

He takes out his watch and points to my direction.



"Just pull it as i said."

"What if it breaks?"

"Exactly, you see as long me and you are pulling from different directions it will always break. The more you pull and the harder i pull the more tension is created at the center." At this point of time I don't want to ask him any other question . I just sit and listen.

" In this life we are taught on how to struggle. We are taught that the best way to survival is to fight against each other. It is like a game of rope. It is true that one side should win but the happens to the rope? It will only end up breaking. It just like politics where those pulling are the politicians and the rope is..."

"The citizens"

" On point"

" Come here," he is pointing in between is legs. I have a doubt about that but my body moves against me. As I sit I feel his body shiver in response. He pushes me closer to him and tucks my hair. The temperature between us is changing and I start to feel uneasy. To drive mind from the current situation I decide to continue with the discussion.

" Do you study Political Administration?"

" No I study this," he slightly breaths into my ear before biting it.

I almost moan in pleasure. My hands are sweating and I rub them in my denim jacket. Before I understand anything I am eagerly waiting for his touch.

" Stand up"

" Mmh"

" Give me your hand," he is already up and I follow him.He starts walking deeper into the forest.

" Twenty minutes"

" Stop counting I feel like am going to face a death sentence after this."

I chuckle, " Okay I stopped"

"Nice puppy"