blame me, blame the characters of the novel for taking too long to arrive at a cliffhangery resolution of it :D

Next chapter