
One Kick Man

Kenji, was finding a job while a monster came up to him and tried to kill him. Through sheer will he defeated the monster. After that incident, he oath to become a hero. Days later, he met a man while he was training, the two stared at each other and felt a spark. They felt that they have the same objective and the same circumstances. They later became best-friends but they didn't know that the strongest duo was born. Join Kenji and Saitama on their journey as the strongest duo. Can the world handle the two of them? Certainly not! I plan in following the canon but not too much though I'm just planning in putting the MC in the original story which makes it slightly different. -I don't own One Punch Man-

ConqueredSleep · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Death Battle

As soon as Kenji said those words, the burning monster punched him in the head. Luckily Kenji ducked and the punch didn't connect.

"Holy shit! I almost died there! If that punch connected then my head will burst like a watermelon and die!" Kenji screamed in his mind as he was in a squat position.

Before he can take a breather, the monster punched him again. Kenji side stepped and kicked the monster in the chest.

"Hot!" Kenji exclaimed as his foot was burned when he kicked the monster. Before he can put his foot down.

The monster punched his body as he flew 5 meters away and landed in a dumpster. He laid there like a dead fish.

"Goddamn! It freakin hurts like hell!" Kenji shouted as he tried to get up but failed miserably. He can't exert his strength to stand up.

His ribs was probably broken when the monster hit him.

The monster floated to where he was and opened its mouth as a heat beam was fired.

"Goddamit! Move!" as Kenji shouted at his body and rolled to the ground as he evaded the beam by a hair's breadth.

He was panting for air as he was feeling it was hard to breathe at his current state.

Kenji ran to the open area of the abandoned alleyway so he can dodge more efficiently. The monster opened its mouth. But Kenji already know what's going to happen as he rolled in the ground.

The heat beam missed him. But his consciousness was starting to falter.

"How the hell do I beat this thing! Wait!" Kenji realized. Fire?, he thought as he looked at the monster and the fire hydrant that was 6 meters away from him.

"That's it!" as Kenji formed a plan in his head. "Hey you monster! Come and get me you bastard!" Kenji screamed as he ran to the fire hydrant. As he shouted that the monster opened its mouth again to fire a heat beam.

But unfortunately you can't use the same technique all the time as he dodged.

"There!" Kenji screamed as he huffed, he was starting to lose consciousness right at this moment because of the all the pain.

The monster followed him as he punched to where Kenji is.

Kenji rolled and hid behind the fire hydrant. The monster hit the fire hydrant.

The water hit its face and the monster shrieked as its fire head was starting to lose its fire.

A fog was generated as the water evaporated as soon as it hit its head.

Kenji took this opportunity to grab the fire hydrant that the monster broke and dashed.

"ARRRGHHHH!!" Kenji shouted as he jumped and hit the monster's head with his fire hydrant.

The monster didn't have time to dodge as the fire hydrant struck its head. The monster fell to the ground but Kenji did not stop as he kept hitting the monster's head brutally.

Soon after, there was nothing left on the place where the monster's head was located.

"I won..." Kenji exclaimed weakly as he was starting to lose consciousness.

He hardened his willpower as he walked to his apartment. He was staggering as he walked but he did not give up.

Luckily no one saw him in this state. If they saw him they will think that he was struck by a truck or something and survived.

He opened his apartment's door and fainted on the ground.

3 days later, Kenji woke up from his slumber.

"What was I doing?" Kenji thought as his body was sore and his head hurts.

"Oh yeah I defeated that hideous monster." As Kenji finally remembered. He thought he was really going to die there. Luckily he formed a plan and defeated the monster.

"Hah... There's no use on thinking about that monster as long as I survived." As Kenji signed. He walked to his fridge and opened it.

Luckily he went to the grocery yesterday as there was eggs and some ingredients.

Kenji turned the stove on and put oil to the pan. As the pan was heating, he beat the egg on the bowl and put a pinch of salt.

As soon as he was done he placed the egg on the pan.

*sizzle sizzle*

Kenji waited for 30 seconds and flipped the egg and waited for another 30 seconds.

He turned off the stove and flipped the egg and put the egg in a plate.

He put some condiments and the omelet he made was now done.

He took his already cooked rice inside the rice cooker and took a huge amount of rice.

He placed it to his bowl and took both the plate and the bowl as he walked to the table.

"Itadakimasu! (Let's eat!)" Kenji then ate the food slowly. As he was eating, he remembered the little girl that he saved. And hoped that the parents found their daughter.

He clearly remembered the moment when the little girl shouted at him.

"YOU CAN DO IT MISTER! I BELIEVE IN YOU!" Kenji heart warmed as he thought of the little girl encouraging him. He was happy that there was someone who believed in him. His parents died when he was in the age of 20.

He was informed that a monster attacked their home when he was buying groceries for them.

He grieved as both of his parents passed away. He took their money and bought a new apartment it was small but it was fine for the depressed Kenji.

Kenji shook his head as he doesn't want to remember that memory. He continued to eat and while he was eating and remembered his dream when he was still a kid.

"Mom! I want to be a hero!" Little Kenji shouted to his mom about his dream. He was standing on the couch and he punched the air. After that he was tired and sat down.

"Sure dear, You can become a great hero one day." As a middle age woman resembling Kenji replied. Kenji really missed that smooth and mellow voice that calms him down everytime.

Little Kenji was jumping around in joy as soon as he heard what his mom said.

"I'll be the strongest hero mom! Just you wait!" Little Kenji shouted as his mom was smiling at him lovingly.

Kenji came back to reality and a small smile was placed on his face.

"A hero huh? Sure! I don't have a job anyway." Kenji said as he finished his meal.

"Gochisousama deshita! (Thank you for the food!)" Kenji stood up and placed his plate and bowl in the sink.

He turned the faucet on and washed the dishes. He put the dishes on a large container where plates and bowls can be kept.

"Alright let's do this!" Since Kenji was planning to be a hero. He wants to train since he know that he was still weak.

"How about 100 push ups and 100 sit ups first?" Kenji thought as he started his training.

Minutes later, Kenji was panting like a dog and his back was drenched in sweat.

"98 99... 100" Kenji laid on the ground as his arms and legs were sore.

He felt he was going to die as he was gasping for air. He didn't take a break in between and just did it.

He regretted his choice and was planning to give up. But he remembered the little girl and stood up.

He was having a hard time standing up but with his determination he stood up.

"Hah 100 hah squats hah and hah a 10 km run left. Kenji was panting like hell as he went to his fridge, took the water bottle inside and drank it.

He was refreshed when the cold water hit his throat. Kenji moaned in satisfaction and placed the water bottle back in the fridge.

"Ok! Let's do this!" Kenji shouted as he was going to train. And thus his hellish days began.